Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2053 Arriving at Tianyue Lake

Chapter 2053 Arriving at Tianyue Lake

After a pause, Elder Lin continued: "Actually, the poster already knew that this young man was not simple when he took out four Saint-level items. After that, we said that we would cooperate with him and go with him. Tianyue Lake, he did not refuse. This immediately made us more sure of our guesses and confirmed that this young man was not simple.

After that, as I said, the young master took the initiative to say that he wanted to go to Tianqiong Tower, which made us more certain that this young master’s background was not weaker than our main building, Tianqiong Tower.

So, do the three guardians know why I am so respectful to him? Do you know why our landlord wants to cooperate with him and why we agree to give him the inheritance? "

After hearing this, the three guardians still didn't understand.

"It seems that the original poster has the foresight, but we are too short-sighted." Protector Zhao said.

"We are indeed frogs in the well, and some of us think too highly of ourselves. The Shengwu Continent is very vast, and there are many capable people. We can't just ignore others when we see them being young and think they are easy to bully. Maybe they have backgrounds, or they are His strength is beyond our imagination. It is not something we can afford or imagine. Therefore, we must be low-key and humble in the future." Protector Li also realized the true meaning.

"Thankfully, thank goodness we got the reminder from you, Elder Lin, and luckily we didn't speak rudely to that young master. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

Protector Qian also said: "Elder Lin, don't worry. After listening to what you said, we will not cause trouble for that young master anymore. Not only will we not cause trouble, we will even help the princess obtain the inheritance."

"Yeah. It's no problem if the three guardians can understand. I don't know why, but I always have a feeling that if we go to Tianyue Lake with that young master, we at Yongyue Tower will gain unimaginable gains. This feeling I don’t know where it comes from, but I just have this feeling.” Elder Lin said.

"Oh? Really? Elder Lin, your feelings are always very accurate. It seems that we will really gain unimaginable gains." Protector Qian nodded.

The other guardians also nodded.

In this way, while everyone was talking and discussing, the Moon-Embracing Chariot flew quickly. After about two hours, everyone arrived at their destination, Tianyue Lake, the place of divine punishment.

It was a huge mountain range, and in the center of the mountain range was a blue lake.

Seeing this blue lake, Elder Lin said to everyone: "Sir, Your Royal Highness, we are here."

Hearing this, Tang Yi had a map of Tianyue Lake, the land of divine punishment. He glanced at the map in his hand, then looked at the lake, and immediately determined that this azure lake was the land of divine punishment they were looking for. Yue Lake.

The Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang on the side also glanced at the lake, nodded, and said nothing.

Under the control of Elder Lin, the Moon Embracing Chariot slowly descended and landed in an open space.

"Sir, Your Highness the Princess, please come."

Elder Lin put down the escalator and welcomed Tang Yi and Princess Shenyuan Shuang down.

After the group got off the chariot, Elder Lin took out a bead and waved it with his hand.

With a 'crash', the chariot and the monster pulling the chariot suddenly turned into a beam of light and entered the bead. After putting away the chariot, Elder Lin said to everyone: "Sir, Your Royal Highness, let's go, let's go to the stone gate."

With that said, he took the lead and led everyone to Shimen.

Tang Yi, the Princess of the Divine Realm, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower, and the five leaders of the royal family of the Divine Realm all followed behind.

The group of people headed towards the stone gate of Tianyue Lake in such a mighty manner.

After walking for a while, the group came to the central area, where the lake was.

After arriving at the lake, Elder Lin stopped.

Seeing Elder Lin stop, Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family looked around, and then asked doubtfully: "Elder Lin, where is the stone gate? It is surrounded by dense woods, and in front of it is a huge lake. There is no such thing as a stone gate."

"Commander Fang has never been to Tianyue Lake, so he will naturally have such doubts. It was a coincidence that your royal family in the Divine Realm discovered the Shimen. If not for the coincidence, it would have been impossible to discover the Shimen hidden in Tianyue Lake."

After talking for a while, Elder Lin said quietly: "The location of this stone gate is very secret, just under the lake below."

"Under the lake?" The princess of the Divine Realm seemed a little surprised.

Although Tang Yi was also very surprised, he didn't show it.

His face remained calm, but he thought in his heart, 'No wonder Yongyuelou said before that the Shimen would be very difficult to find if he found it by himself, and he might not be able to find it in a short time. It turns out that it is because the Shimen is under the bottom of the lake. If I were looking for it myself, I would never have thought that Shimen would be at the bottom of the lake. Moreover, this lake is so big that it is really difficult to find the stone gate in such a large area in a short time. ’

While Tang Yi was thinking, Commander Fang asked: "The Shimen is under the lake? How should we get down? We can't just go down like this, right? We really have no problem if we just go down and stay for a while, but if we stay there for half a day or a day , how can we do that?”

"Don't worry, Commander Fang, we at Yongyue Tower are already prepared."

Elder Lin said, stretched out his hand and took out dozens of bags, and handed the bags to everyone in turn. While passing them, he said: "These are water-avoiding spiritual beads. As long as you swallow one after entering the water, you can stay in the water." Neither speech nor action will be affected by anything. Of course, a spirit bead can only last for an hour. Once the time is up, it must be swallowed again. We at Yongyue Tower have prepared a lot of water-proof spirit beads, which are given to you now. One bag per person, each bag has forty-eight pills, which is two days’ worth, which should be enough for us. If it’s not enough, you can come to me to get it.”

In this way, Elder Lin distributed the bags to everyone while introducing them. Whether it was the leader of the royal family of the Divine Realm, the protector of Yongyue Tower, or the princess of the Divine Realm, they all distributed a bag.

However, when they were distributed to Tang Yi, he shook his head and said lightly: "I don't need it."


Elder Lin was stunned for a moment, then looked at Tang Yi in surprise, and said seriously: "Master, are you sure you don't want to? We will go down to the bottom of the lake, and we may have to stay for a whole day, or even several days. Even if your water quality is better, Well, you can’t stay for such a long time, right? And the water-avoiding spirit beads are a good thing. If you take one, you won’t be affected by anything underwater. Even if we encounter any situation, we can deal with it calmly.”

(End of this chapter)

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