Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2042 The latest attribute panel, Tang Yi’s pride

Chapter 2042 The latest attribute panel, Tang Yi’s pride

Helmet: Helm of the Apocalypse (high-grade Holy Heaven level)
  Mask: Watcher's Mask (High Grade Holy Heaven Level)
  Armor: Holy armor (high grade holy heaven level)
  Cloak: Devil's Wings (middle grade Holy Heaven level)
  Armguards: Shadow Bracers of the Demon (high-grade Holy Heaven level)
  Gloves: Dragon King Gloves (high grade Holy Heaven level)
  Pants: Hanyue Pants (high-grade Holy Heaven level)
  Leggings: Neptune's Leggings (High Grade Holy Heaven Level)
  Shoes: Phoenix Feather Boots (high-grade Holy Heaven Level)

Except for the cloak, Tang Yi's current equipment is all at the upper level of the Holy Heaven level, and his strength has once again been greatly improved!

Through the major exchange of equipment, Tang Yi's strength has increased by at least hundreds or even a thousand times, making him even more powerful than before!

If it weren't for the fact that the design drawing didn't include a high-grade Holy Heaven-level cloak, Tang Yilian's cloak would have been replaced by a high-grade Holy Heaven-level cloak!
  After replacing the equipment.

Tang Yi thought for a while, and then sold all the two low-grade holy-tian martial arts, Golden Thunder Tiger of Judgment and Broken Wing Dance, to the system store.

These two martial arts skills are not often used, and they are only at the lower level of the Holy Heaven level, so Tang Yi sold them to the system store.

Now, Tang Yi only has six martial arts left.

There are two middle-grade Holy Heaven Ranks, namely Time and Space Barrier and Sky Slash.

There are four high-grade Holy Heaven Ranks, namely Earth Splitting Wave Sword, Holy Dragon Destroying Fist, Arrow of Destruction, and Divine Storm.
  These six martial arts are very easy to use, and Tang Yi is not planning to sell them.

In addition, these six martial arts include defense, boxing skills, sword skills, spiritual martial arts, etc. They are very diverse, allowing Tang Yi to cope with various situations.

Now he has no shortage of martial arts, so after selling two low-level martial arts, Tang Yi did not buy new martial arts.

The sorting of items is basically over here. At this time, Tang Yi opened the attribute panel again.

[Player]: Tang Yi
  [Title]: Bandit Suppressor Butcher
  [Level]: 196 (Six-star Holy God)
  [Holy Point]: 0/? ? ? ? ?

[Holy value]: 88527512141
  【Angel Coin】: 34773100
  Intermediate Holy Heaven Level: Time and Space Barrier, Sky Slash
  High-grade Holy Heaven Level: Earth Splitting Wave Sword, Holy Dragon Destroying Fist, Arrow of Destruction, Divine Storm
  [Skills]: Holy level boxing, Holy swordsmanship, Holy swordsmanship, Holy level archery, Holy spearmanship

[Body Technique]: Watching the Moon and Walking Through the Body Art (High Grade Holy Heaven Level)
  [Finishing Move]: Mountain Collapse and Ground Crack (Holy Land Level)
  [Sub-professional]: Holy level alchemy (alchemy master), holy blacksmithing (forging master), holy puppetry (puppet master)...

[Special column]: False Yan Yanhuo (extraordinary fire)

[Special Parts]: Eye of God, Hand of Ancient Power King, Eternal Body

[Special Power]: Ultimate Power LV2
  [Halo]: Ruler of Dignity (only)

[Special Items Bar] Spirit Ball, Qiankun Mountain River Fan, Zixiao Divine Flute, Hundred Ghosts Jade Pendant, Golden Suanni War Chair, Golden Shelter, Ice Shelter Orb

[Carrying vehicle]: Western United Warship (high-grade Shengtian level)

