Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2086 A flash of inspiration?

Chapter 2086 A flash of inspiration?
  Seeing that Tang Yi had cured the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the Divine Realm's royal family in an instant, everyone present was shocked.


Elder Lin looked at Tang Yi in surprise, and was speechless by Tang Yi's methods.

"Sir, your method is so amazing. My injuries healed in an instant."

"What kind of method is this? I just suffered such a serious injury, and it can be cured in an instant?"

"Is this true? It's not a dream, right? Can it be cured like this? And so fast? I feel like nothing is wrong with me."

"It's amazing. This is amazing. I have never seen such a method before. The young master is too powerful."


Everyone said one after another.

No one expected Tang Yi to have such a method.

What's more, he didn't expect that Tang Yi's methods were so terrifying. He could actually heal the injuries of the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five commanders of the royal family of the Divine Realm in an instant.

You must know that the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the royal family of the Divine Realm, all eight of them are powerful at the level of saints.

A strong man of this level would either not be injured or would be seriously injured.

In that blow just now, they suffered extremely serious injuries.

Although elixirs and healing items have been used for treatment, extremely serious injuries are still left.

However, such a serious injury was cured by Tang Yi in an instant!
  Moreover, he just stretched his hand slightly to stimulate a few red lotuses, and then the treatment was completed.

This is too amazing and exaggerated!
  On the side, Shenyuan Shuang, the princess of the Divine Realm royal family, looked at Tang Yi with brighter and brighter eyes.

She rarely speaks now.

Barely expressed an opinion.

She just stood there quietly, standing aside, silently observing Tang Yi and staring at Tang Yi.

The more she looked at it, the more she found Tang Yi pleasing to the eye, and the more she looked at it, the more she became interested in Tang Yi.

Inexplicably, Tang Yi had an indescribable temperament that attracted Shenyuan Shuang. Shenyuan Shuang was very fascinated at this time and wanted to keep his eyes on Tang Yi.

If she hadn't cared about other people's eyes, or if she hadn't estimated the princess's face, she might have come to Tang Yi, stayed close to Tang Yi, and observed Tang Yi up close.

Tang Yi smiled slightly, glanced at everyone, and instead of answering everyone's questions, asked: "Is everyone okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

Everyone said one after another.

"It's okay, let's keep walking."

Tang Yi said.

As he said that, he took the lead and walked forward.

Seeing Tang Yi continue to move forward, everyone stopped saying anything and quickly followed Tang Yi.

But Tang Yi suddenly left just now, and no one asked why Tang Yi left or what he was doing.

After all, if asked, Tang Yi might not be able to tell.

And everyone has their own secrets. If others want to say something, they will naturally say it. If they don’t want to say something, it’s useless to ask.

So no need to ask.

Moreover, the most important thing is that everyone has guessed what Tang Yi is going to do. Apart from chasing the wood creatures, there will be nothing else except to deal with the wood creatures.

And when Tang Yi came back, he must have eliminated the wood creatures.

Although everyone was unsure, they had vaguely guessed this, so there was no need for them to ask shamelessly.

Even Elder Lin, who had the most questions, didn't ask any more questions at this time.

The group just continued moving forward.

After experiencing attacks from sword-like creatures and wood-like creatures, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the divine royal family all had the intention of retreating, feeling that this place was too dangerous.

This is not a place for them to get involved.

but! After seeing Tang Yi's strength and methods, they chose to stay.

Tang Yi is so powerful that he can even kill sword-like creatures and wood-like creatures, so it should be safe to follow him.

And they also wanted to see how powerful Tang Yi was.

It's funny.

Originally, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the Divine Realm royal family were all sent to protect everyone.

But now I didn't expect that I would need someone else to protect me.

This made the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five royal leaders of the Divine Realm feel ashamed.

Of course, they would shamelessly follow Tang Yi even if they were embarrassed.

They also saw that Tang Yi was an extraordinary being.

Following Tang Yi was an opportunity to learn more. How could they give up such an opportunity just because they were worried about their face?
  While others were thoughtful, Tang Yi was also thinking about his own affairs.

What he was thinking about at this time was, would there be other innate beings appearing in the future?
  After all, every place I went to before, there would be an innate being.

After passing the sword tomb, I met sword-like creatures.

Passing through the forest, you encounter wood-like creatures.

If you go to another location in the future, will you encounter other creatures?
  This is what Tang Yi is thinking about.

Moreover, just after talking to the wood creatures, Tang Yi also knew that these innate creatures were the tests of the Shanggong Temple.

Only by passing the test can you gain inheritance.

If you fail to pass, you will be killed by the innate creatures.

These innate beings are the test.

Tang Yi felt that the place he wanted to go next was definitely not the final destination, but definitely some checkpoints.

So are there any innate creatures in these levels?
  If so……

That would be great.

The two innate creatures just created two pieces of growth-type top-quality equipment for Tang Yi. If there are a few more, they will be the best.

Tang Yi's whole body may be transformed into a divine costume.

Of course, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is definitely not that good.

However, whether there is or not, Tang Yi is still looking forward to it.

Looking forward to encountering more innate creatures in the future.

After traveling quickly, Tang Yi and his party finally passed through the forest and arrived at the next location.

What appeared in front of everyone's eyes was no longer a sword tomb or a forest, but a...

A vast river?

Yes, that's right, what appeared in front of everyone in Tang Yi was a vast river.

The river is thousands of meters wide and long...

You can't tell how long it is.

Because you can’t even see the end at a glance!

Is there a big river at the bottom of the lake?
  Is this a mistake?

After leaving the forest, everyone was stunned when they saw a vast river in the distance.

When Tang Yi saw this big river, he was slightly stunned.

At this time, an idea flashed in his mind, and he seemed to have thought of something, but he couldn't grasp it. What exactly it was, Tang Yi couldn't tell for a while.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yi finally brightened up and caught the flash of light just now.

(End of this chapter)

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