Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2204 The general under the throne of Dream Moon Beast

Chapter 2204 The general under the throne of Dream Moon Beast
  Hunting all the way, Tang Yi gained a lot.

Starting from the inner circle of Mengyue Forest, to the core of Mengyue Forest, Mengyue Lake, a total of 500 billion holy points were harvested.

As well as two hundred billion Holy Spirit Pills and countless items.

These items are sold to the system store, which is equivalent to about 100 billion holy points.

In other words, Tang Yi gained 600 billion holy points just by killing Mengyue Lake! !

Now Tang Yi's accumulated holy value has reached more than 900 billion, and he is very close to one trillion.

The most important thing is that in addition to the three special items he obtained before, Tang Yi obtained three more special materials in the next monster fight.

[Spirit Absorbing Stone]: Special material.

Attributes: This item can be used for forging or inlaying. Use this item to forge or inlay. The forged or inlaid items will continuously absorb the surrounding aura and use it for your own use. (The specific effect depends on the situation)

[Moon Cold Golden Skin]: Special material.

Attributes: This item can be used for forging or inlaying. When forged or inlaid with this item, the defense and freeze resistance of the forged or inlaid items will be greatly increased. And there is a 50% chance of obtaining the cold moon effect.

Moon Cold Special Effect: When attacked, a halo of cold air will be produced.

【Xianyun Sponge】: special material.

Attributes: This item can be used for forging or inlaying. Use this item to forge or inlay. The forged or inlaid items will increase the flexibility of the item, greatly increasing the item's resistance to attack, defense, and flexibility. And there is a 99% chance that the item will have the fairy cloud special effect.

Fairy cloud special effect: When moving, the effect of clouds and mist can appear.



Together with these three special materials, Tang Yi obtained a total of six special materials in Mengyue Forest!
  The number of special materials accumulated so far has reached twelve!
  One step closer to one hundred special materials!
  "I hope that Mengyue Lake, the central area of ​​Mengyue Forest, can bring me unexpected surprises."

Looking at the large blue lake in front of him, Tang Yi said lightly.

While speaking, Tang Yi moved and entered the Mengyue Lake.

Mengyue Lake is so huge that you can't see the edge of it, just like a blue sea, very beautiful.

Tang Yi walked along the lake for dozens of minutes, but he did not encounter any monsters. It was as if they had all disappeared, completely missing.


This situation did not last long. After Tang Yi walked forward for about twenty minutes and hundreds of kilometers, he finally encountered the monster!
  When we arrived at Mengyue Lake, we walked hundreds of kilometers before encountering monsters. This shows how vast Mengyue Lake is!
  At this time, Tang Yi encountered a total of three monsters!

These three monsters were not as huge as the ones Tang Yi encountered before. On the contrary, they were very 'petite' in size.

Of course, even though she is said to be petite, she is actually over two meters tall, which is much larger than the average human.

Moreover, the body shape is very strong.

These three monsters, one of which is three meters long, looks like a giant wolf. Its head is covered with downy hair, and there are two sharp horns on the top of its head that look like horns. Its body is gray in color.

The other end, also three meters long, has the strongest body shape and is full of explosive muscles, much like a cheetah in the earth world.

However, it is more powerful than the cheetah, and has a faint golden light on its body.

The last one is walking upright, three meters tall, with the same muscles crisscrossing the body.

Its head is square and its arms are extremely long, like a gibbon. The arms are naturally vertical and can almost touch the ground.

Seeing three such monsters, Tang Yi's three Heavenly Eye Techniques immediately threw them towards the three monsters.

Name: Golden Horn Holy Wolf (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: The most ferocious beast in Mengyue Forest besides the Dream Moon Beast King. It is bloodthirsty and one of the ten generals under the Dream Moon Beast King.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)     …

Name: Black Gold Saint Leopard (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: The fastest monster in Mengyue Forest except the Mengyue Beast King, it likes to hunt and will never give up once it targets its prey. One of the ten generals under the Dream Moon Beast Throne.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


Name: Gibbon Holy Ape (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: Mengyue Forest has the highest intelligence except the Mengyue Beast King. He is good at playing with the enemy at the palm of his hand. He is one of the ten generals under the Mengyue Beast King.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


"Golden-horned Holy Wolf, Black-Gold Holy Leopard, Long-armed Holy Ape?"

"Are they all nine-star holy god-level monsters?"

"One of the top ten generals under the Dream Moon Beast King?"

Seeing the information fed back by the Sky Eye Technique, Tang Yi was slightly stunned.

Then I couldn't help but secretly thought that it was a pity that these three monsters were not top-level holy beasts. Otherwise, the blood of top-level holy beasts needed to break through the bottleneck would have been obtained.

The next second, Tang Yi seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes couldn't help but light up again.

"These three monster beasts are all nine-star holy beast level monsters, and they are all generals under the throne of the Dream Moon Beast. Doesn't that mean that the Dream Moon Beast King is much stronger than them? Then...will the Dream Moon Beast King Will it be the top holy beast?"


Tang Yi became excited.

If the Mengyue Beast King is really the top holy beast, then Tang Yi can say that this trip is really worthwhile.

Not only did he obtain enough holy points, but he also completed the mission in the Courage Tavern, and was even able to obtain the top-level holy blood.

Kill several birds with one stone!
  Three conditions for breaking through the bottleneck, two things can be completed at once.

In this way, we won’t be far away from breaking through the bottleneck!
  Thinking of this, Tang Yi became very excited.

In addition, after reading the information obtained from the Heavenly Eye Technique, Tang Yi was slightly surprised that the Heavenly Eye Technique now seemed to have made adjustments again.

On the monster panel, the three informations of attributes, abilities and skills are no longer displayed in detail.

It's just a rough description of the monster's ability.

This adjustment is both good and bad for Tang Yi.

The good thing is that Tang Yi can see the strength of the monster's attributes, abilities and skills to judge whether the monster is powerful.

The bad thing is that Tang Yi doesn't know their specific abilities and skills, nor the methods of the monsters.

This makes it inconvenient for Tang Yi to use the skills to defend against monsters and take the initiative to deal with monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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