Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2083 The Spirit of Mysterious Control

Chapter 2083 The Spirit of Mysterious Control
  Wooden creatures actually transformed into human form?
  Although the body is still green, it does not have skin, organs, etc. like humans.

But it is obvious that he looks like a person!
  At this time, after transforming into a human form, the wood creature opened its mouth and said to Tang Yi: "Human, you have passed the test, you should not chase me again!"

The tone was cold and devoid of any emotion.

Tang Yi was also very surprised when he heard the wood creatures opening their mouths and speaking human words.

"You can actually speak? Interesting!"

Tang Yi smiled slightly and did not rush to take action, but asked: "Passed the test? In other words, you controlled those giant tree puppet warriors to stop us because you wanted to test us? At the Sword Tomb before, the sword type there Are the creatures controlling the useless swords to attack us because they want to stop us?"


The wood creature replied coldly.

"So that's it. It turns out that beings like you are responsible for blocking us to prevent us from passing the test and gaining inheritance." Tang Yi suddenly realized.

"That's right. Therefore, you have passed the test at this time and you should not pursue me anymore." The wood creature said.


Hearing the words of the wood creatures, Tang Yi sneered: "It's really a joke. Let me ask you, what will happen if we fail the test? Will we be killed by you? Since you can kill us, why should we Can’t kill you?”

"We are natural creatures, you can't do anything to us." The wood creature said without any emotion.

Tang Yi was amused by the double standard of wood creatures, and said: "I am still a natural creature, and I am the chosen one. Since you have attacked us, you must think about the consequences of attacking us. It is really ridiculous, just You are allowed to hit us, but we are not allowed to fight back? You are only allowed to kill us, but we are not allowed to kill you? Who do you think you are?"

It is impossible for Tang Yi to let go of wood creatures.

Regardless of whether he is taking advantage of it or not, he will not let it go!
  After all, the sword-type creatures had just upgraded Tang Yi's weapons by countless levels, by N levels, to a very terrifying stage, but what about the wood-type creatures?

How far can it be improved?
  How much benefit can it bring to Tang Yi?

Based on this alone, how could Tang Yi let the wood creatures go?
  What's more, at this time, the wood creatures took action first, and Tang Yi took the initiative in both emotion and reason!

"Human, what do you mean, you must fight me to death?" The wood creature's tone became even colder.

"Fight to the death? Haha, are you worthy? Are you worthy to fight to the death with me? I think it's better for you to surrender and be refined by me!"

Tang Yi said with a sneer.

Hearing the word "refining", the wood creatures seemed to have been touched by the reverse scale, and suddenly burst into raging anger, saying: "So that's what you were paying attention to. You humans are indeed as despicable as the rumors! Okay, since If so, then I’ll see if you refine me or if I kill you!”

As he spoke, the body of the wood creature surged again, expanding to hundreds of meters in size.

And it extended countless roots, turning into a giant octopus.

"Humans, go to hell!"

After transforming, the wood creature roared loudly, controlled countless roots, and swept towards Tang Yi.

These roots are like venomous snakes, spitting out snake messages, extremely ferocious.


Seeing the methods of wood creatures, Tang Yi smiled disdainfully and said, "It's a small trick!" The methods of wood creatures may be extremely powerful and crushing against others.

For example, when facing the people from Yongyue Tower and the Royal Family of the Divine Realm, these roots may be able to directly hang or tear everyone in the Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family alive.

But facing Tang Yi, it was just childish.

Not even as good as a pediatrician!
  Even if Tang Yi stood there and let these roots do their thing, these roots would not be able to cause any harm to Tang Yi.

So, what is this if not pediatrics?
  Facing the surging roots controlled by wood creatures, Tang Yi sneered, then held the Red Moon Apophis in his hand and waved it suddenly.


These roots suddenly broke inch by inch.

These roots may be tough, or they may have extremely powerful attacks, but in front of Tang Yi, they were as thin as tissue paper.

Although the wood creatures burst out with extremely strong momentum and their attacks were extremely fierce, they were still easily defused by Tang Yi.

Moreover, after neutralizing the wood creatures' offensive, Tang Yi rushed towards the wood creatures very quickly, and arrived in front of the wood creatures before the wood creatures could react.

At this time, Tang Yi stretched out his left hand and made a sudden move.

Tang Yi grabbed these hundreds of meters of woody creatures and lifted them up.

Moreover, when the wooden creature was lifted up by Tang Yi, it was as if all the strength in its body had been drained, and it could not even resist.

No matter how hard it struggles, no matter how hard it uses its strength, it can't move even an inch!

Tang Yi didn't care what happened to the wood creatures at this time. After instantly subduing the wood creatures, Tang Yi surpassed the wood creatures with a single Heavenly Eye Technique.

[Xuankong Spirit]: Wood-like living being.

Basic attributes: Vitality increased by 10000 times, defense increased by 5000 times, resistance increased by 5000 times, repair speed increased by 5000 times.

Special attributes: toughness, repair, immortality
  Toughness: With tough skin, no matter what kind of attack it is subjected to, no matter what state it is in, its defense power remains unchanged.

Repair: After being damaged, it can quickly repair itself, recovering 10% of the damage every minute.

Immortality: Possessing strong vitality, able to survive in the years and remain immortal for thousands of years.

Special skills: Summon giant tree puppet warrior, summon giant tree puppet mage, summon giant tree puppet hunter, body transformation, wood domain.

Summon a giant tree puppet warrior: Wherever there are trees, you can summon a giant tree puppet warrior to fight the enemy. The giant tree puppet warrior has three skills: charge, ax attack, and suppression.

Summon the Giant Puppet Mage: Wherever trees are needed, the Giant Tree Puppet Mage can be summoned to fight the enemy. The Giant Tree Puppet Mage has three skills: snake vines, wood thorns, and healing.

Summon the Giant Tree Puppet Hunter: Wherever there are trees, you can summon the Giant Tree Puppet Hunter to fight the enemy. The Giant Tree Puppet Hunter has three skills: Moon Spirit, Capture, and Wood Dart.

Body transformation: The body transforms into a tree king, possessing all summoned object skills, all attributes are increased 5000 times, attack power and defense power are increased 500 times, damage reduction is 5000 times, and recovery speed is increased times.

Wood Domain: Able to cast a domain. In the domain, the attributes of all wood-attribute summons, wood-attribute creatures, and wood-attribute martial arts practitioners will be increased by 500 times, and damage reduction will be obtained by times.

(End of this chapter)

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