Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2055 Arriving at the Shimen

Chapter 2055 Arriving at the Shimen

However, facing the surprise of Elder Yongyuelou Lin and the three guardians, Tang Yi said calmly: "It's just a small skill, it's not worth mentioning at all."

Look, this is better than just pretending.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, everyone present looked at him in surprise.

A little trick?

Being able to move freely in the water, breathe freely, and take a leisurely stroll, is this a small skill?
  If this is also a minor skill, then their water-avoiding spirit beads may not even be as good as a minor skill, right?

Seeing that Tang Yi didn't want to say more, Elder Lin coughed and said, "I underestimated the young master just now. Since the young master has a way to avoid water, it's no problem. Let's go, let's speed up and try to get there as soon as possible." To Shimen.”

With that said, Elder Lin continued to lead the way.

Behind him, everyone followed.

However, when following up, they would glance in the direction of Tang Yi, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

There was confusion, surprise, and curiosity in his expression.

Especially the leaders of the Divine Realm royal family looked at Tang Yi with doubts.

Originally, they didn't take Tang Yi seriously at all, but when they saw that Tang Yi had such methods, their contempt suddenly diminished a bit.

Of course, it's just a few points missing.

Although Tang Yi has a method of avoiding water, and this method is very good, it is just a method of avoiding water, and it is not a great method, and it has nothing to do with strength, so although they despise it a bit, But he still despised Tang Yi and still didn't take him seriously.

When the Princess of the Divine Realm passed by Tang Yi, she also glanced at Tang Yi. Of course, it was just a glance.

There was no curiosity or doubt in his expression, he just glanced at Tang Yi to see what Tang Yi looked like.

Of course, even with just one glance, the Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang had already given Tang Yi a lot of face.

You must know that she has never been pretentious. Don't even say a word. She doesn't even want to look at ordinary people. When facing ordinary people, she has a completely indifferent attitude.

For example, when she first boarded the warship, she didn't even look at Tang Yi, or even raised her eyelids, as if Tang Yi was transparent.

It can be seen how arrogant and arrogant this divine princess Shenyuan Shuang is.

Being able to look at Tang Yi at this time was already a huge honor to Shenyuan Shuang.


Tang Yi didn't care about the attitude of this divine princess. He smiled coldly and then followed the team.

The group of people moved so quickly under the leadership of Elder Lin.

It has to be said that Tianyue Lake is indeed very vast. It is already blue from the sky, and the edge is completely invisible.

But under water, trying to identify the direction is simply a dream.

And because the lake was extremely deep, Elder Lin led everyone to dive to an extremely deep position, so when everyone looked up, they couldn't even see the sun.

Now, everyone has no idea of ​​the direction, let alone where they are in the lake. Apart from knowing that they are in the lake, they don't know anything else.

If it weren't for Elder Lin's leadership, everyone, including Tang Yi, would have lost their way and had no idea how to find Shimen.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi couldn't help but feel glad that his decision to cooperate with Yongyue Tower was very wise. If he came to Tianyue Lake alone, he might not be able to find the Shimen at all. No, you can definitely find it if you look for it. As long as Tang Yi searches for it inch by inch, he will definitely be able to find it in the end.

However, it would take a lot of time to search inch by inch, and Tang Yi didn't have that much time to waste.

He must find the Shanggong Temple as quickly as possible, and then complete the mission, so that he can catch up with the empire.

The road to the empire was the top priority, and Tang Yi would not affect this crucial main mission just for the sake of an unlimited side mission.

Fortunately, I have someone to lead me.

Under the leadership of Elder Lin, half an hour later, everyone made their way into a rockery at the bottom of a lake.

In the rockery, everyone finally saw the stone gate they had been looking for for a long time.

It has to be said that the location of the Shimen is very hidden, almost in the gap between the rockery. If it were not for the leadership of Elder Lin, no one would have thought that the Shimen would be in the gap between the rockery.

"Here we are."

After arriving at the gap between the rockery, Elder Lin said to everyone.

In fact, Elder Lin didn't need to say anything, everyone knew they had arrived at their destination.

After all, everyone is not blind, so it is impossible not to see such a big stone gate.

The stone door that appeared in front of everyone was gray-white, with no special symbols or patterns on it. It was just a thick rectangular stone slab.

If it weren't for the obvious difference between this stone slab and the surrounding rockeries, no one would be able to tell that it was a stone gate.

"Is this where the stone gate is?"

Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family came to the stone gate and pushed the stone gate with some force. However, the stone gate did not move.

Seeing this scene, several leaders of the divine royal family and the three guardians of Yongyue Tower also moved forward and pushed the stone door hard.

However, the stone gate remained unmoved.

The eight strongest men in the kingdom could not push open this seemingly ordinary stone door.

Seeing that Shimen was not moving, the five commanders and three guardians stopped immediately.

Commander Fang lamented: "It seems that this stone gate cannot be opened with brute force. I don't know if we can open this stone gate if we continue to attack."

"It is completely impossible to open the stone gate violently. The stone gate should be guarded by some special power. Once, your divine royal family sent several strong men, and they joined forces to attack the stone gate, but they failed to open it. Not to mention destroying the stone gate, not even a trace was left."

"Moreover, not only were they unable to destroy the Shimen, but even because of the attack on the Shimen, the strong men of your royal family in the Divine Realm were counterattacked by the Shimen. The power on the Shimen can not only protect the Shimen, but can even launch a counterattack, and the power of the counterattack It is very terrifying. Even a warrior at the level of a saint may be fatal if he is counterattacked. This shows how terrifying this stone gate is."

"If you want to open the door, violence will not work. The only way is to find something to open it. This is also the method that we at Yongyue Tower and your Divine Realm royal family developed together."

Elder Lin spoke at this time.

Speaking of this, Elder Lin looked at Tang Yi.

And everyone also turned their attention to Tang Yi.

Tang Yi instantly became the focus of everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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