Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2079 Wood Creatures!

Chapter 2079 Wood Creatures!

The ax head is made of unknown metal, and the ax body is made of large branches bundled together!

Although it looks rough, it is very powerful!

These tree giants hold giant axes and look like giant tree warriors. They are very shocking, very scary, and give people a huge sense of oppression.

There were dozens of these giant tree warriors, completely surrounding Tang Yi and his party!
  "What...what are these?"

Seeing this scene, the people in Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the big tree standing nearby would actually come to life and turn into tree warriors!

This is simply unheard of and unseen.

Even Elder Lin, who is well-informed, has never seen this scene before, and has never seen any big tree in the sky that can turn into a tree warrior.

"Why are these giant trees alive?"

"Strange... no wonder we feel such tremendous pressure here. It turns out that these trees are all alive?"

"What kind of monsters are these? They look very powerful!"

Everyone said one after another.

Commander Fang glanced at these giant tree warriors and said warily: "Everyone, be careful, I feel very strong hostility from them!"

Hearing this, everyone became vigilant.

On the other side, Tang Yi raised his head slightly and threw a Heavenly Eye Technique towards these giant tree warriors.

Name: Giant Tree Puppet Warrior

Level: 189 (Nine-Star Holy Emperor)
  Description: A powerful warrior summoned by wood creatures.

Skills: Hardening, Frenzy Axe, Vitality

Evaluation: Like a weak chicken (the opponent's strength is far different from the player, the player can easily kill it instantly)


"Giant tree puppet warrior?"

Tang Yi was slightly stunned when he saw the information fed back by the Sky Eye Technique.

Very surprised, the big tree can actually turn into a puppet warrior.

Of course, what surprised Tang Yi the most was not this.

What surprised Tang Yi the most was that this giant tree puppet warrior was actually a warrior summoned by some kind of wood creature? !

Wood creatures?

There are actually wood creatures here?
  After seeing the description, although Tang Yi showed no expression on the surface, he was ecstatic in his heart!

You know, all living things can be possessed!

For example, the previous sword creatures were systematically refined and then enchanted with the magic sword Apophis, which gave the magic sword Apophis a huge improvement!

And this one is huge...

It's hundreds or thousands of times, it's several levels!

If you want to describe it, it is almost like a piece of scrap metal turned into a magical weapon!
  The leap is huge!
  Living things have such huge abilities!
  At this time, there was actually a wood creature in this huge forest!
  Knowing this, how could Tang Yi not be excited?
  "Master, Master? What should we do now?"

It was Elder Lin's voice.

Elder Lin had already regarded Tang Yi as his backbone. Whenever something happened, he would ask Tang Yi and want to know what Tang Yi thought.

Tang Yi came back to his senses, waved his hand, and said calmly: "Don't worry, it's just a few controlled trees, nothing to be afraid of."

When he just saw the giant tree puppet warriors, Elder Lin was still a little worried. After all, these giant tree puppet warriors were so powerful and there were so many of them. Who wouldn't be scared after seeing them?
  However, seeing Tang Yi being so indifferent at this time, Elder Lin was immediately relieved. Others also breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what Tang Yi said.

After all, they have seen Tang Yi's strength before. Tang Yi has defeated millions of useless swords before. Now that Tang Yi said there is no need to worry, then there is definitely no need to worry.

With previous experience, everyone can be said to have great trust in Tang Yi.

Elder Lin turned to Tang Yi and said, "Young Master said these are controlled trees? Does Young Master know what they are?"

Tang Yi said calmly: "Of course I know, these are giant tree puppet warriors summoned by wood creatures."

"Giant tree puppet warrior?"

"Wood creatures?"

Elder Lin looked at Tang Yi in surprise and said, "Sir, did you say there are wood creatures here?"

Others also looked at Tang Yi in surprise. They didn't expect that there were wood creatures here!
  Tang Yi nodded and confirmed: "Yes, there is a wood creature hidden in this forest."

"Before, at the Sword Tomb, a sword-type creature appeared. Now when we came to this strange forest, a wood-type creature actually appeared! How are there so many natural spiritual species of this kind? You can encounter them all at once two?"

"Sword-type creatures can control all sword-type weapons, so do wood-type creatures mean they can control all wood-type creatures?"

"No wonder, no wonder these giant trees can come back to life. That's it! It turns out that wood creatures control them."

"Will the wood creatures... be as terrifying as the sword creatures before? Will we be their opponents?"


After hearing Tang Yi's confirmation that there was a wood creature hidden in the forest, everyone immediately started talking and were very surprised.

But just when everyone was talking about it.


A giant tree puppet warrior strode out and attacked everyone.

At the same time, it raised its giant ax and swung it violently towards everyone.


Seeing the sudden attack of the giant tree puppet warriors, Commander Fang reacted immediately and gave a loud warning to everyone.

At the same time, he raised his weapon and faced the giant tree puppet warrior.

The other four commanders of the Divine Realm royal family and the three guardians of Yongyue Tower also raised their weapons to attack.

Just like that, the eight powerful men from Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family faced the giant tree puppet warriors that rushed over!

The giant tree puppet warrior's giant ax swept past, and the eight powerful men from Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family flew out one after another.

Under the impact of the giant tree puppet warrior's giant axe, the eight powerful men from Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family were simply unstoppable!

He couldn't hold on for even a second before his figure flew out.

If the eight powerful men had not taken action together, and had gone all out to withstand the most fatal damage from the giant tree puppet warrior's giant ax at the critical moment, I am afraid that this blow would have destroyed the eight powerful men of Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family. To die a violent death!
  Fortunately, fortunately, they tried their best and were only blown away without being killed in one blow.

Of course, even if they were blown away, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the divine royal family would still feel very uncomfortable at this moment.

The moment they landed, they all vomited blood and were seriously injured.

" strong!!"

"What kind of strength are these giant tree puppet warriors? They are so powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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