Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2054 Walking in the water? What method is this?

Chapter 2054 Walking in the water? What method is this?
  "I know, and I thank Elder Lin for his kindness, but I don't need it." Tang Yi still refused.

The reason why he refused was because Tang Yi really didn't need it.

He has an ice protection orb, so what else does he need a water protection orb for?
  In addition to being immune to ice damage, the Ice Protection Orb can also avoid water.

And the effect of repelling water is much more powerful than any water-repelling spirit bead.

So, what does Tang Yi want to do with Shuishui Lingzhu?
  "You really don't want it?" Elder Lin asked again.

"I really don't want it." Tang Yi confirmed.


Elder Lin wanted to say something more, but before he could say anything, Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family said in a strange voice: "Okay, Elder Lin, don't talk to him anymore. Since he said no, then don't force it." It’s up to him, we just need to take care of ourselves, and we don’t care what others do. I’ve already said the good things, and if others don’t appreciate it, just let him be responsible for life and death later, there’s no need to say anything more.”

Commander Fan also said: "Yes, since others don't appreciate it, there is no need to force others. In addition, due to the complicated situation below the lake, we have no obligation to take care of a person who does not know whether to live or die later."

"Anyway, the mission of our royal family in the Divine Realm is to protect the princess, and we will ignore the rest of the people." Commander Lao said.

"Underwater is no better than on land. The situation is very complicated. If you can have a water-proof spirit bead to protect you, your safety will be more guaranteed. Now there are people who want to save face and suffer. It is really desperate." Commander Shi also expressed his opinion.

Commander Bei was more direct and said directly: "Elder Lin, you don't have to worry about him. Whether he likes it or not, it would be better to die at the bottom of the lake."

His tone was very impatient and merciless.

Although the Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang didn't say anything, what she wanted to say was completely reflected on her face.

Her expression at this time was full of disdain and contempt.

Just by looking at it, one could tell that this princess from the Divine Realm looked down on Tang Yi very much.

But Elder Lin ignored them and told Tang Yi: "Well, since you don't need it, Master, I won't force you. If Master, you really can't hold it anymore, if you need anything, please contact me." tell."

"That's right, sir, if you need anything later, you can say hello to us at any time."

"Sir, if you feel unwell later, just look at us and we will rush to your side."

"Young Master, please rest assured. Since we at Yongyue Tower promised to ensure your safety, we will definitely do it. Even if you don't have the water-avoiding spirit bead, we will keep you safe."

The three guardians of Yongyue Tower also said one after another.

Their attitude at this time was completely different from before.

When they looked at Tang Yi before, their nostrils were pointing upward and he was extremely arrogant.

However, now, he has put down his posture, constantly flattering Tang Yi, and constantly trying to please Tang Yi. He is completely two-faced.

In response, Tang Yi shook his head and said to them: "I will do it. Thank you Elder Lin for your kindness, and thank you to the three guardians for their kindness."

Tang Yi acted extremely indifferent, his face remained unchanged, neither surprised nor happy, making it impossible to tell what his reaction was.

Seeing what Tang Yi said, Elder Lin couldn't say anything else. He immediately took out a white pill from the bag and swallowed it.

After taking it, Elder Lin said to everyone: "Okay, let's set off."

Hearing this, others also took the Shuishui Lingzhu.

After everyone took the Water-avoiding Lingzhu, Elder Lin glanced at Tang Yi first. Seeing that Tang Yi still had no expression and did not want the Water-avoiding Lingzhu, he immediately shook his head, stepped out first, and jumped into the water. . Others also fell into the water one after another, followed closely by Tang Yi.

Just like that, the group all jumped into the lake.

Elder Lin and his party took the water-avoiding spirit beads. After falling into the water, their bodies emitted a faint light. This layer of light formed a shield, protecting them from any influence of the lake water.

Under the protection of this faint light, no matter what actions or reactions made by Elder Lin and his party, there would be no impact.

Even when speaking, the sound can be transmitted clearly for others to hear, which is extremely magical.

Seeing the effect of the water-avoiding spirit beads, whether it is the guardian of Yongyue Tower, the leader of the royal family of the divine domain, or the princess of the divine domain, they are all very satisfied.

  Just when they felt the magic of the water-avoiding spirit bead and sighed at the powerful effect of the water-avoiding spirit bead, they saw Tang Yi calmly walking past them.

That's right!

Just go!
  After Tang Yi entered the water, not only was he not affected in any way, he even started walking in the water as if he were walking on flat ground!

One step at a time, one step at a time, leisurely walking in the courtyard.

You can't breathe in the water, but Tang Yi has no problem breathing out!
  It seemed that there was some kind of power that was creating all kinds of air for Tang Yi to breathe, and it automatically entered Tang Yi's nose.

This scene was so magical that everyone on the sidelines, whether it was the people in Yongyue Tower or the royal family in the Divine Realm, were all stunned.

Even the extremely cold, arrogant and arrogant Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm had her eyes looking at Tang Yi in surprise.

"What's wrong? Let's go."

Tang Yi said to everyone, and his voice reached everyone's ears clearly.

Everyone present heard Tang Yi's words.

This scene shocked everyone present.

Under normal circumstances, you can't hear voices when you enter the water.

Unless, like Elder Lin, he takes out the water-avoiding spirit beads for everyone to take, so that everyone can talk in the water.

However, Tang Yi didn't take anything, didn't use any items, and there was no power coming from his body. He just walked in the water, and now he even talked. This scene shocked everyone.

Everyone present felt it was extremely magical.

"Mr... Young Master, you... what are you doing?" Elder Lin asked in surprise, unable to speak at all.

"In all my life, this is the first time I've seen such a method."

"Sir, are you an aquatic tribe? I heard that there are some humans who can live in the water. Not only do they not have any influence, they can even control the sea water. They are called aquatic tribes. Are you an aquatic tribe? Are you in the water? He can walk around freely and can still talk...If he wasn't from the Water Tribe, I really can't imagine what this method would be like."

"Sir, I have never heard of the method you are showing now, let alone seen it before? Although we humans can become extremely strong after training, we will still be affected by the water, and we are still not so comfortable. In the water It's impossible to be here like you are on land. However, Sir, you are able to take a leisurely stroll, as if you are walking. This is too magical and exaggerated."

The three guardians of Yongyue Tower also said one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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