Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2057 Complete the first stage and obtain the spiritual ascension gem

Chapter 2057 Complete the first stage and obtain the spiritual ascension gem

Just when Tang Yi was excited about saving half of his holy value, the Book of Shanggong in Tang Yi's hand suddenly burst into even more dazzling light.

Originally, the book in the Shang Palace was already golden and dazzling, but at this time, this golden book was even more dazzling, and the light it bloomed was even more intense, like a golden sun.


The golden light grew stronger and stronger, making everyone present unable to open their eyes.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly shot out from the Shanggong Book and hit the stone door.

next second.


The ground door shook suddenly, and the stone door slowly rose upwards as if some mechanism had been opened.

In a moment, the entire stone door rose completely and shrank into the stone wall, and the things behind the stone door clearly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Behind the stone gate is a dark and long narrow passage. At a glance, you can't see where it leads.

If it weren't for the many luminous pearls inlaid on the rock wall inside the passage, which slightly illuminated the passage, I'm afraid this passage would not even be able to see clearly.

"It's on... it's on."

Elder Lin looked confused. He didn't expect that this stone gate that they, Yongyue Tower and the Royal Family of God's Domain had been unable to open, would actually be opened!

It was turned on by a boy who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

This young man not only possesses something to open, but he also knows how to open it.

It seems to have been mentioned before... What is the Shanggong Temple behind the stone gate?
  This young man also knows where Shimen is!
  Who is he?
  Why do you know so many secrets?
  Elder Lin looked at Tang Yi, filled with confusion and surprise.

Several leaders of the divine royal family were also very surprised at this time. They did not expect that Tang Yi really had a way to open it.

Before, they were mocking Tang Yi, saying that he didn't know how high the sky was, but the next second, they opened fire. This was really a big slap in the face, making the leaders of the royal family of God's Domain blush.

At this time, Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm took another look at Tang Yi. She was now even more curious about Tang Yi.

Tang Yi ignored everyone's strangeness and didn't care what their opinions were. At this time, he was checking the prompts in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the player Tang Yi for completing the first phase of the Shanggong inheritance mission to find the Shanggong temple. After obtaining the level, he was directly promoted to the first level reward, with a holy value of 10 billion points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the best special material, the Spirit Ascension Gem."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving the second phase of the Shanggong inheritance mission. Explore the Shanggong temple and find the inheritance."



The reward for completing the first phase of the Shang Palace inheritance came to Tang Yi's mind, and at the same time, the second phase of the mission also came.

Wei Wei glanced at the second phase of the mission inherited from the Shang Palace. After reading the content, Tang Yi immediately focused on the 'Spirit Ascension Gem'. ’

【Spiritual Gemstone】: The best special material.

Material properties: This item can be used for forging or inlaying. When forged or inlaid with this item, weapons (armor) can get a 30% basic attribute bonus, a 10% special attribute bonus, and the appearance rate of top attributes increases by 10%. , the rate of excellent attack special effects is increased by 35%, and the rate of excellent additional skills is increased by 35%.


" actually a top-quality material?"

Tang Yi was slightly surprised, he didn't expect to receive such a reward.


This reward looks amazing!
  Can the properties of items be greatly improved by using soul-ascension gems?
  Basic attributes increased by 30%?

Special attributes increased by 10%? Increase the probability of the appearance of the best attributes by 10%?

Increase the chance of the best attack effects by 35%?

Increase the appearance rate of the best additional skills by 35%?

Looks awesome!

If you use ascending gems when forging an item, then the attributes of the forged item will be greatly improved, and there may be a chance of top-quality attributes, a chance of top-quality special effects, and a chance of top-tier additional skills!
  In short, using this spiritual ascension gem for forging will most likely improve the item by several levels!
  nice one!
  Tang Yi's eyes brightened.

At this time, seeing Tang Yi in a daze, Elder Lin said, "Tang Yi, what's wrong? Come in quickly, what are you doing standing there in a daze?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi pulled his consciousness out of the system, and suddenly discovered that Elder Lin and the others had already entered the passage.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi waved his hand, put away the Book of Shanggong in his hand, and followed him into the passage of the Shanggong Temple.

The group of people just walked along the passage and kept going deeper.

"Hey, you just said this place is called Shanggong Temple. Is that true?"

Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang walked beside Tang Yi and asked Tang Yi.

His tone was as if he was asking his subordinates.

However, Shenyuan Shuang is very arrogant and usually does not talk to others.

At this time, Shenyuan Shuang was able to talk to Tang Yi, which was already a great honor to Tang Yi.

This is already equivalent to a kind of recognition.

Shenyuan Shuang recognized Tang Yi, so she spoke to Tang Yi.

Hearing Shenyuan Shuang's words, Tang Yi glanced at her slightly and said lightly: "Whether it is true or not, you will know later."

Since Tang Yi had a system, he certainly knew that this was the Shanggong Temple.

However, the Princess of the Divine Realm and others did not have a system, so even if Tang Yi was sure that this was the Shanggong Temple, they were still very uncertain. After all, there was nothing iconic to prove it.


Tang Yi has actually visited a lot of ancient ruins like this. According to his experience, the stone doors outside are usually outer doors. After passing through the long and narrow aisle, there is an inner door.

Passing through the inner door, you can see the main hall or entrance.

In places like the main hall or entrance, the name of the palace or ruins usually appears. Ancient great powers like to write the name of the palace or the name of the ruins majestically on a plaque, and then hang it in the most conspicuous position. .

Therefore, whether there is a palace temple behind the stone gate or not, the Princess of the Divine Realm and others should be able to see it later.

This is Tang Yi's experience of exploring palaces and ruins many times, and he has never missed it.

This is absolutely forbidden.

The same is true for the Valley of Purgatory.

The Eternal Shrine is still like this.

These places all followed these rules, so based on experience, Tang Yi felt that something iconic would appear later to tell everyone what this place was.

Of course, no one knew what Tang Yi was thinking.

Hearing Tang Yi's words and seeing Tang Yi talking to the princess of the Divine Realm like this, Commander Fang couldn't stand it. He immediately scolded: "Boy, when our princess asks you a question, you just answer it honestly. What kind of mystery are you trying to make?"

Although Commander Fang was speaking for Shen Yuanshuang, the princess of the Divine Realm, Shen Yuanshuang didn't appreciate it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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