Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2036 In fact, our kamikaze has obtained the Crystal of Eternity

Chapter 2036 In fact, we Kamikaze obtained millions of eternal crystals

"My Majesty, Shen Feng Feng Jiarong, has met the two royal masters."

That's right, the figure who entered the Zijin Treasure Hall again was none other than the leader of Kamikaze, the eldest prince of Kamikaze, Feng Jiarong.

"No gift."

Zi Wuji said: "Jiarong, you should know why we came to you again."

"I know, because of our kamikaze Tang Yi." Feng Jiarong nodded.

Why did he come? Feng Jiarong was not a fool, so how could he not know.

If not because of Tang Yi, who else could it be because of?

How could he, the great prince of Kamikaze, be summoned by the two royal lords?

This is simply not possible.

Therefore, it can only be because of Tang Yi's matter.

"It's good to know. Then tell me, what's going on with your Kamikaze Tang Yi? Is it true that he defeated the Phoenix Feather Thief with one person?"

Zi Wuji asked.

Although I have read the information, Tang Yi's strength has also been demonstrated.

However, Zi Wuji has not seen it with his own eyes whether the things in the information are true, so of course he wants to verify it.

Feng Jiarong nodded and reported: "Report to the Royal Lord, this is true. Tang Yi went to chase the Fengyu Heavenly Thief alone, and then all the way was the wreckage of the Fengyu Heavenly Thief's warship. At the location of the battle, more There are thousands of warship wrecks left in the mountains, and they look extremely shocking."

"Then it seems this is true."

Zi Wuji nodded and asked: "Then can you tell me about the journey of your divine wind in the Eternal Holy Land?"

Feng Jiarong thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

After a pause, Feng Jiarong said: "Actually, by chance, our kamikaze teleported directly to the Forbidden Land when we teleported into the Eternal Holy Land. That's why we found out that there is another Forbidden Place in the Eternal Holy Land. place.

After teleporting into the Forbidden Land, our kamikaze kept encountering high-level monsters. First there were monsters at the Holy Sect level, and then, there were monsters at the Holy Lord level. "

Hearing this, Zijin King Zi Wuji and Tianshui King Shui Tianwu couldn't help but look surprised. Zi Wuji asked: "Was a holy-level monster also killed by Tang Yi?"

Feng Jiarong nodded and said, "Yes. Killed instantly with one blow."

"Kill instantly with one hit!"


The two royal masters couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and were shocked.

Although they had seen Tang Yi's strength and had seen Tang Yi display his power, they could not help but be surprised when they heard Tang Yi was so ferocious.

It is not that the two kingdoms do not have saint-level experts. Whether it is the Tianshui Kingdom or the Zijin Kingdom, there are actually saint-level experts.

However, there are not many such strong men. They can be counted on one hand, and they belong to the top level of strong men!
  However, Tang Yi was able to kill such a being with one strike, which made the two royal masters not surprised.

Neither Zijin nor Tianshui has such a powerful existence.

Therefore, the two royal masters were very shocked when they heard Feng Jiarong's words.

However, just when the two royal masters were extremely surprised, Feng Jiarong continued: "After that, we continued to move forward and encountered another monster at the level of the Holy Emperor."

"A monster at the level of the Holy Emperor!" The two royal lords were astonished.

I never expected that the Eternal Holy Land would actually use Holy Emperor-level monsters!
  What’s more, I didn’t expect that the Kamikaze Principality would encounter a monster at the level of the Holy Emperor!
  Monsters at the Saint Emperor level were something their kingdom could not handle.

Only the strong men of the empire can deal with it.

If such a monster appeared in Zijin, it would be a disaster!

Unexpectedly, there is such a monster in the Eternal Holy Land!

Although the two royal lords had already learned from the Kamikaze warriors that there was a forbidden place in the Eternal Holy Land when they were testing their results, and there were high-level monsters in the forbidden place!

But I didn't expect that this high-level monster would reach such a high level, reaching the level of the Holy Emperor!

"Yes, a monster at the Holy Emperor level!"

Feng Jiarong nodded and said: "However, the Holy Emperor-level monster was killed by Tang Yi instantly the moment it encountered us, and it was a one-hit kill. It was so easy that Tang Yi didn't seem to have any chance at all. With no effort, this monster was eliminated."


The two royal lords were shocked again!

They had thought that Tang Yi had defeated the Holy Emperor Beast, but they had not thought that Tang Yi was the one who defeated the Holy Emperor Beast with one blow!
  This was beyond their expectations!
  How strong is this to achieve this level?

How strong is it to kill the Holy Emperor Beast in one blow?
  This is incredible.

No matter how receptive the two royal masters are, no matter how prepared they are, they still have to be surprised and shocked at this time!
  "In other words, Tang Yi's strength has at least reached the level of the Holy Emperor?" Zi Wuji said in surprise.

"It's not that it has reached the level of the Holy Emperor, but it has exceeded the level of the Holy Emperor. Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill a monster at the level of the Holy Emperor with one strike!" Shui Tianwu said.

"My dear, this Tang Yi is too strong. His talent is amazing. How old is he? If the information is correct, he is only seventeen years old this year, right? A seventeen-year-old Holy Emperor, this is too scary." Zi Wuji sighed. road.

"A seventeen-year-old Holy Emperor? I'm afraid a seventeen-year-old Holy God is possible! Tang Yi's talent is indeed unparalleled! Fortunately, fortunately, he is a warrior of your Zijin. If they were warriors of Hengqin, your Zijin and our Tianshui, I'm afraid something will happen." Shui Tianwu also sighed.

"Yes, fortunately, fortunately, Tang Yi is our Zijin warrior. It is really our Zijin's honor to have such a genius. No wonder, no wonder Kamikaze was able to obtain one hundred thousand eternal crystals. It turns out that this is the case, and he actually killed A monster at the Holy Emperor level.”

Zi Wuji also sighed.

At this time, Feng Jiarong said hesitantly: "Two royal masters, there is something I don't know whether I should say."

"It's okay. If you want to say it, just say it. If you don't want to say it, don't say it." Zi Wuji said, appearing extremely open-minded.

"Originally, I wasn't going to talk about this matter because it was too unbelievable, but I didn't want to deceive the two royal masters, so I still said it." Feng Jiarong said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Zi Wuji's curiosity was aroused.

"What our kamikaze actually obtained was not one hundred thousand eternal crystals, but..."

Feng Jiarong said astonishingly: "Instead, more than three million eternal crystals..."

With that said, Feng Jiarong waved his hand.


Countless eternal crystals swarmed out of his hands and piled up in the Purple Gold Treasure Hall.

Not long after, in the Purple Gold Treasure Hall, the Eternal Crystals were piled into a mountain, occupying a huge space.

The Zijin Treasure Hall is actually very spacious, but at this time it is filled with eternal crystals. The entire hall is full of shining eternal crystals!

(End of this chapter)

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