Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2068 Ten Thousand Swords Attack

Chapter 2068 Ten Thousand Swords Attack
  Everyone present, whether they were the three guardians of Yongyue Tower, or the five commanders of the Divine Realm royal family and the Divine Realm princess, no one was stunned after hearing Tang Yi's words.

They had no idea how Tang Yi's method could resolve the crisis, and how they could escape among hundreds of thousands or even millions of useless swords.

Even Elder Lin, who was very optimistic about Tang Yi and felt that Tang Yi was unfathomable, looked confused at this time.

"This is my method, and my method can definitely solve the crisis. As for whether you believe it or not, it's none of my business." Tang Yi said lightly.

Anyway, he has already said it. As for whether others believe it or not, that is their business.

"Sir, if we stand behind you, can we really resolve the crisis? Can we really deal with thousands of useless swords controlled by sword creatures?" Elder Lin asked uncertainly.

"I've said it before. Normally I don't say it a second time. I've already said it. Whether you believe it or not is up to you." Tang Yi said.

Hearing this, Elder Lin thought quickly and then said: "Okay, then I will believe you."

With that said, he suddenly came behind Tang Yi.

The three guardians of Yongyue Tower also looked at each other, and finally chose to believe Tang Yi and came behind Tang Yi one after another.

The four people in Yongyue Tower stood behind Tang Yi.

"Do you really believe what this young master says? Can you resolve the crisis by standing behind him?" Seeing the actions of the people in Yongyue Tower, Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family showed an expression of disbelief.

"Commander Fang, I believe you have seen how magical the young master is before. Moreover, I believe that the young master will not joke with his own life. At this time, he said that he can relieve the crisis. It should be possible. Anyway, we are now There is no other way, it is better to believe in the young master." Elder Lin said.

"But isn't this a joke? Facing the countless useless swords in the Sword Tomb, standing behind this young master, can we resolve the crisis? The countless useless swords in the Sword Tomb will not attack us? This is simply not possible Impossible." Commander Fang said.

"Regardless of whether it is possible or not, as Young Master said just now, the words have been spoken. As for whether you believe it or not, it is your choice." Elder Lin said.

"I definitely don't..."

Commander Fang was about to say that he didn't believe it and would not choose to stand behind Tang Yi.

But at this time, Princess Shenyuan Shuang of the Divine Realm stepped forward, quickly walked behind Tang Yi, and said, "I believe it."


Seeing this scene, Commander Fang and other leaders of the God Realm were stunned on the spot.

At this time, even the Princess of the Divine Realm believed it. Even the Princess of the Divine Realm, Shen Yuanshuang, stood over and stood behind Tang Yi. What else could they say?
  Originally, Commander Fang wanted to say something else, and wanted to deny Tang Yi, but at this time, he could not say anything.

The five commanders looked at each other slightly, and then followed Shenyuan Shuang and quickly came behind Tang Yi.

After all, the princess has come, how can they not come?

"That's right, it would have been fine if it had been like this." Tang Yi said with a smile.


Commander Fang snorted coldly and said, "I want to see how standing behind the young master can resolve the crisis."

Tang Yi smiled and said, "Then watch carefully."

As he said that, he didn't do anything, just stood there, waiting for the useless sword to attack.

And at this moment, the waste swords that were constantly gathering and floating in the mid-air finally made some movement.

I saw these useless swords just like before. The sword body shook suddenly, and then with a bang, like wasps, they rushed towards Tang Yi and others.

This time, these useless swords no longer attacked one after another, but flew towards Tang Yi and others at the same time! It seemed as if it was going to hit Tang Yi and others all at once, killing Tang Yi and others directly.

At this time, countless useless swords crashed down, and the feeling of thousands of swords coming was very terrifying, densely packed, as if it were raining. Just looking up slightly, I immediately shuddered.

The three guardians of Yongyue Tower and Elder Lin, as well as the five commanders of the Divine Realm Royal Family and the Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang, saw this scene and were immediately frightened and nervous.

After all, the feeling of the thousands of swords attacking was really intimidating and shocking, and the impact it brought to people was too violent and terrifying.

Facing such a terrifying scene, no one will not be afraid and no one will not be nervous.

Of course, there are exceptions.

For example, Tang Yi.

Tang Yi was not nervous.

At this time, Tang Yi stood on the spot, the wind was light and the clouds were calm, with an unconcerned look on his face.

The rain-like ten thousand swords in front of him seemed not to be in his eyes at all.

Or perhaps, in his eyes, the Wanjian in front of him was not Wanjian, but just some ants without any offensive power.

Tang Yi's performance immediately scared everyone present half to death.

While wondering why Tang Yi didn't take action, they were panicking about solutions, how to deal with this crisis, how to save themselves, how to escape and ascend to heaven!

After all, Tang Yi is too unreliable.

At this time, thousands of swords were coming, and they were about to arrive in front of him, but he was still motionless and did nothing.

Not only did he not resist, but he also had no intention of taking action?
  Is this the rhythm of giving up resistance?
  what the hell?

Can they not panic when they see Tang Yi like this?
  Commander Fang even cursed in his heart: "It's over, it's over, I know I shouldn't trust this kid. This kid is a trap. He wants to drag us to death together. He really was tricked to death. If I had known this, Even if I try my best, I can't make Her Royal Highness believe him."

However, just when everyone was confused and panicked, Tang Yi finally made a move.

I saw him stretching his hand slightly and throwing out a small square box.


This small square box grew bigger and bigger on the way out, and finally turned into a house of several tens of square meters.

That's right, it's a house, a house with a transparent roof and white snow on all sides that looks crystal clear.

It was such a house that suddenly shrouded everyone's heads, completely enveloping Tang Yi and his party.

In this way, Tang Yi's weird house enveloped everyone inside.

At this time, countless useless swords finally poured down, like rain.

The target of these waste swords was Tang Yi and his party. However, because the weird house enveloped Tang Yi and his party, these waste swords could only bombard this house.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless shining waste swords hit the strange house, making waves of roars, terrifying power erupting, and waves of shock waves surging continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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