Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2060 Shadow sneak attack!

Chapter 2060 Shadow sneak attack!

Because of the importance of Shenyuan Shuang, the Royal Lord of the Divine Realm sent five commander-level experts to Shenyuan Shuang to protect the safety of Shenyuan Shuang.

Commander-level experts, whose strength has reached the level of saints, are guardian-level existences in the kingdom.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for a member of the royal family, even a direct descendant, to be protected by five strong men of this level.

It is already extremely remarkable to be protected by one Holy Lord, and it is already highly valued, let alone five?

At this time, Shenyuan Shuang was protected by five saint-level experts and could be accompanied by five saint-level experts, which showed how much she was valued.

How dare Commander Fang let such a person who is so valued get hurt.

The importance of Shenyuan Shuang is unparalleled. Commander Fang and others will protect her thoroughly no matter what.

Therefore, as soon as they sensed the strangeness around them, Commander Fang and others immediately surrounded Shenyuan Shuang for all-round personal protection.

And the other side.

The same is true for the guardians of Yongyue Tower.

They surrounded Elder Lin and Tang Yi, protecting the safety of Elder Lin and Tang Yi.

Elder Lin has a special status in Yongyue Tower and is extremely important to Yongyue Tower. Therefore, Yongyue Tower must ensure the safety of Elder Lin.

As a customer of Yongyuelou, Tang Yi's importance is even less important.

Although the three guardians of Yongyue Tower knew that Tang Yi must be protected by a strong person, but!

Some things should be done in a pretentious manner, but they should still be done in a pretentious manner.

Of course, it's not just a show, after all, Yongyue Tower also needs to ensure the safety of its guests.

Therefore, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower, like the powerful members of the royal family of the Divine Realm, surrounded Tang Yi and Elder Lin to protect their safety in case anything unexpected happened.

At this time, both the Divine Realm royal family and Yongyue Tower had taken all precautions, and everyone moved forward cautiously.

  Another ten minutes passed after this walk. Tang Yi and his party, not to mention encountering danger, let alone strangers or other creatures, did not find even a ghost. The sword tomb was still quiet, what? None, and nothing happened.

"Are we too nervous? Nothing happened? Although I still have that uneasy feeling in my heart, and the feeling is still getting more and more intense, nothing happened and I didn't see anything." Protector Qian of Yongyuelou began to doubt himself.

"Yes, I also think we were too careful. The stone gate before seemed to have been around for some time. In other words, this place has been abandoned for a long time. How can there be any danger in a place that has been abandoned for so long? ?”

Protector Zhao said.

"Although we are careful about the Wannian Ship, I also feel that we are a little too careful. With the strength of our team, what is wrong with the Kingdom of God now? Why be so cautious?" Protector Li also agreed.

As they spoke, the three guardians relaxed a little.

Although they were still surrounding Elder Lin and Tang Yi, they were not too careful, nor did they act cautiously like before as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They were just vigilant about their surroundings.

On the side, Commander Fang and others from the Divine Realm Royal Family did not dare to be careless in any way.

After all, the princess of the Divine Realm is very important to them.

They are much more important to Yongyue Tower than Tang Yi, Elder Lin and others.

The Princess of the Divine Realm is very likely to be the next heir to the Divine Realm Kingdom. How dare they be careless.

Although they walked for twenty minutes and found no danger along the way, they did not dare to relax their vigilance as long as the uneasy feeling in their hearts was still there.

It’s not that they are too careful and nervous, but it’s something they should do.

Protecting the princess of the Divine Realm is their first duty. In this way, everyone moved forward for another ten minutes. This time, everyone still found no danger.

Since no danger had been detected for a long time, although the uneasiness in their hearts was still there, the three elders of Yongyue Tower relaxed.

Although they were still surrounding Elder Lin and Tang Yi, they were no longer vigilant and were looking around casually.

After all, they have walked for so long without encountering any danger, so why should they be wary?
  Aren't you tired of always acting like you're facing an enemy?

And even the leadership of the royal family in the Divine Realm was a little lax.

Although they were still vigilant, they were no longer as vigilant as before.

However, just when everyone relaxed their vigilance.

Several black shadows cut through the void and shot straight towards Tang Yi and others.

There were ten black shadows in total, one of which shot directly at Tang Yi, while the other nine were aimed at the princess of the Divine Realm, Shenyuan Shuang!
  I don't know if it's because Shenyuan Shuang is the most protected and valued, but she has become the main target of the rising black shadow.

Ten black shadows burst out, and a total of nine black shadows all headed towards Shenyuan Shuang, completely turning a blind eye to the surrounding commanders.

It seems that these commanders are not taken seriously at all, and only Shenyuan Shuang is targeted.

And I don’t know if it’s because Tang Yi is too ordinary that he has also become the target of the black shadow!
  One of the ten black shadows shot at him.

These shadows seemed to think that Tang Yi and Shenyuan Shuang were the best targets for a sneak attack.

Is the former easy to kill? Which is the most important?
  The Ten Black Shadows may have thought so, so they chose Tang Yi and Shenyuan Shuang as the targets of the sneak attack.


Feeling the sound of breaking wind coming, the leaders of the royal family of God's Domain were the first to react.

Although they had already relaxed a little, they did not discover the black shadow in the first place.

However, as the powerful saints, their reaction was extremely fast. They made the best reaction in an instant, and they got close to the princess of the divine domain, Shenyuan Shuang, and then used defensive methods.

"Ji Shougen!"

"Bagua Tianzhu Formation!"

"Tianji cover!"

"The Eight Extremes Method of Protecting Your Body!"

"God merges into one, indestructible and indestructible!"

The five commanders used their methods to protect the princess of the Divine Realm, Shenyuan Shuang. Various methods and various defensive formations protected Shenyuan Shuang airtightly, like a large iron barrel formation.

I have to say that the leaders of the five divine realms are indeed very powerful and their reactions are indeed fast enough.

Under the protection of the five commanders, the safety of the Princess of the Divine Realm was best guaranteed. Therefore, facing the sneak attack, the Princess of the Divine Realm, Shenyuan Shuang, remained calm and composed, not panicked at all, and was even in the mood to look at others.

At this time, she was looking at Tang Yi's situation.

Because there was a black shadow, and the direction it attacked was Tang Yi!

On the side, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower did not react so quickly.

They were already in a relaxed state. Not to mention discovering the shadow sneak attack at the first time, even their subsequent reaction was a lot too slow.

This directly caused the black shadow that was the only one to attack Tang Yi to quickly pass through their protection and reach Tang Yi!
  (End of this chapter)

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