Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2080 Kill the Giant Tree Puppet Warrior instantly

Chapter 2080 Kill the Giant Tree Puppet Warrior instantly

"We eight powerful men joined forces and couldn't even block a blow from a giant tree puppet warrior! This is too exaggerated!"

"If we hadn't done it with all our strength just now, if the eight of us hadn't attacked together, I'm afraid that one blow would have killed us."

"Is this the giant tree puppet warrior? Is this a monster controlled by wood creatures? This is too powerful!"

"If one giant tree puppet warrior is so powerful, then there are dozens of giant tree puppet warriors around."

"We couldn't resist the useless swords controlled by the sword creatures before, and now we can't resist the giant trees controlled by the wood creatures. Are we in the wrong place?"


After suffering heavy losses, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the Divine Realm royal family were shocked.

However, at this time, after severely damaging the eight strong men from the Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family, the giant tree puppet warrior came quickly with a giant axe.

Not only that, the dozens of giant tree puppet warriors around them were also carrying giant axes, and they were attacking fiercely, as if they were going to devour Yongyue Tower and the royal family of the Divine Realm.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

After all, just a giant tree puppet warrior had just defeated the eight powerful men who had joined forces with the Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family. The eight powerful men could not even resist.

At this time, dozens of giant tree puppet warriors attacked together. How could they resist?

Seeing such a critical scene, everyone could only turn their eyes to Tang Yi, with expectations and pleading in their eyes.

It seemed that he was pleading and expecting Tang Yi to take action.

After all, they would definitely not be able to withstand the attacks of dozens of giant tree puppet warriors.

Now the only one who can block the attack of the giant tree puppet warrior is Tang Yi.

Even the princess of the Divine Realm, Shenyuan Shuang, had the same expression at this time, expecting and begging Tang Yi to take action.

Feeling everyone's expectant and pleading eyes, Tang Yi smiled slightly, then stepped out and stood in front of everyone.

Tang Yi is not a cold-blooded person. If we all travel together, we are partners. Since we are all partners, we should help when we should.

He can't let the people from Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family die in front of him, can he?
  So, he stood up.

He stood up and stood in front of everyone just as he had resisted the sword creatures before.

At this time, dozens of giant tree puppet warriors raised their giant axes and violently smashed them down towards Tang Yi.

The giant tree puppet warrior is dozens of meters tall, extremely thick and huge, while Tang Yi is less than two meters tall. When comparing the two sides, Tang Yi is extremely small, and there is a huge gap between the two.

With such a size difference, it stands to reason that dozens of giant tree puppet warriors could smash Tang Yi into a pulp with an axe.

However, the reality was completely different from what was expected.

I saw the axes of dozens of giant tree puppet warriors slamming down violently, and when they were about to hit Tang Yi, I saw Tang Yi stretch out his right hand.

To be precise, he stretched out a finger!
  Yes, only one finger was extended.

However, just such a finger caught the blow of dozens of giant tree puppet warriors!
  Caught the dozens of giant axes that were attacking violently!


Dozens of axes fell down, and there was a sudden roar. The ground where Tang Yi was sitting suddenly trembled, and countless smoke and dust shook around Tang Yi with Tang Yi as the center.

However, Tang Yi stood still, one finger pressed against the axes of dozens of giant tree puppet warriors, calm and composed.

His body stood straight without any bend. When he received a blow from dozens of giant tree puppet warriors, his body didn't even tremble at all and seemed stable.

It seemed as if what had just been smashed down from mid-air was not a giant axe, but balls of cotton.

The scene of Tang Yi catching the axes of dozens of giant tree puppet warriors with one finger has to be said to be too inconsistent.

Dozens of such huge tree giants, carrying such a huge ax, smashed it down with one blow, but they were not able to smash Tang Yi into pulp. Tang Yi even caught it with one finger. It's really too exaggerated. Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked again.

You know, just a giant tree puppet warrior took action, and a giant tree puppet warrior took action and blew away the eight powerful men who joined forces with the Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family. This shows how powerful the giant tree puppet warrior is.

However, at this time, dozens of such powerful giant tree puppet warriors were dispatched at once. Dozens of giant tree puppet warriors swung their giant axes together and fell down. Tang Yi actually caught them with one finger.

How is this not shocking.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but wonder what kind of strength Tang Yi was.

What kind of strength can withstand a blow from dozens of giant tree puppet warriors with one finger?

And just when everyone was surprised, Tang Yi's body shook violently in vain.


A very terrifying momentum burst out from Tang Yi's body.

This momentum shot straight into the sky and rushed toward dozens of giant tree puppet warriors.

Dozens of giant tree puppet warriors were seen turning into countless sawdust and falling down under the impact of Tang Yi's momentum.

Even the giant axes carried by these dozens of giant tree puppet warriors turned into powder and fell from the air.

In the blink of an eye, the giant tree puppet warrior who defeated the eight powerful men from Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family was wiped out.

Just like that, he was annihilated by Tang Yi's momentum.

Instant kill!

From beginning to end, these dozens of giant tree puppet warriors failed to harm Tang Yi in the slightest.

From beginning to end, these dozens of giant tree puppet warriors only launched one attack on Tang Yi!
  Of course, if Tang Yi thought about it, Tang Yi would be able to kill these dozens of giant tree puppet warriors in seconds, let alone launch an attack, as soon as they appeared on the scene, and it would be easy.

After all, these giant tree puppet warriors are just Saint Emperor level puppets.

As for Tang Yi, he is now at the Holy God level.

Moreover, he is still an extremely powerful Holy God, and he is also a Holy God who is fully armed and covered with divine clothing!
  If a being like him couldn't instantly kill these giant tree puppet warriors, it would be too much of a waste.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the giant tree puppet warrior and gaining 9825218547 holy points, with a holy value of 10000000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the giant tree puppet warrior and gaining 9825218547 holy points, with a holy value of 10000000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the giant tree puppet warrior and gaining 9825218547 holy points, with a holy value of 10000000 points."


A reminder came to Tang Yi's mind.

"This, this, this..."

"So strong!"

"Kill them all in strike."

"Just now, the young master seems to have just used his aura... to kill these giant tree puppet warriors with his aura..."


Seeing Tang Yi's explosive momentum, killing dozens of giant tree puppet warriors in one fell swoop, everyone present was stunned, and their faces were filled with disbelief again.

(End of this chapter)

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