Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2069 Just because you haven’t seen it, you can’t say it doesn’t exist in the world.

Chapter 2069 Just because you haven’t seen it, you can’t say it doesn’t exist in the world.
  It has to be said that the sword creatures are indeed very terrifying. Not only do they control so many useless swords, but the power of each useless sword is unparalleled.

Every useless sword is at least as powerful as a strike from a saint-level warrior, or even stronger!


Even so!

Although countless waste swords tilted down, and although the attack power of these waste swords was extremely powerful, their bombardment on Tang Yi's weird house had no effect, and it was impossible to advance even an inch.

At this time, these useless swords, let alone bombarding Tang Yi and his party inside the house, could not even shake the house at all.

This house seemed to be like a barrier at this time, impregnable, so that Huai Jian could not find any breakthrough.

No matter how many there are in these waste swords, no matter how strong the attack power of these waste swords is, they cannot break through and cannot advance even an inch.

The people inside this house are extremely safe at this time.

Inside the house, they couldn't even feel the vibrations.

Even if the bombardment outside was extremely fierce, the aftermath was endless, and the shock waves continued to surge, they couldn't feel it at all!

They could only see through the transparent roof that the densely packed waste swords outside were constantly bombarding the house.

They seemed like outsiders at this time, not participating in it, just watching the scene outside like watching a movie.

"This... what kind of magic weapon is this!"

Seeing this scene, Elder Lin was horrified.

As the appraisal elder of Yongyue Tower, what treasures has Elder Lin not seen? What treasures have you not touched?
  Elder Lin can be said to be very knowledgeable and has seen a lot of treasures.

  But I have never seen this house-like treasure that can grow and shrink in front of me!

And most importantly!

This treasure, which is as big as a house, has extremely powerful defense and can actually withstand the attacks of thousands of useless swords!
  He knew the power of these useless swords. Each useless sword was almost as powerful as a saint-level expert.

However, this house-like treasure can actually withstand so many useless sword attacks without shaking at all, which shows how powerful its defense is.

In addition to Elder Lin who was shocked, everyone else was also extremely shocked.

They had never seen such a treasure before.

At the same time, they suddenly realized that no wonder Tang Yi was so calm and composed.

No wonder Tang Yi said that as long as he stood behind him, the crisis could be solved.

That's it!

It turns out that Tang Yi possesses such a treasure!

Originally, the leaders of the divine royal family were somewhat dissatisfied with Tang Yi.

When Tang Yi took out this house-like treasure, they were convinced.

Can you not be convinced?
  Tang Yi's treasure can block countless useless swords. Who among them is not convinced by this kind of defensive power?

"No wonder the young master is so confident. No wonder he said that the crisis can be solved by letting us stand behind him. It turns out that the young master has such a treasure, but I am blind." Commander Fang said to Tang Yi.

Tang Yi looked at him and said calmly: "Do you think I said I could solve the crisis because of this treasure? You are wrong."

The special item Tang Yi used at this time was a golden shelter.

[Golden Shelter]: A special space item. This item can be large or small. The maximum can be transformed into a kilometer, and the minimum can be transformed into the size of a sesame seed.

This item has the strongest defensive ability and ignores all attacks from warriors below the Saint level.

(This attribute can be enhanced as the owner's strength increases after the owner is recognized by dripping blood. Currently, it has been enhanced to the holy level.)
  If you practice in this item, regardless of whether you are practicing martial arts, exercises, or anything else, your practice speed will be increased by 100%. Additional special skills: transfer
  Transfer: Activate this special skill, and Golden Sanctuary will be teleported to any location in the current plane. (The minimum transmission distance is not less than 100 kilometers, and the maximum distance is not more than 100 million kilometers)


Although this special item is good, Tang Yi does not rely on it to solve the crisis.

"Isn't it relying on this treasure? Is it relying on...?"

Commander Fang looked at Tang Yi doubtfully.

Now, he didn't dare to question Tang Yi at will.

After all, every time he questioned before, he was slapped hard in the face by Tang Yi.

Every time Tang Yi showed unparalleled means and strength, it made his face hurt.

The lesson is clearly visible, Commander Fang still dares to question Tang Yi casually.

"What else could it be? Of course it's strength!" Tang Yi said matter-of-factly.

"With strength?" Commander Fang was slightly stunned.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Although Tang Yi has shown many tricks before, such as walking freely on the bottom of the lake, opening the stone door, using his body to block the attack of the waste sword, and crushing hundreds of waste swords with a squeeze of his right hand!
  All kinds of magic!


Although Tang Yi had many methods, no one present regarded these miracles as Tang Yi's strength.

They all thought that Tang Yi had some strength, but at best it was no more than the same as Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang!

Shenyuan Shuang is already a younger generation with relatively good talent and strength. Even if Tang Yi is stronger than Shenyuan Shuang, he will only be a little stronger at most, not much.

After all, Tang Yi is too young.

What strength can you have at this age?
  Therefore, everyone present did not think that Tang Yi had any strength.

However, now, Tang Yi actually said that relying on strength?
  Relying on strength to resolve the crisis?

This made everyone confused and didn't understand why Tang Yi said this.

"Yes, with your strength, do you have any problems?"

Seeing everyone's doubtful looks, Tang Yi couldn't help but ask.

Commander Fang said: "Sir, are you kidding? If I read correctly, the master should be no more than twenty, right? He should be very young, at this age... It's not that I look down on the master, it's mainly because of your age. It’s too young. At such a young age, even if you start practicing as soon as you’re born, you won’t be able to reach my level.”

Commander Fang was extremely confident in his strength and felt that even Tang Yi, who had been practicing since his mother's womb, could not surpass him.

But Tang Yi smiled and said: "Commander Fang, if you think it's impossible and think others are incompetent, I can only say that your vision is too narrow and your knowledge is not broad enough. Have you heard of a saying ?The world is so big, there are all kinds of wonders! You should understand the meaning of this sentence. The Shengwu Continent is extremely vast, and people with extraordinary strength at a young age are everywhere. You can’t say just because you have shallow knowledge and have never seen it before There is no such person in this world.”

With that said, Tang Yi no longer explained anything, but flicked his right hand and took out the Nightmare Hook Lock.

Holding the lock in his left hand and lifting the hook in his right hand, Tang Yi's eyes narrowed.

Then, with a flick of his right hand, he violently threw out the hook of the sickle in his hand.

"Death Lockdown!"


The sickle at the front of the hook lock roared out!

(End of this chapter)

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