Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2061: Attacked by a useless sword?

Chapter 2061: Attacked by a useless sword?

When the three guardians of Yongyue Tower reacted, the black shadow was already very close to Tang Yi, and was about to hit Tang Yi.

"Save that young man quickly!"

Seeing this scene, Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm was the first to react and screamed anxiously.

Hearing the scream of Princess Shenyuan Shuang of the Divine Realm, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower hurriedly took action to resist the black shadow.

But it's too late.

Because the black shadow had already broken through their defense line and arrived in front of Tang Yi.

At this time, even if the three guardians of Yongyue Tower took action, even if they tried their best, they could not stop the black shadow at all.

Seeing this scene, whether it was the three guardians of Yongyue Tower, the leader of the royal family of the Divine Realm, or the princess of the Divine Realm, they all felt that Tang Yi was finished and must be doomed.

This black shadow is very extraordinary at first glance, and it carries a very terrifying aura.

Being hit by such a dark shadow would have disastrous consequences.

Even a powerful saint like the leader of the royal family of the Divine Realm may have his life in danger.

Therefore, everyone present believed that Tang Yi was doomed.


At this time, Tang Yi seemed to be frightened or unable to react, standing on the same spot, motionless.

Seeing this scene, no one had any hope for Tang Yi.

At this time, the nine black shadows on the other side first attacked the Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang.

However, on the side of Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang, there is a large iron barrel defense formation built by five commanders.

Under the protection of the formation, although these nine black shadows came fiercely, they did not cause any harm to the princess Shenyuan Shuang of the Divine Realm.

These nine black shadows collided with several defenses. Apart from causing ripples and bursting out with terrifying power, they had no effect.

The five commanders used all their means to place themselves firmly in front of the Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang, protecting her airtight.

Of course, although these nine black shadows did not cause any harm to Shenyuan Shuang and were all defended by the five commanders' defensive formations, they caused a severe impact on the five commanders.

Otherwise the five leaders of the Divine Realm would react quickly.

If it weren't for their excellent defense methods.

If they hadn't joined forces to defend together.

I'm afraid I won't survive this sneak attack!

It can be seen how powerful the attacks of these black shadows are!

Feeling the attack power of these black shadows, everyone present felt that Tang Yi on the other side was doomed.

Even Elder Lin, who felt that Tang Yi had a good status and strength, was filled with despair at this time and felt that Tang Yi would definitely die.

After all, the attack intensity of the black shadow has reached the level of a saint.

In Elder Lin's opinion, even if Tang Yi is very powerful, or even if Tang Yi has strong men guarding him in the dark, he may still be doomed if he is attacked by a sneak attack.

  Everyone in the audience thought Tang Yi was dead!


What everyone didn't expect was.

Tang Yi stood there motionless. The black shadow struck Tang Yi, but it had no effect! I saw the black shadow suddenly hit Tang Yi's body, and it made a "clang" sound, as if it had hit something hard.

Then, the black shadow was instantly bounced away!

Not only did it not cause any harm to Tang Yi, he couldn't even move Tang Yi's body!
  Tang Yi stood still as still as a mountain, not even a hair fell out!

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was shocked, and no one understood what happened.

It's obvious that the black shadow's momentum is so fierce, it's obvious that the black shadow's offensive is so powerful, it's obvious that the black shadow has hit Tang Yi, but it didn't cause any harm to Tang Yi. This is simply strange.

Not only did it not cause any harm, Tang Yi's body couldn't even be moved at all!
  Tang Yi still stood where he was, as if he were a giant mountain, motionless!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was confused.

But this time.

From the location where Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm was located, there were several sounds of 'clang-clang-clang'.

And as the voice fell, the sneak attack of the black shadow also came to an end.

The power of several black shadows dissipated and fell to the ground one after another.

At this time, everyone finally saw what the black shadow looked like!

These black shadows are not ferocious beasts, ferocious warriors, or creatures, but...

A bunch of useless swords!

That's right, the black shadows falling on the ground are the rusty, old and dilapidated swords in the sword tomb!
  The ten black shadows are all useless swords!
  The one who attacked Tang Yi was a useless sword, and the one who attacked the princess Shenyuan Shuang of the Divine Realm was also a useless sword!
  Some of them were only half left, even the blades were curled up, and some even had the tips missing!
  It was this useless sword that attacked everyone.

Were they actually attacked by these useless swords before?
  How could such a useless sword have such terrifying power?

Can the attack power be so powerful?
  Everyone present except Tang Yi was shocked.

the most important is……

They suddenly looked around, but they didn't find a single figure around them, didn't see any creatures, and didn't feel any breath of life!
  There are no figures, no creatures, and no breath of life, then...

Who controls these useless swords?
  Who controlled these useless swords and attacked them?
  This is simply unbelievable and very strange.

"We were just... unexpectedly attacked by ten useless swords? The useless swords in the Sword Tomb?"

Protector Qian of Yongyue Tower said with a look of disbelief.

"On these useless swords, I felt a very terrifying aura of power. When they attacked us just now, they also released great power. However, I did not feel any aura of life nearby, let alone in these It’s very strange to see any traces of control on the scrap sword.”

Protector Zhao from Yongyue Tower also said.

Elder Li of Yongyue Tower on the side also said: "It is possible to erupt such terrifying power and unleash such great power, but these useless swords are not controlled by anyone? How is this possible?"

Elder Lin from Yongyue Tower did not immediately express his opinion. Instead, after the black shadow sneak attack ended, he immediately came to Tang Yi's location and asked, "Master, are you okay?"

Tang Yi shook his head and said calmly: "It's okay."

Of course, how could anything happen?

The attack intensity of those useless swords just now was at the level of a saint at most. How could an attack of this intensity hurt Tang Yi.

Totally impossible.

Even if Tang Yi stood there and was stabbed by these useless swords, these useless swords would probably not be able to cause any harm to Tang Yi at all.

So, how could something happen to him?
  (End of this chapter)

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