Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2203 Dream Moon Lake

Chapter 2203 Dream Moon Lake
  Although Tang Yi only used 30% more power, with the blessing of various special effects, its power was increased by at least dozens to hundreds of times!
  Compared with before, the sky and the earth are completely the same.

How could a one-star holy beast be able to withstand such a sword?
  Even if the one-star holy beast, the golden armored beast in front of him, is a defensive monster, it is impossible to withstand it.

Therefore, the moment the sword light shone with dark luster, filled with strong suppressive force and bloodthirsty aura, fell, the golden armored beast turned into two halves and was split into two by the sword light.

At this time, no matter how strong the defense of the golden-armored beast is, it is of no avail.


After a moment of stasis, the body of the golden-armored beast fell to the ground, splashing dust all over the ground.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Holy God-level BOSS Golden Armored Beast and gaining 10 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining special materials and golden skin."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for getting a special gem, the Stone of Counterattack."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for winning 1 billion Holy Spirit Pills."


After killing the Golden Armored Beast, Tang Yi obtained another billion holy points and 100 million holy spirit pills.

However, what concerned Tang Yi the most was not the Holy Value and Holy Spirit Pills, but the special materials!

Unexpectedly, after killing this one-star Holy God-level BOSS, I actually obtained two special materials!

After Tang Yi obtained the Supreme Fusion Stone before, he had a great forging plan.

That is to collect a hundred special materials and forge a unique piece of equipment!
  And because special materials are rare, he had only collected six special materials before, which was far behind the hundred materials.

Since then, no special materials have been obtained, and the amount has always remained at the original amount.

This made Tang Yi lose all hope.

I thought it would take a long, long time to obtain hundreds of materials.

However, he didn't expect that he would obtain two special materials at once, which really surprised Tang Yi.

Of course, you have to see whether these two special materials are of the highest quality and whether they are qualified as forging materials.

Tang Yi immediately opened the property panels of these two materials.

[Golden Skin]: Special material, a very special tough skin.

Properties: Using this item for forging will increase the toughness of the forged item by 500% and all resistances by 300%.

[Counterattack Stone]: Special material.

Properties: This item can be used for forging or inlaying. When forged or inlaid with this item, the items forged or inlaid will gain the power of counterattack. (The power of counterattack and special effects of counterattack depend on the strength of the item and the attributes of the item)


"Not bad!"

Tang Yi was very satisfied with these two materials. Although they were not of the highest quality, they were still usable.

Once used, the improvement is also very good.

Moreover, Tang Yi had never obtained these two materials before.

Therefore, even if these two materials are not of the highest quality, Tang Yi is very satisfied.

Exiting the panel, Tang Yi continued on his journey of hunting monsters.

Next, Tang Yi encountered several holy god-level monsters.

These holy god level monsters are all around the one or two star holy god level.

Tang Yi encountered such a monster every ten minutes he walked forward.

And these holy god level monsters are much easier to deal with than the golden armored beasts.

After all, they are not like the golden-armored beasts with extremely high defense power.

Facing this level of monsters, Tang Yi almost punched them one by one. Almost no monster is a single punch enemy of Tang Yi.

Tang Yi's advancement speed became extremely fast again.

In just a short while, Tang Yi once again gained tens of billions of holy points!
  The speed is no slower than when he killed large groups of monsters in the past few days, and is even slightly faster.

But what surprised Tang Yi the most was not this.

What surprised Tang Yi the most was that in just a short time, Tang Yi harvested another special material.

Although there was only one kind, not many, it made Tang Yi very happy.

[Pearl of Water Spirit]: Special material.

Attributes: This item can be used for forging or inlaying. If you use this item to forge or inlay, the forged or inlaid items will gain water attribute attack, water attribute defense, water attribute resistance, water attribute special effects, and water attribute additional skills. 300% improvement, and can achieve the effect of swimming in the water.


This is a special material obtained by killing a monster that can spray water. Although its attributes are not particularly good, it still meets Tang Yi's requirements.

After obtaining this special material, Tang Yi's special materials reached nine, one step closer to one hundred special materials.

"It seems that special materials will be produced among Holy God level monsters. Monsters below the Holy God level will not produce materials of this level. And Holy God level monsters will produce special materials. The probability is also very low. I killed thirteen Holy God-level monsters and only three special materials were exploded. In other words, the explosion rate did not exceed 30%. This is still under extremely lucky circumstances. If If you're not lucky, you may not even have 30%. Of course, special materials are hard to find, so even if the explosion rate doesn't even reach 30%, that's still pretty good."

Tang Yi thought quietly.

And after knowing that Holy God-level monsters can explode special materials, Tang Yi became more motivated, and the efficiency of killing monsters became faster!

At this time, Tang Yi encountered the monster. Without any hesitation, he rushed over and killed it instantly with one punch, and then left quickly.

He didn't even care about the corpse of the monster.

Anyway, the corpses of these saint-level monsters are treasures to others, but to Tang Yi, they are just a bunch of hot chickens and have no effect.

Under this efficiency, Tang Yi killed the monsters very quickly, and his advancement speed was also extremely fast.

The distance traveled in less than half a day was greater than the previous two days combined!

Of course, there is also a reason why there are so few monsters in the area where the holy beasts are located.

The scarcity of monsters and Tang Yi's efficiency meant that the advancement speed was comparable to the previous two days combined.

In this way, Tang Yi advanced rapidly, advancing dozens of kilometers at once.

At this point, Tang Yi's rate of obtaining holy values ​​became even faster!
  The reason for this is because the holy beasts we encountered later were surrounded by many younger brothers!
  There are at least hundreds of saint-level disciples.

No longer going it alone.

Generally speaking, the BOSS will be surrounded by a large number of mobs. These mobs protect the BOSS and respect the BOSS.

The holy beast here can be surrounded by so many younger brothers. It seems that these holy beasts are all BOSS level.

Tang Yi should have entered the area where the BOSS-level holy beast is.

In other words, the holy beast here is stronger.

Of course, he has become stronger compared to others.

However, compared to Tang Yi, it was still the same.

It's still a one punch kill, no changes.


Not only did the holy brothers led by these holy beasts not bring any trouble or influence to Tang Yi, on the contrary, they also brought huge benefits to Tang Yi.

A lot of holy values, a lot of items!
  Although he entered the area where the BOSS-level holy beast was, Tang Yi's advancement speed was not affected in any way.

Apart from earning more holy points, having a higher explosion rate, and getting more items, there are no other changes.

In this way, Tang Yi hunted all the way and finally reached the Mengyue Lake, the core of the deepest part of the Mengyue Forest!
  (End of this chapter)

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