Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2085 The Ring of the Mysterious Spirit

Chapter 2085 The Ring of the Mysterious Spirit
  After the dazzling green light lasted for a while, it finally dimmed and everything returned to calm.

The enchantment of the Ring of Doom is over!

After being possessed, the appearance of the Ring of Doom has changed dramatically as before.

From the original dark appearance, it changed into dark green.

Moreover, there is actually a green gem inlaid on it?
  Those symbols that represent misfortune and death have also changed and become full of life?
  The overall shape is very eye-catching.

It can be said that the shape of the Ring of Doom in front of you is many times better looking than its original dark appearance.

Tang Yi made a move and summoned back the possessed ring of doom.

As soon as he got the Ring of Doom, Tang Yi felt a powerful breath of life coming from the ring.

As this breath of life came, Tang Yi felt that his whole body felt refreshed and relaxed, as if he had received some kind of nourishment and became more energetic.

Tang Yi was also very surprised when he felt the changes in the Ring of Doom. He also looked forward to the Ring of Doom after possessing the spirit.

At this time, he eagerly opened the attribute panel of the ring of doom after possessing the spirit.

[Xuanling Ring]: Growth ring jewelry

The vitality is increased by 50000 times, all attributes are increased by 10000000 points, the mental martial arts damage is increased by 1000 times, the mental resistance is increased by 100 times, the defense power is increased by 10000 times, the resistance is increased by 10000 times, and the repair speed is increased by 10000 times.

Special Effects: Tough Essence, Mysterious Spirit Repair, Immortality, Advent of Doom
  Tough Essence: Damage reduction 3000 times.

Xuanling Repair: No matter how serious the damage is, even if it turns into scrap metal, as long as there is a fragment left, it can be repaired slowly. (The speed of repair depends on the richness of the spiritual energy. The richer the spiritual energy, the faster the repair speed.)

Immortality: The wearer's life flow is slowed down by 500 times.

Doom is coming: Within 5000 meters of the wearer, all creatures that are considered enemies by the player or are hostile to the wearer will have a 1% chance of being cursed by doom. Those who are cursed will have all attributes reduced by 90% after one day.

(Tip: This special effect is invalid for creatures that are 50 or more levels higher than the wearer)

Additional skills: Summon Wood Spirit, Wood Domain, Curse of Weakness

Summon Wood Spirit: As long as there are trees, a powerful Wood Spirit can be summoned to fight for the wearer. The Wood Spirit has the functions of charge, ax attack, suppression, snake vines, wood thorns, healing, moon spirit, capture, and wood spirit. Darts, nine skills.

(The wood spirit's strength is equivalent to 1000 times the wearer's strength, and this skill will change with the wearer's strength)
  Duration: 600 seconds.

Cooling time: 3 hours
  Wood Domain: Able to cast a domain. In the domain, the attributes of all wood-attribute summons, wood-attribute creatures, and wood-attribute martial arts practitioners will be increased by 500 times, and damage reduction will be obtained by times.

Duration: 600 seconds.

Cooling time: 3 hours
  Curse of Weakness: If the wearer uses this skill on any target, there is a 10% chance that the target will directly enter a weak state, with the overall strength reduced by 50% for three days.

Cooldown: 600 seconds.




Tang Yi looked at the ring of doom after possessing the spirit, his face full of surprise and excitement.

At this time, the Ring of Doom has been transformed into the Ring of Mysterious Spirit after being possessed by a spirit.

In addition to the name change, the basic attributes have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Similar to the previous sword creature enchanted with the demon sword Apophis, after the Ring of Doom was enchanted, its basic attributes increased hundreds or even thousands of times.

And also got four special effects! In addition to the three special effects of wood creatures being transferred to the Mysterious Spirit Ring, an additional skill of the original Ring of Doom has also been transferred to the Mysterious Spirit Ring as a special effect, and its attributes have been greatly enhanced.

The most important thing is the three additional skills of the Xuanling Ring.

The first additional skill actually combines several summoning skills for wood creatures and turns it into a summoning wood spirit?

And the summoned wood spirit has nine skills?
  so smart?

Of course, the most powerful skill is not this skill, the most powerful skill is Curse of Weakness!
  This seems to be the original skill of the Ring of Doom, which has been improved due to the enchantment.

And this weakness curse actually has a 10% chance of reducing a person's overall strength by 50% for three days?
  Ten percent chance!

This is not low!
  Success happens once out of ten!
  The most important thing is that the cooling time is only 600 seconds!

In other words, it can be used once every ten minutes!
  And once successful, the results will appear immediately!

The effect lasts for three days!
  He lost 50% of his strength in three days, which was enough to kill him countless times.

This skill is very useful for Tang Yi to challenge high-level BOSS!

Moreover, it is a very huge effect!
  "Very good, very good!"

Tang Yi nodded with satisfaction.

After checking the properties of the Xuanling Ring again for a while, Tang Yi immediately put the ring back on his hand with satisfaction, then straightened up and returned towards the original path.

Returning to where the Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family were, Tang Yi retracted his hand, the shield dissipated, and the Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family came forward.



"Sir, you are back."

Tang Yi took a quick look at everyone, and immediately noticed that the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the Divine Realm royal family looked sluggish. Although they had recovered a little, their faces were still pale.

Seeing the expressions on these people, Tang Yi suddenly realized that they had been injured by an ax from the giant tree puppet warrior before, and the injuries had not been treated yet.

After a sudden realization, Tang Yi waved his hand slightly and activated the Hundred Flowers Blooming skill of the Hundred Flowers Ring.

[Hundred Flowers Ring]: Low-grade Shengxuan level, defense increased by 10%, intelligence increased by 20000 points, spirit increased by 20000 points, mental resistance increased by 15%.

Additional skills: let a hundred flowers bloom
  Hundreds of Flowers Bloom: Summons hundreds of flowers to heal teammates. After casting, all allies within 100 meters of the player can recover 55% of their health, regardless of how injured they are, as long as they are not dead.



Tang Yi waved his hand slightly, and suddenly red lotuses flew towards the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the divine royal family.

When the red lotuses flew above their heads, these red lotuses dropped green light, which shone on the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the royal family of the Divine Realm.

Under the illumination of green light, the complexions of the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the royal family of the Divine Realm suddenly became rosy, and their originally pale faces also regained their color.

The sluggish spirit became more energetic under the illumination of green light.

In just a moment, the eight people no longer looked sick, but seemed to have been reborn, and their condition became extremely good!
  In this way, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the divine royal family were cured by Tang Yi in a very short period of time. This scene was extremely miraculous.

(End of this chapter)

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