Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2078 Treeman Warrior?

Chapter 2078 Treeman Warrior?

The group continued moving forward.

This time, there is no longer that weird and uncomfortable atmosphere in the sword tomb.

Along the way, no one saw any useless swords.

It seemed that all the useless swords had been destroyed by Tang Yi in the previous attack.

In short, no one encountered any problems along the way, and everyone passed through the sword tomb safely.

After passing through the Sword Tomb, what everyone didn't expect was that behind the Sword Tomb was an endless forest.

As far as the eye can see, it is lush and green.

"This this……"

Elder Lin didn't even know what to say.

You know, this is the bottom of the lake!

A huge sword tomb appeared at the bottom of the lake, but now a forest appears?
  Is there anything more outrageous than this?

Even the forest has appeared at the bottom of the lake. What magical things will happen in the future?

Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family looked at the endless forest in front of him, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know why, although this forest is full of vitality and lush, but it gives me a very heavy feeling. As if It felt like I was suffocating, as if I was not facing a forest, but a dangerous situation in a remote mountainous area, full of tremendous pressure."

Protector Qian from the Yongyue Tower also said: "Yes, I feel this way too, and the feeling is extremely strong. The forest in front of me looks extraordinary, and maybe it is full of unknown dangers."

After hearing the words of Protector Qian and Commander Fang of the Divine Realm Royal Family, others also nodded in agreement.

On the side, Elder Lin also glanced at the forest, with a solemn expression on his face.

Although Elder Lin is not as strong as Protector Qian and Commander Fang, and does not have that deep feeling for the forest, he can still feel it a little bit.

He could feel the pressure coming from the direction of the forest.

Therefore, he had no doubts about what Protector Qian and Commander Fang said.

After taking a brief look at the forest, Elder Lin asked Tang Yi, "Sir, what do you think of the forest ahead?"

After all, Tang Yi is very powerful and has many methods. If the forest in front of him is in danger, Tang Yi's opinion is still extremely important.

They must know Tang Yi's views.

Tang Yi glanced at the forest slightly and said calmly: "You are right, this forest is indeed very abnormal, but we don't need to be afraid. As long as the soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil, we can do whatever we want. After all, inheritance How can there be no danger in this land? If you want to inherit the inheritance, how can you do it without passing some tests?"

"Young Master is absolutely right. This is a place of inheritance after all, and it cannot be without danger. No matter how abnormal the forest is, we only need soldiers to block the water and cover it with earth."

Elder Lin nodded and said, "In that case, let's move on."

With that said, the group of people continued to move forward. Although they were wary and worried about the forest in front of them, they still entered the forest.

And just like what you see outside the forest, the forest trees are towering, lush, and very dense.

Walking in this forest, you can't see the distant scenery at all, you can only see the nearby scenery. The distant scenery is completely blocked by the trees.

Moreover, after entering the forest, the strange suffocating feeling became more intense and intense.

"Do we really want to keep moving forward? Now the pressure I feel is getting more and more intense, as if being pressed by a big mountain. If we keep moving forward, our lives may be really in danger." Commander Fang said with a look on his face. He said solemnly.

Seeing Commander Fang's solemn expression, Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm asked immediately: "Commander Fang, is the situation really that serious? Is the pressure really that great?" The strength was relatively low, so he did not feel the huge pressure that Commander Fang felt.

She did feel a trace of pressure coming from the forest now, but it was just a little pressure. This level of pressure was still acceptable.

It was not as serious as Commander Fang said, so Shenyuan Shuang didn't know how Commander Fang and others felt.

Commander Fang nodded and said: "Yes, I feel great pressure now. This pressure comes from all directions, as if it wants to swallow me up."

The other four commanders also nodded.

Seeing that the five commanders were so solemn and solemn, Princess Shen Yuan Shuang of the Divine Realm couldn't help but become a little worried. She couldn't help but turn her gaze to Elder Lin, wanting to see what Elder Lin had to say.

But Elder Lin looked at the three guardians of Yongyue Tower.

"Elder Lin, the current situation is really not optimistic. We are also feeling pressure from all directions, as if the entire forest is our enemy and is extremely hostile to us." Protector Qian said.

Protector Li also said: "We continue to move forward, maybe as Commander Fang said, our lives are under huge threat."

"Although I don't know what is going on in this forest, there is definitely something weird about it. Going deep into it rashly is indeed extremely dangerous. I don't think we can continue to take risks." Guardian Zhao said.

The three guardians of Yongyue Tower also felt the crisis and felt that there would be huge danger if they continued.

After hearing the words of the three guardians of Yongyuelou, Elder Lin did not speak immediately, but turned to look at Tang Yi.

However, Tang Yi felt Elder Lin's gaze, and just as he was about to say something, he saw violent noises coming from all directions.


The ground suddenly shook, and the tall and huge trees in all directions were shaking.

Of course, these are not the most important.

the most important is.

The towering trees all around were suddenly uprooted after shaking violently, and their entire roots were exposed.

And after these trees were uprooted, they seemed to come alive, all coiled together and turned into feet.

The branches were all stirred together and turned into two huge arms.

At the same time, at the top of the big tree, eyes, nose, mouth, and a human face appeared!

At this time, all the big trees in the sky turned into tree giants one by one! !
  Transformed into human form?
  And it’s not over yet!

After the big trees turned into tree giants, these big trees raised their arms.


The ground rumbled and shook again, and in the next moment, a huge black shadow broke out of the ground, flew into the air, and flew into the hand of the big tree, where it was firmly grasped by the big tree.

Everyone looked carefully and realized that these black shadows that broke out of the ground were actually giant axes?

Yes, it’s the giant axe! !

A giant ax at least ten meters high!

(End of this chapter)

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