Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2075 Strengthening and Amplifying Red Moon Apophis

Chapter 2075 Strengthening and Amplifying Red Moon Apophis

In addition, Red Moon Apophis' other skills have also been greatly improved.

For example, the additional skill of the original Demon Sword Apophis is Demon King's Advent, and now it has become the human-sword fusion of Red Moon Apophis.


It has become a 100000-fold increase in attack power, a 50000-fold increase in speed, a 100000-fold increase in defense, a 50000-fold increase in skill damage, a 100000000-point increase in all attributes, a 1000-fold increase in blood-stealing, and a 100000-fold increase in toughness.

The attributes of the skills have been improved dozens of times, and there are also several more special attributes!
  In addition, Red Moon Apophis has several more special skills in addition to the skills of the original demon sword Apophis.

For example, in the Sword Domain, you can control thousands of swords and build a sword domain.

These are all methods that sword creatures originally had, but now they have all become the skills of Red Moon Apophis!
  The Sword Domain can improve the properties of sword weapons!
  Control Ten Thousand Swords and be able to control all sword weapons in the Sword Domain.

Constructing a sword domain can continuously summon spiritual swords and build a space dedicated to sword weapons!
  Every skill is a rare and top-notch skill!
  The above attributes, various special effects, and various skills made Tang Yi's eyes shine and his face was full of excitement and excitement.

Whether it's attributes, special effects or skills, it's all perfect.

It was beyond his imagination.

Tang Yi didn't expect that the demon sword Apophis would improve so much after possessing the spirit.

He originally expected that the spirit possessed by the magic sword Apophis would be improved in the future.

After all, when a weapon is enchanted, it will either increase or decrease.

Regardless of whether Tang Yi improves or decreases, he has anticipated both situations.

However, I didn't expect that the intensity of the improvement would be so great.

It actually improved several levels at once.

The level of the magic sword Apophis suddenly jumped several levels and reached another level.

Yes, at this time, the possessed Red Moon Apophis has reached another level.

Although Red Moon Apophis no longer displays its level at this time, through its attributes, it can be clearly known that it is already a weapon of another level, and is no longer the high-grade Holy Heaven level!
  In addition, after being possessed, Red Moon Apophis has become a growth-type sword spirit weapon.

What does that mean?

As the name suggests, it is an upgradeable sword-type weapon!

In other words, it can continue to improve, continue to grow, and continue to become stronger!
  the most important is.

There is a special note at the bottom of the attributes, stating that Red Moon Apophis has no upper limit for enhancement or increase.

In other words, if Tang Yi has enough strengthening stones and amplifying stones, he can infinitely strengthen and amplify this weapon!

You can make this weapon infinitely stronger!

This Red Moon Apophis has a bright future and great room for growth.

The current attributes are not its limit, but only its foundation!

It can also become stronger and more terrifying!
  In the future, it might even become the most powerful artifact in the world!
  Of course, whether it can become the supreme and most powerful artifact is still an unknown thing, and it is still very far away.

However, for now, this weapon has extremely high growth potential and extremely strong attributes, which can maximize Tang Yi's combat effectiveness!

It is currently the weapon Tang Yi needs most!

Thinking of all these, Tang Yi became more and more excited and excited.

He didn't expect that sword-like creatures could actually improve sword-like weapons to such an extent!
  This is really an exaggeration.

Moreover, Red Moon Apophis gave Tang Yi a feeling of vitality, as if he had developed self-awareness!
  This surprised Tang Yi even more.

In short, Tang Yi is very satisfied with the result of this spirit possession!

After thinking for a while, Tang Yi decided to use all strengthening stones and amplifying stones to strengthen and amplify this weapon!
  The last time he encountered the Angel Store, Tang Yi bought twenty strengthening stones and twenty amplifying stones but had not yet used them.

At this time, he felt that all of it would be spent on this enchanted weapon, Red Moon Apophis!

With a slight shake of his hand, twenty snow-white strengthening stones and twenty black amplifying stones appeared in vain.


As Tang Yi thought silently in his heart, a snow-white strengthening stone suddenly hit the red moon Apophis with a 'ding' sound.

Then it turned into a ray of light and entered the sword body of Red Moon Apophis.

At this time, the light of Red Moon Apophis flashed, and then a prompt came from Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully strengthening Red Moon Apophis."

Seeing this prompt, Tang Yi's eyes were full of surprise and excitement.

However, he did not immediately check the enhanced attributes of Red Moon Apophis, but continued to strengthen it.

"Strengthen!"      Strengthen!



Twenty strengthening stones were all used by Tang Yi on Red Moon Apophis.


Not every reinforcement is successful.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully strengthening Red Moon Apophis."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully strengthening Red Moon Apophis."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully strengthening Red Moon Apophis."


"Ding, congratulations to the player for failing to strengthen Red Moon Apophis."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for failing to strengthen Red Moon Apophis."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for failing to strengthen Red Moon Apophis."



At the beginning, the reinforcement was almost always successful, with only one or two unsuccessful attempts.

But the further you go, the higher the failure rate of reinforcement becomes.

The last few times, almost all failed.

Twenty strengthening stones were used to strengthen it only ten times.

Ten strengthening stones were completely wasted.

The success rate is only 50%.

Of course, there is a chance of strengthening.

With twenty strengthening stones, it can be strengthened successfully ten times, and there is a 50% chance of successful strengthening, which is already very good.

Tang Yi was very satisfied with this.

After using twenty strengthening stones, Tang Yi still did not rush to open the attribute panel of Red Moon Apophis, but continued to increase it!





"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully strengthening Red Moon Apophis."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully strengthening Red Moon Apophis."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for successfully strengthening Red Moon Apophis."


"Ding, congratulations to the player for failing to strengthen Red Moon Apophis."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for failing to strengthen Red Moon Apophis."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for failing to strengthen Red Moon Apophis."



Twenty Amplification Stones were used on Red Moon Apophis.

Like strengthening, the success rate of amplification stones is almost fifty.

With twenty amplification stones, the amplification was successful nine times and failed eleven times.

Compared to strengthening, it failed once more.

But it doesn't matter. Tang Yi is also very satisfied with the Amplification Stone being able to succeed nine times.

(End of this chapter)

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