[Equipment Column]:
  Weapons: Tainted Demonic Sword-Apophis (already equipped), Ice Divine Bow (already equipped), Wandering Dragon Phantom Dual Guns (already equipped), Nightmare Hook Lock (already equipped), Ancient Relics Scythe (already equipped) equipment)
  Helmet: Helm of the Apocalypse (equipped)
  Mask: Watcher's Mask (Equipped)
  Armor: Holy Armor (Equipped)
  Cloak: Demon Wings (Equipped)
  Armguards: Devil's Shadow Bracers (equipped)
  Gloves: Dragon King Gloves (equipped)
  Pants: Hanyue Pants (equipped)
  Leggings: (equipped)
  Shoes: (equipped)
  Necklace: Heart of Dignity (Equipped)
  Rings: Flashing Ring (already equipped), Holy Heritage Power Ring (already equipped), Hundred Flowers Ring (already equipped), Ring of Doom (already equipped), Watching Three-piece Set of Tianmei Ziyao Star Ring (Already Equipped)

  Materials: Holy Spirit Pill X1114521485, Reinforcement Stone X20, Amplification Stone
  Special items: Time Stone, Stone of Life, Book of the Upper Palace, Key to the Divine Gate, Gypsophila (40/50)

Vehicle: Kui Niu Chariot

Unknown martial arts: Spiral Thought Aura, Fission of Heaven and Earth, Thousand Dragon Soul Gathering Fist, Ghost Shadow Flash
  Unknown weapons and equipment: Mask of the eight-winged human-faced griffon, divine armor of the human-faced griffon, Crown of the Lord of the Underworld, Sword of Qing Jue

Scrolls: Level 1 Sub-Professional Skill Scroll X1, Sub-Professional Full Promotion Scroll X
  …    This is Tang Yi’s latest panel now!
  Looking at the panel, Tang Yi was excited and proud.

Now, Tang Yi's level has been promoted to level 196, which is already the level of the six-star holy god. He is still four levels away from being able to cross the holy god and reach another level!
  Tang Yi is looking forward to another level.

In addition to reaching level 196, Tang Yi's holy value has also reached more than 80 billion points!

This is what is left after Tang Yi spent more than 20 billion holy values ​​to forge items!

Before forging, his holy value reached 10 million!

In terms of martial arts, Tang Yi's martial arts are at the lowest level of the middle level of the Holy Heaven level!

All skills have reached the holy level.

The movement and martial arts skills were also replaced by the mid-grade Shengtian level Mochizuki Traveling Skill.

All sub-professions have also been promoted to the holy level.

And there are three more special parts, the Eye of the God, the Hand of the Ancient Power King, and the Eternal Body!
  These three special parts have greatly improved Tang Yi's strength.

The weapons are all of the high-grade Holy Heaven level, and there are all kinds of weapons.

Tang Yi had just replaced all the equipment with high-grade Holy Heaven-level equipment.

In the inventory, Holy Spirit Pills have accumulated to a very terrifying number, and there are still twenty strengthening stones and twenty amplifying stones that have not been used.

Moreover, Tang Yi also collected several special mission items and special materials, such as time gems, life gems, and meteorite iron.

For example, the Book of the Upper Palace, the Key to the Divine Gate, and the Starry Sky.

The unknown delivery vehicle also obtained one piece, the Kui Niu Chariot.

I also collected four pieces of unknown martial arts, Spiral Thought Aura, Fission of Heaven and Earth, Thousand Dragon Soul Gathering Fist, and Ghost Shadow Flash.

Four pieces of unknown weapons and equipment were also collected, including the eight-winged human-faced griffon mask, the human-faced griffon armor, the Crown of the Lord of the Underworld, and the Sword of Qing Jue.

And there are two promotion scrolls!

Now Tang Yi's attribute panel has become extremely rich and powerful!

Seeing such an attribute panel, Tang Yi was extremely satisfied. The more he looked at it, the more proud he became.

After all, this attribute panel slowly became like this through his efforts.

All the items he obtained were obtained by fighting countless monsters and beasts on missions one by one. They were earned with his own life!
  Seeing that his efforts have been so richly rewarded, can Tang Yi not be proud or excited?
  The property panel is like his own child. Watching his child grow up little by little, Tang Yi couldn't be more happy and excited.

(End of this chapter)

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