Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2043 Yongyue Tower

Chapter 2043 Yongyue Tower

After looking at the attribute panel and feeling slightly proud for a while, Tang Yi left the forest.

After leaving the mountains and forests, Tang Yi boarded the Western United Warship and headed into the distance.

The place where Tang Yi wanted to go was the Kingdom of Gods.

Tang Yi is going to do the inheritance task of the Book of Shanggong.

The Divine Realm Kingdom is far away from the Purple Gold Kingdom, at least two or three kingdoms away.

However, although the distance is very far, with the current speed of the Western United Warship, this distance is not a problem at all.

It only took Tang Yi three days to arrive at the Kingdom of God's Domain.

However, after arriving in the Kingdom of God's Domain, Tang Yi ran into trouble.

Because he had no idea where Tianyue was in the Land of Divine Punishment.

"It seems I can only ask. As for where to ask..."

Tang Yi stood on the warship and thought for a moment: "Generally speaking, only the capital city of the kingdom has the most densely populated people and the best information. Then I will go to the capital city of the Kingdom of God to inquire about the news."

Thinking about it, Tang Yi drove the warship and sailed towards the capital of the Kingdom of God.

Not long after, Tang Yi arrived at the outskirts of the capital of the Divine Kingdom.

After arriving at the outskirts of the capital of the Kingdom of Gods, Tang Yi put away his warship and walked towards the capital of the Kingdom of Gods.

It has to be said that this divine kingdom is indeed prosperous.

Just at the city gate of the capital, there are countless people coming and going in an endless stream.

Because the flow of people was so dense, there was a long queue at the city gate.

Tang Yi also queued for more than half an hour before entering the capital of the Kingdom of God.

Entering the capital of the Kingdom of Gods, Tang Yi did some research, and then quickly headed towards a place called 'Yongyue Tower'.

The name Yongyuelou sounds like a restaurant or inn, but it is actually not a restaurant.

It is said that it is an organization that specializes in searching for information. This organization is omnipotent and omniscient. As long as you give enough benefits, they can find out the information you want to know.

Tang Yi was very curious when he heard about such an organization.

While going to inquire about Tianyue Fu, the land of divine punishment, Tang Yi also wanted to know whether the Yongyue Tower was really as powerful as the rumors said.

After many inquiries, Tang Yi finally arrived at the location of the so-called information organization 'Yongyue Tower'.

An organization like Yongyuelou, which specializes in selling information, is actually open on the street?

And it’s also the busiest street in the capital of God’s Domain!
  There was an endless stream of people coming and going on the street, and they didn't even try to hide it!

Can this kind of organization open its doors and do business with such clearly marked prices?
  The organization in front of Tang Yi named Yongyue Building, although it is called a building, is not a building, but a circular two-story building, similar to a mercenary union hall.

Directly in front of the first floor, there is a welcome desk with two waiters standing on it.

As soon as Tang Yi stepped into Yongyue Tower, these two waiters came up to him.

"May I ask what services you need, sir? We, Yongyue Tower, can provide you with a variety of services. You can buy and sell information, and you can hire killers. As long as you want the service, we, Yongyue Tower, can provide it." A waiter said to Tang Yi.

Tang Yi was very surprised when he saw the waiter at Yongyuelou clearly stating the price without any concealment. He never expected that Yongyuelou could actually put this secret service on the surface.

"I would like to ask about the location of some places. Can you guys know it?" Tang Yi asked.

The waiter smiled slightly and said, "Of course, sir, please come with us."

With that said, the waiter welcomed Tang Yi into Yongyue Tower.

Although Yongyue Building only has two floors, its area is not small. Behind the reception desk, there is a very large space.

After following the waiter and walking in, Tang Yi realized that behind the Yongyue Tower were some exquisitely decorated rooms.

The waiter led Tang Yi towards these rooms and brought Tang Yi into one of the rooms.

Arriving in a very luxurious room, the waiter said to Tang Yi: "Sir, sit down first, and then write the name of the place you want to know on paper. Later, we will inform you of the price, and after you pay the reward, we will inform you of the price." , we will inform the young master of the location."

The waiter said, placing the paper and pen on the table and asking Tang Yi to fill it out.

Tang Yi did not hesitate and directly followed the envoy's instructions and wrote the words Tianyue, the land of divine punishment, on the paper, and then handed it to the waiter.

Tang Yi also wanted to know whether Yongyue Tower was really as powerful as the rumors.

After the waiter got the paper with the name of the place on it, he stepped back and left the room where Tang Yi was.

Tang Yi was the only one waiting in the room.

But the waiting time was not long, just a moment. The waiter returned to the room and said to Tang Yi: "Sir, the price has been estimated. Five million Saint Crystals are needed."

One Saint Crystal is equivalent to one hundred Black Crystals, and five million Saint Crystals is equivalent to 500 million Black Crystals!

Just one piece of information requires 500 million ink crystals, which has to be said to be very expensive.

"Five million Saint Crystals?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi said: "Can I use items to deduct it?"

"Of course. We can mortgage the items, or we can sell the items directly. You can do whatever is convenient for you," the waiter said.

"I'll just sell it."

Tang Yi said, flicking his hand and taking out a weapon.

This is a long sword weapon, low-grade Holy Heaven level. Tang Yi just bought it from the system store. Tang Yi did not check the specific attributes of this weapon. After buying it in the system store, he took it. Come out and hand it over to the waiter.

"Look how much this is worth." Tang Yi asked.

The waiter took the sword and said to Tang Yi: "Master, wait a moment. I will ask an elder to appraise it, and then I will give you a valuation."

With that said, the waiter placed the sword on the table and then withdrew again.

Soon, the waiter returned to the room with an old man.

"This is the appraisal elder of our Yongyue Tower. He will evaluate your belongings later."

the waiter said.

The old man nodded slightly as a greeting, then came to the table and picked up the long sword on the table.

Originally, the old man had an indifferent expression, with no sadness or joy on his face, as if he had become accustomed to it.

However, when he picked up the long sword on the table and looked at it slightly, he suddenly couldn't hold himself any longer.

The expression on his face became wonderful.

And he looked very excited.

I saw him holding the long sword, his hands constantly wiping back and forth on the sword, constantly looking at the various lines on the long sword, and feeling the energy emanating from the long sword.

The more he looked, the more excited the old man looked and became more excited.

Seeing the old man looking at it, looking excited, but not speaking for a long time, Tang Yi frowned and said displeasedly: "Old sir, how about it? How much is my sword worth?"

(End of this chapter)

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