Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2062 Sword tomb constructed by sword creatures

Chapter 2062 Sword tomb constructed by sword creatures
  When Elder Lin saw that Tang Yi was indeed fine, he nodded immediately, and then came to the side of Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm and asked, "Your Highness, are you okay?"


Shenyuan Shuang also shook his head.

But her eyes were focused on Tang Yi at this time.

She was even more curious about Tang Yi!

She was more curious about Tang Yi than why the useless sword on the ground could rise up and hurt someone!
  I'm curious why Tang Yi has such a magical way to avoid water.

I am curious as to why Tang Yi was able to remain unharmed without being affected at all even though he was attacked by the useless sword.

She was more curious about Tang Yi than those useless swords that suddenly attacked.

When Elder Lin saw that the Princess of the Divine Realm was safe and sound, he suddenly said quietly: "Everyone, be careful, there is something fishy about this sword tomb. If my guess is correct, I am afraid that this sword tomb is not a sword tomb that was formed after a fierce battle at all. It is not a sword tomb formed by the blacksmith abandoning a large number of waste swords, but... but the third situation, a sword tomb built by some kind of powerful creature! Although the probability of this situation happening is very low, and it happens once. If it happens, it will be a life-threatening situation, but I think we are very likely to encounter this situation now."

"What? This is a sword tomb constructed by some kind of creature? What kind of creature?"

Commander Fang on the side heard this and asked in surprise.

At this time, the eyes of everyone present were all focused on Elder Lin, wanting to see what Elder Lin had to say.

Even Tang Yi looked at Elder Lin.

"Yes, this should be a sword tomb constructed by some kind of powerful creature bred by heaven and earth! It summoned countless waste swords and created this place." Elder Lin said.

"Creatures born from heaven and earth?"

Protector Qian was confused, obviously he had never heard of it.

Elder Lin continued to explain: "The creatures bred by heaven and earth are the creatures that absorb the power of heaven and earth, accumulate the power of heaven and earth to a certain extent, and then give birth to spiritual intelligence. These creatures are very powerful and possess great power. Often, as soon as such creatures are born, they can cause a bloody storm, and countless people will perish as a result.

Of course, I have never seen this kind of special creature, but I have seen their description of this kind of creature from a certain powerful Tantric sect. Moreover, their descriptions are a hundred times more horrifying than what I have described. All in all, the Holy Spirit bred by heaven and earth is a very terrifying creature with great energy.

In addition, if my guess is correct, the creatures here should be sword-type creatures. Sword-spirit creatures are more powerful than ordinary creatures! Ordinary creatures can cause devastation and create horrific crises, let alone sword spirit creatures. It is simply a catastrophe! "

Everyone present was surprised by what Elder Lin said. Some felt that Elder Lin's words were too exaggerated, while others felt that such sword-like creatures were too terrifying.

"Elder Lin, are you telling the truth? Are the creatures bred by heaven and earth really so powerful? And are there really sword-type creatures here?" Protector Qian asked.

"What I said is true! I definitely didn't deceive you! The creatures bred by heaven and earth are indeed very powerful, and the sword spirit creatures are especially powerful!"

Elder Lin said solemnly: "As for whether there are sword-type creatures here, I was not sure before, and I even thought there were not. After all, the probability of creatures appearing is too low. So low that it is almost negligible! But! After seeing everyone being attacked by a sneak attack, especially by the useless sword here! I am 70% sure that there must be sword creatures here!"    "Elder Lin, you are saying... the one who just attacked us... , is that sword creature? It controlled the useless sword and launched a sneak attack on us?"

After hearing Tang Yi's words, Tang Yi asked immediately.

"Young Master is right!"

Elder Lin nodded, pointed at the useless swords on the ground that had just attacked everyone, and continued: "Look, everyone, the useless swords that just attacked the young master and the princess were just ordinary sword weapons, and they were also broken and rusty swords. Weapons! Some even have curled edges, some have no tip at all, and some have only half of the sword left!
  However, such a sword weapon has just exploded with extremely terrifying power. What is the reason for this?

An attack of that intensity just now would probably require ten powerful men above the Holy Lord level to attack at the same time, right?

However, where are the powerful men at the level of saints? I've looked all over the place and can't see it. Have you seen it? "

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads and said they didn't see it either.

Elder Lin continued: "Look, you haven't found the human beings who control the waste swords! So, do you think these waste swords are controlled by humans? It's definitely not the case! There is neither the breath of life nor any human figures around, It definitely cannot be controlled by humans. If it is controlled by humans, then this person's strength is absolutely unparalleled.

After all, he can silently control the useless swords to make sneak attacks, and can make these useless swords burst out with strength comparable to that of a powerful saint. It can make us unable to detect it. How could he do it if he is not strong?

And is it necessary for a strong man of this strength to sneak attack us? Wouldn't it be better if he just took action? The control of the useless sword is so powerful, why don't you kill us instantly if you take action yourself?
  Therefore, it is impossible for a useless sword controlled by humans to sneak attack us. "

Everyone nodded, feeling that what Elder Lin said was very reasonable.

Indeed, if a human were to control the useless sword, it would require extremely strong strength to reach the level just now.

However, a person with this kind of strength does not need to make a sneak attack at all. He only needs to attack everyone openly.

Even if they act openly and honestly, it is impossible for those present to resist this presence.

Elder Lin continued: "Since no human controlled the Waste Sword to sneak attack on us, then who controlled the Waste Sword? The only possibility is that the person who controls the Waste Sword is an existence that we cannot find!

In my opinion, it is what I call sword-like creatures!

The attack on us was most likely the work of some kind of sword-like creature.

Sword-type creatures can control thousands of swords in the world. It controls these sword-type weapons and can erupt with very terrifying power. This is why a few useless swords can erupt with a strike from a saint-level powerhouse!

Only sword creatures can control the waste sword and make the waste sword explode with astonishing power!
  Only sword creatures can hide in useless swords and launch sneak attacks on us without being detected. Therefore, it should be the work of sword-like creatures. This should be the sword tomb constructed by sword-like creatures! "

(End of this chapter)

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