Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2074 Red Moon Apophis

Chapter 2074 Red Moon Apophis
  Before being possessed, the demon sword Apophis was just a weapon and a dead object in Tang Yi's hands, without any breath of life.

However, at this time, the possessed demon sword Apophis seemed like a partner, like a living being with self-awareness, possessing a very powerful breath of life!
  Tang Yi was surprised by this change.

After being slightly surprised, Tang Yi used his clairvoyance technique and threw it at the demon sword Apophis, and began to check the properties of the demon sword Apophis after it was possessed.

[Red Moon Apophis]: Growth-type sword spirit weapon

Attributes: Attack power increased by 11350 times, strength increased by 1635000 points, martial arts power increased by 500 times, penetration increased by 50000 times, speed increased by 5000 times, and blood sucking increased by 3000 times.

Passive special effects: dark attribute attack, suppression offensive, bloodthirsty instinct, red moon repair

Dark attribute attack: When using Red Moon Apophis to attack, the player can add additional red special attribute damage to each normal attack. (The red special attribute damage will change with the player's strength. This damage is real damage and ignores the target's defense)
  Suppression offensive: When using Red Moon Apophis to fight against enemy targets, players can ignore the enemy target's attributes and strength to carry out suppressive strikes.

Bloodthirsty Instinct: If it hits an enemy target, it can cause the enemy target to enter a special non-stop bleeding state. If special methods are not used to stop the bleeding, the enemy target will bleed to death. (Bleeding damage depends on the severity of the injury. The more serious the injury, the higher the damage caused by bleeding damage)

Red Moon Repair: No matter how badly damaged Red Moon Apophis is, even if it turns into scrap metal, as long as there is a scrap left, it can be slowly repaired. (The speed of repair depends on the richness of the spiritual energy. The richer the spiritual energy, the faster the repair speed.)

Additional skills: Spirit of the Demonic Sword, Fusion of Human Swords, Domain of Swords, Control of Ten Thousand Swords, Construction of Sword Domain

Demonic Sword Spirit: When this skill is activated, Red Moon Apophis can transform into the Demonic Sword Spirit and automatically attack enemy targets. The strength of the Demonic Sword Spirit is equivalent to 1000 times the player's full strength. This skill will increase with the Changes will occur as player strength improves and equipment changes.

Duration: 300 seconds.

Cooling time: 3 hours.

Integration of Man and Sword: By activating this skill, the player can merge with Red Moon Apophis. The attack power is increased by 100000 times, the speed is increased by 50000 times, the defense power is increased by 100000 times, the skill damage is increased by 50000 times, and all attributes are increased by 100000000 points. Blood-stealing is increased by 1000 times, and toughness is increased by 100000 times.

Duration: 30 seconds.

Cooling time: 3 hours.

Sword Domain: Activating this skill can expand a large-scale domain. In the domain, the attack power of sword weapons is increased by 5000 times, and the damage of sword skills is increased by 3000 times.

Control Ten Thousand Swords: With Sword Domain activated, this skill can be activated to control all sword weapons in the domain.

Duration: 60 seconds

Cooling time: 3 hours.

Construct a space: Activating this skill can construct a space completely formed by sword weapons. The size of the space will depend on the player's construction time.

(This weapon is a growth-type sword spirit weapon. There is no upper limit for strengthening and amplification. It can be strengthened and amplified without limit. Therefore, the values ​​​​of strengthening and amplification are reset to zero. Although the values ​​are reset to zero, the attributes of strengthening and amplification are still valid. Future enhancements The amplification effect will not be reflected in the numerical value, but will be directly reflected in the numerical value)



There are properties that fill a large page, so densely packed!

Seeing the attributes of the new demon sword Apophis, Tang Yi's eyes widened, surprised and excited.

Oh no.

It should no longer be called the magic sword Apophis.

The bright red giant sword in my hand now should be called...Red Moon Apophis!
  Red Moon Apophis can be said to be a new weapon, or an upgraded and evolved version of the original weapon! At this time, Red Moon Apophis’ various attributes, skills, etc. have been horribly improved.

Even those weapons of unknown levels may not have the same attributes as Red Moon Apophis!

In terms of basic attributes.

The increased attack power of Red Moon Apophis actually increased to 11,350 times!
  And the original magic sword Apophis, even if it is strengthened, only increases its attack power by more than a thousand times!
  In terms of original attributes, it has been improved ten times.

Of course, the attack power increased ten times from the original basis, but the bonus given to Tang Yi's combat power increased by more than a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand times!

With this attribute alone, when Tang Yi fought with the Red Moon Demon Sword Apophis, his combat effectiveness increased countless times.

Tang Yi's combat effectiveness has been improved by several levels without any need for other attributes.

In addition to the increase in basic attack power.

The other basic attributes of Red Moon Apophis also increased extremely exaggeratedly.

The strength is increased by 1635000 points, the power of martial arts is increased by 500 times, the penetration is increased by 50000 times, and the speed is increased by 5000 times.

There is even a special attribute of blood-sucking, which increases the blood-sucking effect by 3000 times!

This is absolutely terrifying.

In terms of basic attributes alone, this Red Moon Apophis has completely surpassed the original enhanced magic sword Apophis! !

Even without additional special effects, even without additional skills, Red Moon Apophis is countless times more powerful than Demon Sword Apophis!
  Tang Yi's combat power bonus needs to be improved by several levels!
  It can be like this without additional special effects or additional skills. So what if there are additional special effects and additional skills?

Red Moon Apophis has additional special effects and additional skills!

Moreover, it has many additional special effects and additional skills!

Moreover, the additional special effects and skills are even more powerful than the magic sword Apophis!

In terms of additional special effects, in addition to the original additional special effects of the magic sword Apophis being retained, Red Moon Apophis also has two additional additional special effects, bloodthirsty instinct and red moon repair!
  The bloodthirsty instinct can cause special bleeding effects on injured enemies, which is difficult to suppress.

If you don't use special methods to stop the bleeding, you may bleed to death, and the injuries will be extremely horrific.

Red Moon Repair allows Red Moon Apophis to continuously repair itself, no matter how damaged it is, it can recover.

Two special effects, one for attack and one for defense, one for attack and one for defense, you are invincible!

And in terms of additional skills!

The additional skills of Red Moon Apophis have also undergone considerable changes.

The additional skill Demon Sword Dance of the original Demon Sword Apophis has become the current Demon Sword Spirit of Red Moon Apophis.

Compared with the original Demonic Sword Dance, Red Moon Apophis' additional skill Demonic Sword Spirit is now more powerful.

Not only is the power stronger and the attributes stronger, but the duration has become longer and the cooldown time has also become shorter.

The overall skills have received a huge bonus!
  (End of this chapter)

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