Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2082 Chasing wood creatures!

Chapter 2082 Chasing wood creatures!


The red moon Apophis hit the ground.

In an instant, the land cracked and countless magma flames swarmed up.

At this time, the scope of the jumping mountain and ground splitting was extremely wide, and it enveloped hundreds of giant tree puppet warriors at once.

Countless flames burned on the bodies of hundreds of giant tree puppet warriors at once.

At this moment, the relationship of attribute restraint was vividly displayed.

The power of the flame magma on the giant tree puppet warrior became extremely terrifying. It swept over and instantly rose to a height of tens of meters. It was like a flame, and it burned more and more fiercely.

Originally, the flame magma only covered hundreds of giant tree puppet warriors.

However, as the flames spread, as the flames surge, as the attributes conflict with each other, as the giant tree puppet warriors continue to struggle after being attacked by the flames and magma...

The flames generated by the mountain-climbing and ground-breaking slashes affected thousands of giant tree puppet warriors in an instant!
  Thousands of giant tree puppet warriors were burned!

Moreover, there is a tendency for the burning to become more intense and spread more widely!
  Countless giant tree puppet warriors were affected and burned before they even got close.

At the end of the development, all the warriors who turned into giant tree puppets were in a sea of ​​fire, burned by the flames, and then slowly turned into ashes in the wail!

In just a moment, countless giant tree puppet warriors died under this attack that jumped up mountains and cracked the ground!

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the giant tree puppet warrior and gaining 9785215485 holy points, with a holy value of 10000000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the giant tree puppet warrior and gaining 9945219547 holy points, with a holy value of 10000000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the giant tree puppet warrior and gaining 9958221585 holy points, with a holy value of 10000000 points."


The effect of this blow was something that even Tang Yi himself did not expect!

He originally just wanted to clean up all the giant tree puppet warriors that rushed towards him with one blow.

But who knew that with one blow, the effect would be so amazing.

Not only were the giant tree puppets rushing up in front of them cleaned up, but even the countless giant tree puppet warriors behind them were cleaned up.

Not only that, at this time, both the big trees that had transformed into giant tree puppet warriors and the big trees in the sky that had not changed were all burned.

In just a moment, the entire forest was in a sea of ​​fire, full of heat waves, full of flames, and full of thick black smoke.

Even where Tang Yi, Yongyue Tower, and the Divine Realm royal family were standing, they felt heavy heat waves.

Fortunately, when he saw that something was wrong, Tang Yi used protective measures in time. Otherwise, the people in Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family might have turned into roast suckling pigs.

The flames spread extremely quickly and fiercely, and seemed to be determined not to stop until the forest was burned to ashes. Suddenly, the entire forest was enveloped in flames, and billowing black smoke shot straight into the sky.

At this time, let alone the giant tree puppet warriors, even ordinary flowers, plants and trees would probably be turned into ashes under the burning of the flames and would be difficult to survive.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi thought to himself, he just wanted to deal with the giant tree puppet warriors casually, but he didn't expect to kill them all with one blow. If he had known this, he could just summon the False Yan Yanhuo and throw them out. It would be easier.

However, just when Tang Yi was complaining, he saw somewhere in the forest. Just as the flames were about to spread, a green light shot into the sky and fled into the distance.

Seeing this green light, Tang Yi's eyes lit up.

It was this green light that Tang Yi was waiting for.

Tang Yi also knew clearly what this green light was. Without him, this green light is a wood-like creature!
  Fire defeats wood, and wood creatures are very afraid of flames.

So at the moment when the flames were about to reach the hiding place of the wood creatures, the wood creatures finally couldn't bear it anymore and ran away!
  If Tang Yi were to look for it on his own, the forest was so vast that it would be extremely difficult to find woody creatures.

But now that the wood creatures have escaped on their own, it will be easier.

"Want to escape? No way!"

Tang Yi snorted coldly, and then said to the people in Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family: "You guys wait for me here. I'll come as soon as I go. Remember, never leave the shield."

After saying that, Tang Yi jumped up and chased the wood creature.

When the flames rose sharply before, Tang Yi cast a shield on everyone in Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family. Under the protection of the shield, no matter whether it was flames or giant tree puppet warriors, it was impossible to harm them.

As long as the people from Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family don't run around, they shouldn't be harmed, so Tang Yi doesn't have anything to worry about.

After hearing Tang Yi's words, although everyone didn't know what Tang Yi was doing or why Tang Yi was leaving at this time, they couldn't say anything. They could only follow Tang Yi's instructions and stay where they were. inside the shield.


After flying into the air, Tang Yi chased directly towards the green light.

Like sword creatures, this green light flies extremely fast and can travel a long distance in one go.

However, although Green Light's speed is very fast, it is still not as fast as Tang Yi, who has a set of god-level equipment and the high-grade Shengtian-level movement skill of Moon Crossing and Traveling.

Tang Yi just jumped up a few times and caught up with Green Light.

At this time, Tang Yi had clearly seen the appearance of things in the green light.

That's...a small grass?
  Yes, it looks like a grass!

Three to forty centimeters long, tender green grass!

Such a small grass is actually a so-called wood creature?

Tang Yi was very surprised when he saw the appearance of wood creatures.

Of course, being surprised, Tang Yi still increased his speed and quickly approached the woody creatures.

The next moment, they arrived behind the woody creatures.

Wood creatures are already within reach!
  Wood creatures are also intelligent, and their intelligence is not low.

At this time, it seemed to have realized that there was no way to escape, so it stopped in mid-air and stopped running away.

At the same time, the green light on the wood creature's body skyrocketed in vain, becoming more and more dazzling like a green sun.

Does it seem to be exploding?
  In other words, what means are being used.

The next second, after the green light surged to a certain level, the 'grass'-like body of the woody creature underwent huge changes in vain.

I can only see that its body is constantly changing, expanding, and expanding.

From the original length of thirty to forty centimeters, it became tens of meters long in an instant.

At this time, it no longer looked like a grass... but turned into a human form?
  Yes, through continuous expansion, expansion and extension, the wooden creature slowly turned into a green giant tens of meters high.

It has hands, feet, and... green eyes and a slit-like mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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