Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2059 A breath of uneasiness

Chapter 2059 An uneasy atmosphere
  Yes, densely packed and countless swords!
  There are long swords, short swords, giant swords, broad swords, curved swords, soft swords, red, gold, silver, black, all kinds.

Some of these swords were piled on the ground, some were stuck in the black wasteland, some were hanging on dead branches, and some were soaked directly in the black wastewater and mire.


And this quantity...

At first glance, it is impossible to estimate how many handles there are.

Maybe tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, or even more!
  In short, it is densely packed, seemingly endless, and very amazing.

"This is... this is the sword... Sword Tomb?"

Elder Lin was surprised. He couldn't even speak anymore.

"Sword Tomb? What is this?" Tang Yi asked.

Others also looked at Elder Lin with doubtful expressions on their faces.

"The sword tomb is the tomb of swords... This is a tomb of swords!" Elder Lin explained.

"Grave of Swords?"

Tang Yi looked into the stone door in surprise, showing something in disbelief. He had no idea that the sword had a tomb.


Elder Lin nodded and said: "There are many reasons for the formation of sword tombs. Some sword tombs are formed after fierce battles, and some forging groups continue to forge sword weapons and then permanently discard them somewhere. Over the years, sword tombs are formed. , and there is also a sword tomb formed by some kind of powerful sword spirit using some kind of terrifying power to attract the useless swords.”

"So Elder Lin, what do you think is the cause of the situation here?" Tang Yi asked.

Elder Lin looked at it twice, then shook his head and said, "I can't tell. It looks like the scene after the war, it also looks like a forging abandonment by the blacksmiths, and it also looks like a hiding place for some powerful spiritual object." . In short, all three are possible. However, the latter is the least likely. Because it is not easy for a natural spiritual creature to be born, let alone a sword spirit like this that can attract sword weapons. This kind of thing is even more difficult to be born. Therefore, the second The three are the least likely, and the first two are more likely.”

"So Elder Lin, what do you think is the connection between this sword tomb and the inheritance?" On the side, Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family also asked.

Elder Lin shook his head and said, "I don't know. I can't imagine what the relationship is."

"Since we can't think of any connection, there's no point in waiting here. We might as well go in and take a look first." Commander Fang suggested.

Although Elder Lin is the person in charge of this operation, he is not the key figure in this operation.

It was not Shenyuan Shuang, the princess of the Divine Realm with the highest status present, but Tang Yi.

Therefore, Elder Lin did not reply immediately, but looked at Tang Yi.

"Go and have a look."

Feeling Elder Lin's gaze, Tang Yi said calmly.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look."

Hearing Tang Yi speak, Elder Lin immediately decided.

The group of people just walked into the stone gate.

However, before entering the stone gate, looking from outside the stone gate, I already felt that there were countless swords in the stone gate.

After entering the stone gate, they realized that it was more than that.

After entering the stone gate, everyone's field of vision became wider, and they could see more sword weapons, which were so densely packed that everyone was dumbfounded. "It's too scary. Is this the Sword Tomb? There are too many sword weapons! It's a pity that the sword weapons here are relatively low-level and scrapped. Otherwise, I would like to take away all the sword weapons here. "

Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family sighed.

Guardian Qian of Yongyue Tower also said: "There are at least hundreds of thousands of swords here. If the sword tomb here was formed after the great war, how many warriors would have died here?"

"If the sword weapons here were abandoned by the blacksmiths, it would be an exaggeration. How many blacksmiths would it take to forge them?" Commander Fan of the Divine Realm Royal Family also lamented.

You don’t know if you don’t look at it, but the more you look at it, the more shocked you become.

As time went by, as Tang Yi and his party slowly went deeper, the surprise given to them by this sword tomb became more and more intense.

At the same time, this place also brought a strong sense of uneasiness to them.

And as time goes by, this uneasiness becomes more and more intense, as if some danger is approaching.

In addition, as Tang Yi and others went deeper, the sword tomb became more and more gloomy, and the black soil under their feet became more rotten.

What Tang Yi and others stepped into seemed to be not a cemetery of sword weapons, but a human cemetery. It was eerie and filled with a strange aura in the air.

"Is this really the Shanggong Temple? Is there really a legacy? I don't know why, but I feel very uneasy."

After walking for another ten minutes, Protector Qian from Yongyue Tower said uneasily.

"Me too, I don't know why, but now I have a strong sense of crisis in my heart, and the sense of crisis is getting more and more intense, as if some danger is approaching me."

"Let's be careful. The atmosphere here is wrong. It's too weird and strange. As for what's strange, I can't tell you at all right now. In short, the atmosphere is very wrong."

The other two guardians of Yongyue Tower also spoke.

"I know what's strange, because it's so quiet here. There are no birds, beasts, creatures, or any sounds. What is there is the stamping sound of us stepping on the black soil."

Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family said.

Hearing Commander Fang's words, Guardian Zhao of Yongyue Tower who had spoken before nodded immediately and agreed: "Yes, yes, it's strange here. It's too quiet, there is no sound at all, and there is a terrifying aura in the air. You think we won’t be in danger later, right?”

Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family frowned, nodded slightly, and said, "It's possible, let's all be careful."

After speaking, Commander Fang turned to the other commanders of the Divine Realm Royal Family and said, "Be vigilant and protect Her Royal Highness."

Hearing this, all five leaders of the Divine Realm royal family, including Commander Fang, gathered around the Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang, looking extremely alert.

Although Shenyuan Shuang is not a man, he still has great prestige and prestige among the royal family of the Divine Realm, and is supported by everyone.

And there are rumors that Shenyuan Shuang is likely to defeat the princes, become the future crown prince, and successfully ascend the throne.

After all, there are too many people supporting her, and Shenyuan Shuang also has the potential to be called a king. Therefore, Shenyuan Shuang's status in the royal family of God's Realm is extremely high, and it is also extremely important to the royal family of God's Realm.

This is also the reason why the King of God Realm asked Shenyuan Shuang to come to Tianyue Lake.

He wanted Shenyuan Shuang to be inherited, so that Shenyuan Shuang could better inherit the throne and become a powerful king with both talents.

Therefore, the safety of Shenyuan Shuang is crucial.

(End of this chapter)

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