Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2097 Shen Yuan Shuang’s Thoughts

Chapter 2097 Shen Yuan Shuang’s Thoughts
  After a pause, Elder Lin continued his analysis: "It was because I saw this scene that I guessed that the flames held by the young master were innate fire and strange fires. Then along the way, I encountered no attacks from fire creatures. The fire creature seemed to have disappeared and did not appear. This further confirmed my guess. The purple flame held in the young master's hand was undoubtedly a strange fire!

That is to say, because the young master holds the strange fire, the fire creatures are afraid of the strange fire, so the fire creatures dare not appear. Alien fire is a high-level innate fire. Although fire creatures are also bred by heaven and earth, they are born the day after tomorrow. In terms of flame level, it is lower than alien fire, so they are afraid of alien fire and do not dare to appear. This is why There's no reason we're under attack! This is also the reason why Young Master can make Wan Huo surrender and avoid Wan Huo by holding a small purple flame! "

I have to say that Elder Lin is indeed very powerful. This series of guesses are all extremely accurate, and there is not even a single omission. He has guessed the true situation of the matter in an instant!

If Tang Yi were here and heard Elder Lin's analysis, he would probably be extremely surprised, lamenting Elder Lin's extraordinary wisdom, and would once again confirm his plan to go to Tianqiong Tower!

Elder Lin was able to guess so much based on just some details, and he also knew about things like strange fire. This shows how powerful Elder Lin is.

And the elder in charge of appraisal in Yongyue Tower has such knowledge and intelligence. Doesn't that mean that Tianqiong Tower, who is standing behind Yongyue Tower, knows even more?

"In other words, the young master possesses the strange fire, and the strange fire is an innate fire that can make all fires surrender, so fire creatures are afraid and dare not appear. And the young master has great refining skills and spirit possession skills, so he is not willing to let go A creature that has passed the fire type and now re-enters the sea of ​​fire?!"

Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang concluded for Elder Lin.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess is wise, that's exactly what she is."

Elder Lin nodded.


Everyone took a breath after hearing the conversation between Elder Lin and Shen Yuanshuang.

"What is the origin of the young master? This is too powerful! Not only is he powerful, but he also has various methods! He has a great refining technique, a spirit-possessing technique, and even innate fire and strange fires? " Commander Fang exclaimed.

"Although I don't know where he comes from, he definitely has a lot of origins! He may be a secret sect in the empire, or a descendant of an ancient family, or he may be the royal family in the empire! There may even be something more. Awesome. In short, he must be a great man." Elder Lin said firmly.

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Actually, it was inconvenient for me to say some things when the young master was here just now. Now that he is not here, I need to tell everyone."

Elder Lin turned to look at the people in the Divine Realm Royal Family. The main target he wanted to explain was this group of people in the Divine Realm Royal Family.

I saw him say: "Young Master, this person has an extraordinary background. He is not something that we, Yongyue Tower, or your Divine Realm royal family can provoke! Even the Tianqiong Tower behind our Yongyue Tower cannot provoke us. Therefore, it is best not for the Divine Realm royal family to If you provoke him, don't have any conflicts with him. If you can be on good terms with him, it's best to be on good terms with him as much as possible. Being on good terms with him has only benefits and no disadvantages."

"Yes, it is indeed so!"

Commander Fang nodded and said with great agreement: "Elder Lin, even if you don't say it, we are still doing this. Don't worry, we are not stupid. Don't we still understand how to make choices and how to deal with things?"

"That's right, how could we possibly provoke the young master? It's too late to make friends with him."

"Before, we were ignorant and arrogant, so we looked down on the young master. Now that we know the young master's ability, Elder Lin, even if you lend me a hundred courages, I won't dare to be presumptuous again."

"Elder Lin, don't worry. We will definitely not have any conflict with the young master. Even if we want to have a conflict with the young master, we can't. We can't be his opponent. And how can we be so stupid? We just saw After seeing the master's methods, how can we dare to seek death?"

"We should indeed make friends with a being like the Young Master, but we are afraid of whether he is willing to make friends with us. We are afraid that the Young Master will look down on us at all. What is our identity and strength? And what is his identity and strength."


Other commanders expressed their opinions one after another, and everyone said that it was impossible to conflict with Tang Yi.

After all, they are not fools. Even if they are fools, they know what they can and cannot provoke. Tang Yi is obviously someone who cannot be messed with.

Elder Lin did not speak when he heard the statements of the leaders of the Divine Realm royal family. Instead, he turned his attention to Shenyuan Shuang, the princess of the Divine Realm royal family.

After all, Shenyuan Shuang was the one who spoke here.

Rather than the leaders' statements, he wanted to know Shenyuan Shuang's attitude more.

According to Elder Lin's understanding, Shenyuan Shuang is arrogant and arrogant. Although he doesn't say anything on the surface, he must have many thoughts deep down.

You might even want to compete with Tang Yi.

Elder Lin was afraid that after Shenyuan Shuang returned, he would let the strong men of the Divine Realm royal family come to trouble Tang Yi. If this happened, it would be terrible.

Elder Lin didn't want this to happen, and he didn't want to see the conflict between the royal family of the Divine Realm and Tang Yi, so he wanted to know Shenyuan Shuang's attitude.

Feeling Elder Lin's gaze, Shen Yuanshuang said without any emotion: "Don't worry, Elder Lin. I'm very convinced. I won't cause trouble for him, and I don't dare to."

"With the words of Your Highness the Princess, I will feel relieved."

After hearing Shen Yuanshuang's words, Elder Lin felt relieved.

As long as Shenyuan Shuang doesn't trouble Tang Yi and the two sides don't fight, everything will be fine.

On the other side, Shenyuan Shuang actually had one more thing that he didn't say to everyone, nor to Elder Lin.

Not only will she no longer cause trouble for Tang Yi, she is even willing to communicate with Tang Yi at a deeper level.

It's not as simple as wanting to make friends at all.

And what is deeper communication?

Like getting married or something?

She felt that a genius like Tang Yi should stay by her side.

If she was just an ordinary princess, she would definitely not seek marriage with Tang Yi, nor would she dare to do so.

After all, how could an ordinary princess be worthy of Tang Yi?
  However, Shenyuan Shuang is no ordinary princess.

She is the eldest princess.

Moreover, he is also the successor of the royal family of God’s Domain in the future!
  She has cultivated many forces among the royal family of the Divine Realm, and many powerful people have regarded her as their leader.

Becoming the next king is a sure thing!

In other words, she is about to become the next king of the divine realm and one of the few queens!
  Thinking about Shen Yuanshuang, as the next queen, Tang Yi would not refuse to marry Tang Yi in her capacity.

(End of this chapter)

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