Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2037 Leaving the Zijin Capital

Chapter 2037 Leaving the Zijin Capital
  "One hundred... one million eternal crystals!"

The two royal masters were completely dumbfounded when they looked at the eternal crystals in the Purple Gold Treasure Palace.

Originally they thought Kamikaze had obtained one hundred thousand eternal crystals, which was powerful enough and enough.

It’s already a hundred times more than Tianshui’s top seed principality, Dongliang Principality!

However, now I know that it is nothing at all.

That’s just a drop in the ocean!

The Eternal Crystals that the Kamikaze Principality actually obtained were not just that, but millions of them!

However, that's not all. At this time, Feng Jiarong once again made a shocking statement, saying: "In fact, just by killing the monsters at the level of the Holy Emperor, you can't get so many eternal crystals. In fact, Tang Yi is killing After hunting down the Holy Emperor-level monsters, I found a palace, and the name of that palace was the Eternal Shrine. In the Eternal Shrine, there were as many Saint-Emperor-level monsters as there were! Moreover, the owner of the Shrine was also a A strong man at the level of the Holy God!"

"Eternal Palace!"

"Holy God level powerhouse!"

The two royal lords continued to be shocked, and their eyes widened at this time.

They didn't expect that the Eternal Holy Land actually has a temple!
  And there are actually as many Holy Emperor-level monsters in the palace as there are beasts!

I didn’t even expect that there was a Holy God-level existence in the Eternal Palace! !

  Be nice!

Holy God level!
  The pinnacle level of the Holy Order!
  The entire empire stands at the pinnacle of existence.

Such a being actually appeared in the Eternal Palace!

He actually appeared in the secret realm they chose, the Eternal Holy Land!
  This is a huge event!

So when they heard this, the two royal lords were shocked, more shocked than ever before.

While the two royal masters were still in shock, Feng Jiarong continued: "Didn't a principality team report that a thick layer of black ash was found in the forbidden place of the Eternal Holy Land? That is Tang Yi's masterpiece. . Tang Yi destroyed the Eternal Shrine and killed the owner of the Eternal Shrine, the Holy God-level powerhouse. The remains of the war were left behind! That thick layer of black ashes is the Eternal Shrine. The remains are the remains of those monster beasts in the temple."


"The Eternal Palace was actually destroyed!"

"Even a strong man at the Holy God level was killed by Tang Yi!"

Upon hearing the news, the two royal lords' eyes widened and their expressions became unbelievable.

Although they had listened to Tang Yi's N incredible things in succession, their immunity had become very high.

But at this time, I was still extremely surprised when I heard that Tang Yi had killed a powerful person at the Holy God level.

After all, that is the Holy God, the most powerful being in the empire, the one who stands at the pinnacle of the empire.

Even though they, the royal lords, need to look up to them, Tang Yi was actually able to kill such a person?

This is incredible.

At this time, the shock of the two royal masters was like a turbulent wave, one after another, and each time was more shocking than the last.

"I didn't expect that Tang Yi's strength had reached such a level that he could kill even a saint-level warrior!" Zi Wuji opened his mouth and said in amazement.

"Being able to kill a Holy God-level powerhouse means that Tang Yi has reached the Holy God level. Seventeen years old, a seventeen-year-old Holy God-level powerhouse is too scary. Tang Yi really created a first peace." Shui Tianwu also exclaimed.

After sighing, Shui Tianwu looked at Zi Wuji and asked: "Old Zi, this time Tang Yi can represent Zijin in the Imperial Road. You should really thank God. You have made a lot of money." "Yeah, it's really great." Fortunately, if Tang Yi is really a strong man at the Holy God level, then these things we just took out are nothing more than that to Tang Yi. Fortunately, he agreed. In addition, I am really glad that Tang Yi was born in our Zijin Kingdom , otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous." Zi Wuji nodded.

After sighing, Zi Wuji said: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I'd better hurry up to pick up Tang Yi's brothers, sisters and fiancée. Since I agreed to Tang Yi, and Tang Yi believes in us Zijin so much, then I must do my best.”


Shui Tianwu nodded and said: "Also, when you send people to pick them up, it's best to send your Zijin Saint-level experts to pick them up, so as to protect their safety. So, I will send them immediately. We, the powerful saints of Tianshui, will go together and try to protect them."

"Okay, then let's line up the powerful Saints to pick them up. We will try to deliver them safely to the capital of Zijin."

Zi Wuji nodded.

Hearing this, Feng Jiarong stood stunned and looked at Zi Wuji and Shui Tianwu in surprise.

Xin Dao, is it necessary? Tang Yi's family members are all in the Kamikaze Principality. Who in the Zijin Kingdom is so blind as to dare to attack the people of the Zijin Kingdom in the Zijin Kingdom?

Is it necessary to dispatch a saint-level powerhouse to pick up Tang Yi's family?

In addition, are saint-level experts so worthless now? In order to pick up a few people, they dispatched saint-level powerhouses?
  Could it be that a strong person of this level is not someone who protects a country? Isn't it a being who stays in seclusion all year round and never comes out unless absolutely necessary?
  Why are you sending them out so casually now?
  Moreover, the two royal masters need to send people together?
  Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

Feng Jiarong was stunned.

Of course, while being surprised, Feng Jiarong also saw how much the two princes Zijin and Tianshui valued Tang Yi.

It was because of their concern that they sent such a strong lineup to pick up Tang Yi's family.

Of course, can you ignore it?

Who wouldn't value a person who has the ability to kill a powerful person at the level of the Holy God?


Who wouldn't win over a terrifying existence like Tang Yi?

This is a big killer!

While it can bring prosperity to a kingdom, it can also destroy a kingdom, and it's easy!
  With a wave of your hand, I'm afraid the whole Zijin will cease to exist!

How could such a being not win over him? Who is not afraid?
  Of course you have to provide for her and coax her.

Therefore, it is no wonder that the two royal lords sent such a lineup to pick up Tang Yi's family.

If arrangements were made for Feng Jiarong, I'm afraid Feng Jiarong would also do the same.

Therefore, after being slightly surprised, Feng Jiarong felt relieved and felt that the two royal masters had done a good job.

On the other side, Tang Yi, who had already left, did not know the arrangements of Zi Wuji and others.

After leaving the Zijin Treasure Hall, he first went to Kamikaze's residence, gave some instructions to the Kamikaze warriors, and told them that he would be away for a while.

Afterwards, he summoned the Western United Warships and quickly left the capital of Zijin.

After leaving the Zijin Capital, Tang Yi landed in a mountain forest thousands of miles away from the Zijin Capital.

At this time, he put away the Western Union warship and went into the dense mountain forest alone.

After entering the mountain forest, Tang Yi found a deserted location and stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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