Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2202 Serious

Chapter 2202 Serious

Seeing that the meteor hammer was caught in Tang Yi's hand, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take it back, and the golden-armored steel-backed beast burst out with an angry roar.

Immediately afterwards, its body was shaken, a golden light burst out from its body, and countless back thorns emerged from its body.

These backstabs are even more terrifying than the previous ones, the power contained in them is stronger and the poison is more powerful.

There are also streaks of golden light wrapped around it, making it look glittering.

Wrapped in golden light, the momentum of these backstabs increased dozens of times!
  I think the power has also been greatly improved.


After the backstab appeared, it fired again, heading in all directions.

Seeing these back stabs appearing, Tang Yi stretched out his right hand.


The time and space barrier emerges.

Blocked by the time and space barrier, no matter how strong the back stab of the golden armored beast is, it will be of no avail.

All backstabs will be absorbed by the time and space barrier.

It was like entering a bottomless pit, silently.

"Little tricks!"

Tang Yi sneered, then flicked his right hand and took out Red Moon Apophis.

"Since my fists can't break you! Then I'll break you with my divine weapon! I want to see how strong your defense is!"

With that said, Tang Yi carried the mighty and domineering Red Moon Apophis and rushed towards the golden armored beast.

As for the golden-armored beast, I don’t know whether it was intentional or not.

When Tang Yi rushed over, the golden armored beast was particularly slow, but when Tang Yi's attack was about to fall on it, it was particularly fast, and it was incredibly fast.

I saw the golden armored beast turned around again and turned its back towards Tang Yi!


Tang Yi's sword hit the back of the golden armored beast, and the ground shook suddenly again!
  And with this sword, Tang Yi did not kill the golden armored beast!

However, it opened an extremely long gash on the back of the golden-armored beast.

The golden back of the golden armored beast became dripping with blood in an instant!

This powerful blow seemed to arouse the ferocity of the golden-armored beast. After receiving a painful blow, the golden-armored beast turned around instantly and bared its teeth at Tang Yi.

The next moment, he raised the meteor hammer in his hand again and smashed it towards Tang Yi.

At the same time, the thorns on its back appeared and glowed with the same golden light as before.

Wrapped in golden light, these back thorns shot out again.

It's a meteor hammer and a backstab. If an ordinary person faced the golden-armored beast, they might have died countless times.

The Golden Armored Beast is known as a defensive monster, and its defense is extremely powerful, but its attack power is not weak at all.

It is even stronger than ordinary monsters.

Moreover, it is very sharp.

It can be said that the attack power is as good as its defense power!

Such a monster with powerful attack and defense power, if an ordinary Holy God were to fight against it, even a five-star Holy God would probably be unable to survive!
  However, the person facing this monster at this time was Tang Yi.

Although the golden armored beast was very fast and the meteor hammer roared, Tang Yi was even faster!

With just one step, he dodged the meteor hammer.

After pulling away, Tang Yi used his right hand to summon the space-time barrier again, absorbing countless poisonous backstabs that flew towards him.

In this way, the powerful attack of the golden armored beast was easily resolved by Tang Yi's two movements.

At this time, Tang Yi opened his mouth and rushed back with Red Moon Apophis. This time, Tang Yi stopped playing around with the golden-armored beast and started to take it seriously.

Tang Yi dodged and quickly arrived in front of the golden-armored beast. Tang Yi raised Red Moon Apophis above his head!
  "Sky Slash!"


The red sword light struck straight down.


There was a sound of flesh being torn apart, and countless red blood splattered everywhere.

Because the golden-armored beast turned around very fast, Tang Yi's blow still hit the golden back of the golden-armored beast.

Tang Yi's blow was quite powerful. Although it still failed to directly kill the golden-armored beast, it left a gash several meters long in the back of the golden-armored beast.

And the hole was extremely deep, at least dozens of centimeters into the body of the golden-armored steel-backed beast!

If it weren't for the powerful vitality and defense of the golden-armored steel-backed beast, such a blow would probably kill it.


"Human, you deserve to die!"

After being hit hard, the golden-armored steel-backed beast uttered harsh words and appeared extremely angry.

It seems that due to the injury, the special ability of the golden-armored beast was activated, and its momentum exploded, becoming several times stronger than before.

If we talk about the momentum that the golden-armored steel-backed beast had before, it was only the momentum possessed by the one-star holy beast.

So now, at least it has been upgraded to five stars!

It swung the meteor hammer again, actively triggered the backstab again, and blasted towards Tang Yi.

But it's a pity.

The golden-armored steel-backed beast has become stronger, but its speed is still not that of Tang Yi.

Tang Yi followed suit, retreated and raised his hand, and used the space-time barrier, which immediately neutralized all the attacks of the golden armored beast. No matter how the golden armored beast roared, it was of no avail.

"I have to admit that your defense is indeed quite strong, and the effect of getting stronger as you fight is indeed powerful,'s a pity that you met me. It's over."

After dodging a blow from the golden-armored beast again, Tang Yi said calmly.

After saying that, Tang Yi's eyes narrowed and he became serious.

I saw him squeezing Red Moon Apophis tightly, lifting and slashing down, all in one go!
  "Sky Slash!"

The sword light roared, and another Sky Slash was released.

But this attack is different from before!

In the previous blow, Tang Yi only used five points of strength, and suppressed all the special effects of Red Moon Apophis without using them.

The blow just now was just a very dry martial skill without any bonus.

But at this time, Tang Yi struck with half an eighth of force, which was 30% more than before.

Moreover, Tang Yi did not have the special effects to suppress Red Moon Apophis.

I saw Tang Yi's sword fall, and just like before, the golden armored beast quickly turned around and used its back to resist Tang Yi's attack.

Tang Yi's sword could only land on the back of the golden armored beast!

But this time!

When the sword light falls, the dark attribute attack special effects are triggered, the suppressive offensive special effects are triggered, and the bloodthirsty instinct special effects are triggered.

With the addition of the three major special effects, the sword light shines with black light, filled with powerful suppressive force, and is also filled with a bloodthirsty atmosphere.

The power of this blow was increased many times compared to the previous one.

(End of this chapter)

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