Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2056 Using the system to open the stone gate

Chapter 2056 Using the system to open the stone gate

Before coming, everyone present had already received news that the opened object was in Tang Yi's hands.

It was because they knew that Tang Yi had something to unlock that they made this trip.

Otherwise, I'm afraid they wouldn't come here.

After all, there's nothing to open the stone gate, so why are you here? Come here to drink lake water? I can’t open the stone door again! Coming here is a complete waste of time.

It was because they knew that Tang Yi had something to unlock that they came together as a team.

Therefore, everyone turned their attention to Tang Yi, waiting for Tang Yi to take out the opening object to open the stone door.

At this time, Elder Lin also said to Tang Yi: "Sir, the thing that opens the Shimen is in your hands. Now only you can open the Shimen."


Hearing this, Tang Yi waved his hand and took out the Book of Shanggong without hesitation. As soon as the golden book appeared, it suddenly burst into dazzling light, illuminating the bottom of the lake with golden light.

"Is this what turns it on?"

Elder Lin was surprised.

He didn't expect that the thing that opened the stone door was a golden book.

Tang Yi nodded and said, "Yes, this is the Shanggong Book that opens the Shanggong Temple."

"Sir, what did you say? Shanggong Temple? What Shanggong Temple." Elder Lin looked surprised. He had never heard of Shanggong Temple.

Not to mention that Elder Lin had never heard of it, everyone present had never heard of the ‘Shanggong Temple’.

"Sir, what do you mean, what is the Shanggong Temple behind this stone gate?"

Elder Qian from Yongyue Tower asked.


Tang Yi nodded.

Seeing Tang Yi nod, Commander Fang of the Divine Realm royal family questioned: "Sir, how do you know this place is called Shanggong Temple and not by another name?"

"Yes, how do you know this is the Shanggong Temple?"

"You must not be talking nonsense."

"I think he is confusing the situation and talking nonsense."

"There are no signs here, how could you know this is the Shanggong Temple?"

The leaders of other divine royal families also echoed and questioned Tang Yi's statement.

"Anyway, this is the Shanggong Temple. As for how I know, you don't have to worry about it." Tang Yi said calmly.


"Boy, you are a little too arrogant."

"No matter how much we say we are older than you, right? After all, we are your seniors, right? Don't you know any manners?"

The leaders of the royal family in the Divine Realm said angrily.

Seeing the tense situation between the two sides, Elder Lin hurriedly stood up and said: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, we are all our own people, there is no need to get angry over such a trivial matter. Also, commanders, no matter what this young master says, it is our Yongyuelou Guests, even if you don’t give this young master face, you still have to give us Yongyuelou some face, right?”


Commander Fang snorted coldly and said, "Boy, if it weren't for Elder Lin of Yongyue Tower, I'm afraid you would be a corpse now. Do you understand?"

The other commanders nodded one after another, with expressions on their faces that said, "Young man, please don't toast me and you will be punished with a drink."

However, Tang Yi could not deny this.

At this time, the Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang, who had been silent until now, spoke: "Okay, don't talk anymore, let's quickly let this young master open the stone door."

Hearing the words spoken by Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm, the leaders of the five royal families of the Divine Realm all shut up and said no more. Elder Lin said to Tang Yi: "Okay, young master, don't be like them. Let's do business."


Tang Yi was too lazy to waste time getting to know the royal family of these gods. He nodded immediately and asked, "Can you please tell Elder Lin how to open the stone gate?"

Hearing this, Elder Lin was stunned for a moment, then froze in place, looking at Tang Yi, but did not say a word.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Elder Lin's appearance, Tang Yi was puzzled.

Everyone present also looked at Elder Lin, wondering why Elder Lin was acting like this.

"Actually... we, the senior officials of Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family, only guessed that this stone gate needs an opening object to open, but we don't actually know how to open it. After all, the opening object did not fall into our hands before. , and we can’t start researching it.”

Elder Lin explained.


Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

"Elder Lin, can't you? You don't know how to open the stone gate? Then what use do we need this opening thing?"

Protector Qian of Yongyuelou said.

"If the object to be opened is a key or something else, we can also look for holes and put it into the holes. However, the object to be opened seems to be a book. How about a book? Put it into a hole? Not to mention that there is no hole at all near the stone door. Even if there is, it cannot be put in at all."

Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family also said.

"It's not useless. At least we now have the opening object. We can use the opening object to try to open the stone door. The opening object is already in our hands, can't we still open it?" Elder Lin said.

At this time, Tang Yi said: "No need."


Everyone looked at Tang Yi in confusion.

"I already know how to open it, there's no need to try it." Tang Yi said lightly.

In fact, Tang Yi didn't know how to open it at all, but...

Although he doesn't know how to open it, Tang Yi still has a system.

Tang Yi has always used no opening objects to open any forbidden settings or stone gates. He can directly ask the system for help and spend holy points to open them.

So, what else is Tang Yi trying?
  What else is needed to open it?
  Wouldn't it be better to just call the system to turn it on?
  "Huh? No need to try? Master, are you sure?" Elder Lin asked.

"Yes, Master, do you really know how to open it?" Protector Qian seemed a little unconvinced.

"Boy, don't utter such arrogant words. If you can't open the stone door later, it will be a joke." Commander Fang said.

But Tang Yi ignored them and said silently in his heart: "Open the Shanggong Temple."

The next second Tang Yi was thinking silently, a prompt came from his mind.

"Ding, I found the Upper Palace Temple in the Ancient Temple. It costs 50000000 holy points to open the temple. Please let me know if the player needs to open it."

"Turn on!"

Tang Yi did not hesitate.

However, the next second after Tang Yi turned on his silent thoughts, a reminder appeared in his mind again.

"Since the player owns the opening object of the Upper Palace Temple, the holy value to be consumed is halved."

"Ding, after deducting 25000000 holy points, the Shanggong Temple will be opened soon."


Tang Yi was slightly startled when he saw the prompt. He didn't expect that having the opening item would reduce the cost by half when opening the Upper Palace Temple. Isn't this great?
  This is an unexpected surprise!
  (End of this chapter)

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