Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2098: A dragnet and a fire creature appears!

Chapter 2098: A dragnet and a fire creature appears!
  Shenyuan Shuang felt that she was worthy of Tang Yi.

And Tang Yi...

Ordinary people, Shenyuan Shuang is completely disdainful.

After getting along and observing, Shenyuan Shuang felt that Tang Yi met her criteria for choosing a husband, and he was a perfect match.

In other words, Tang Yi is not only worthy of her as the queen, but he is also very perfect, so perfect that he cannot find any faults.

Shenyuan Shuang felt that Tang Yi was simply the best gift God had given her.

Therefore, Shenyuan Shuang will not only not conflict with Tang Yi, but will even have a good relationship with Tang Yi, and then have deeper exchanges.

"This young master, I, Shen Yuan Shuang, have taken a liking to you. From now on, you will belong to me, Shen Yuan Shuang!"

Shenyuan Shuang looked up at the sea of ​​fire and thought in her heart.

At this time, her face was full of determination.


At this moment, a roaring sound came from the sea of ​​​​fire not far away, and the turbulence became more intense, as if something terrible had happened.

Feeling the change, everyone in Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family turned their heads and looked towards the sea of ​​fire.

The sea of ​​​​fire not far away seemed to be sucked away and rushed in a certain direction.

The flames from all directions in the entire sea of ​​​​fire rushed in one direction, and the area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​fire shrank visibly to the naked eye, becoming smaller and smaller.

For a moment, the blazing flames that originally stood in front of Yongyue Tower and the Royal Family of the Divine Realm suddenly disappeared. They were all sucked away and shrank!

These flames seemed to be escaping, seeming to be getting further and further away from them!
  "What's going on? What happened? Did the young master start a war with the fire creatures?" Protector Qian of Yongyue Tower asked in surprise.

And the second after Protector Qian said these words, the flames continued to shrink, and the land covered by the flames was continuously revealed.

In the place where the flames originally raged, after the flames were sucked away and shrunk, a young man appeared in everyone's sight holding a purple flame tens of meters high.

The young man stood proudly and held up his right hand.

In his hand, he held a purple flame tens of meters high.

And this flame is very fierce.

At this time, this purple flame was burning and boiling, like boiling water, and like a ferocious beast, filled with an unprecedented powerful momentum.

This purple flame is so different from the pale yellow flames around it.

Although the purple flame was only tens of meters long and was completely out of proportion to the sea of ​​​​fire formed by the pale yellow flame, its momentum was extraordinary, like a king, rising higher and higher.

But the pale yellow sea of ​​​​fire that formed the sea of ​​​​fire looked like skinny victims, with sallow faces and skinny faces, and sluggish expressions.

The strengths and weaknesses are very clear.

The purple flame also suppressed the momentum of the light yellow flame at this time, like a ferocious wild beast, opening its big mouth and wildly devouring the light yellow flame.

Devoured by purple flames that were tens of meters high, the flames of the sea of ​​​​fire continued to be swallowed up, and the area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​fire continued to shrink, becoming smaller and smaller!

Seeing this scene, everyone in Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family suddenly realized!
  It turns out that the reason why the flames in the sea of ​​fire were turbulent and shrinking was because they were swallowed up by the purple flames that were tens of meters high? !
  And this purple flame...

Was it transformed into the young master's little purple flame?
  Who is the person holding this purple flame if not the Young Master?
  "Hiss!" "That's it, that's the young master!"

"He, he, he is actually absorbing the sea of ​​fire! No, to be precise, he is controlling the purple flame to absorb the sea of ​​fire!"

"Can flames also devour flames? Can seas of fire also be absorbed?"

"Oh my god, this sea of ​​fire has just given me tremendous pressure, and it has also emitted a terrifying power of flames. I didn't expect it to be absorbed?"

"Just now, Elder Lin said that the inconspicuous little purple flame on the young master's hand was a strange fire. I originally only believed six points, and I didn't believe four points. But now I believe it. If it is not a strange fire, why? It is possible to possess such terrifying abilities. How can it be possible to absorb the sea of ​​fire!"

"Controlling strange fire to absorb the sea of ​​fire is unheard of and unseen. I really gained a lot of experience today."


Seeing Tang Yi using the False Yan Yanhuo to continuously absorb the surrounding light yellow flames, the people in Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family suddenly widened their eyes, were surprised, and started talking.

Elder Lin looked at this scene with an excited expression: "Sure enough, it is indeed a strange fire. Only strange fire can swallow ordinary fire. Only strange fire can show such a powerful power! This is definitely a strange fire!"

On the side, Shenyuan Shuang, the princess of the royal family of the Divine Realm, also had her eyes shining brightly, and she was very excited: "Sure enough, he is the man I like. I must stay with this man and let him be my husband. With his help, in the future I I will definitely become a queen who will be famous throughout the ages. I may even be able to lead the Kingdom of God towards the Empire!"

The more she thought about it, the more excited Shenyuan Shuang became.

It was as if this marriage was already a done deal, a fact that could not be changed.

On the other side, Tang Yi didn't know what others were thinking, nor did he know that Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family were watching this scene. At this time, his whole body and mind were on the sea of ​​fire.

All his consciousness was covered in the sea of ​​fire, and he was observing the sea of ​​fire.

Due to the absorption of the False Yan Yanhuo, the sea of ​​fire is now less than one-twentieth of its original size and will soon be completely absorbed by the False Yan Yanhuo.

At this time, there are not many places where fire creatures can hide.

Soon after, when the false flames have completely absorbed the sea of ​​fire, there will be nothing left for the fire creatures to hide.

In other words, fire creatures will soon reveal their true colors!
  Therefore, Tang Yi had to keep an eye on him and not let the fire creatures escape secretly.

At this time, while he was urging the False Flame to absorb the flames, he was spreading his spiritual consciousness to cover the entire sea of ​​​​fire.

While looking for clues, beware of fire creatures escaping!

If Tang Yi's spiritual consciousness wanted to cover such a large sea of ​​​​fire before, it would definitely not be possible.

But as the area of ​​the sea of ​​​​fire continued to decrease, leaving only less than one-twentieth of its original size, his consciousness was able to cover the entire sea of ​​​​fire in all directions.

At this time, there is not a trace missing in the sky or on the earth.

Tang Yi's consciousness seemed to have woven a dragnet, covering the entire sea of ​​​​fire, making the entire sea of ​​​​fire completely impenetrable.

As long as the fire creature appears, Tang Yi will definitely know it immediately and take measures.

However, just when Tang Yi controlled the False Flame to absorb the sea of ​​fire, reducing the area of ​​the sea of ​​​​fire again to less than one-fiftieth, the change finally occurred.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, a ray of fire soared into the sky and fled towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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