Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2205 I’ll give you 3 seconds

Chapter 2205 I’ll give you three seconds
  Tang Yi didn't know why the Sky Eye Technique was adjusted in this way. Maybe it was to facilitate the display of information in the future, or because the monster was too powerful and it was impossible to obtain various detailed information about the monster.

In short, Tang Yi didn't understand why there was such an adjustment in the Heavenly Eye Technique.

Regarding such an adjustment, Tang Yi maintains a wait-and-see attitude, waiting to see whether it is benign or malignant.

While Tang Yi was thinking, in the distance, the three nine-star holy beasts, the golden horned holy wolf, the black gold holy leopard, and the long-armed holy ape, under the throne of the Mengyue beast, discovered Tang Yi.

Seeing Tang Yi appear in the depths of Mengyue Lake, they stared with big eyes, their faces full of astonishment and disbelief.

I saw the holy gibbon speaking human words, and said to Tang Yi from a distance: "Human, who are you? Why are you here!"

At this moment, the two sides were thousands of meters apart, but the Gibbon Holy Ape only moved its mouth slightly, and the sound was clearly transmitted to Tang Yi's ears. It was simply magical, as if the sound was transmitted thousands of miles away.


Tang Yi glanced at the Gibbon Holy Ape slightly, and was quite surprised by the Gibbon Holy Ape's methods.

If the Gibbon Sacred Ape made a loud sound and let the sound pass through, then forget it, there is no need for Tang Yi to be so surprised.

The important thing is that the Gibbon Sacred Ape does not make the sound loudly, but uses some kind of medium to transmit the sound to his ears.

And this medium…

It seems to be spiritual power?


The Gibbon Saint Ape used his mental power to transmit the voice!

This nine-star holy beast, the long-armed holy ape, was actually able to use spiritual power, which surprised Tang Yi very much.

At the same time, Tang Yi secretly became wary and kept a few more eyes on this long-armed holy ape.

Tang Yi was not afraid of any attacks on the surface. After all, as long as he didn't die, he had unlimited possibilities and could buy unlimited pills to recover.

However, Tang Yi had to be afraid of invisible attacks like mental power.

If the opponent's mental strength is weaker than yours, that's okay.

If you are stronger than yourself, the consequences will be very terrible.

Crushing with mental power can directly annihilate the soul. It is not like Tang Yi leaving only a physical body and the soul being annihilated by the opponent.

Therefore, after knowing that the Holy Gibbon Ape had very strong mental power and was even likely to be able to attack with mental power, Tang Yi was more cautious and secretly guarded against it.

At this moment, the disadvantages of the adjusted Heavenly Eye Technique appeared.

If the Sky Eye Technique is displayed as before, showing all the abilities, skills and attributes of the monster, then Tang Yi will be able to know whether the Gibbon Sacred Ape has any mental attacks.

And we can know how strong the mental power of the Holy Ape is.

However, it is not shown at this moment, which is full of certain unknowns and full of certain risks.

Let Tang Yi be unpredictable.

If the Gibbon Sacred Ape really had a mental attack, even if it was rated as no threat, Tang Yi would have to guard against it to avoid capsizing.

Surprised in his heart, Tang Yi's face remained calm and calm as he replied quietly: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is where the Mengyue Beast King is."


The Gibbon Saint Ape narrowed his eyes slightly, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction in his voice, as if he thought Tang Yi was too arrogant. "Roar!"

After hearing Tang Yi's words, the Golden Horned Holy Wolf bared its teeth, let out a deep roar, and its eyes burst out with red light, revealing its fierce light!
  The Xuanjin Saint Leopard also assumed a targeted attack posture, with a dangerous aura all over his body.

"Human, why are you looking for our King of Dream Moon?" The Gibbon Saint Ape suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and asked Tang Yi.

If other people dared to be so arrogant and dare to come to them and ask where their king was, they might have already taken action and killed the human or creature on the spot.

But facing the human being in front of him, the Gibbon Saint Ape still hesitated slightly and was extremely cautious, not daring to take action rashly.

The reason for this is because it sensed a dangerous aura from the human being in front of it.

If it can sense the dangerous aura, it proves that the human being in front of it is very powerful!

Of course. As the most intelligent monster in Mengyue Forest, even if he did not feel the dangerous aura, the Gibbon Saint Ape could still know that the human in front of him was very powerful.

After all, he was able to arrive at Dream Moon Lake without any injuries or even spotless. How could he have done it without strong strength.

Therefore, with just one glance, the Gibbon Saint Ape knew that Tang Yi was difficult to deal with.

Otherwise, it would have already taken action as soon as it saw Tang Yi.

"You don't have to worry about why I'm looking for your king. You just need to tell me where your king is. That's enough!"

Tang Yi said forcefully.

At this moment, Tang Yi looked as arrogant and arrogant as he wanted, completely ignoring the three ferocious beasts in front of him.

Where have these three ferocious beasts ever received such treatment?
  In the Mengyue Forest, except for the Mengyue Beast King, all the monsters respected them. They didn't dare to show their anger when they saw them. They could only crawl on the ground like a dead dog.

And once humans encounter them, they are almost scared to death!
  This is pretty good!

Some were even scared to death on the spot!
  However, at this moment, the human being in front of him not only did not do this, but actually did not even take them seriously. His expression was extremely arrogant and his tone was extremely arrogant!
  Seeing this, how can these three generals under the Dream Moon Beast Throne be so tolerant? How not to be angry?
  The dissatisfaction of the Gibbon Holy Ape could no longer be concealed. The fierce light in the eyes of the Golden Horned Holy Wolf was even more fierce, full of murderous intent. The Black Gold Holy Leopard changed from a preparatory attack posture to a hunting posture.

"Human! Do you know what the Lord of Meng Yue represents in Meng Yue Forest? Do you know who is the most powerful in this world? How dare you come to challenge us, dare to challenge the Lord of Meng Yue Forest? You deserve to live Are you impatient?"

The Gibbon Sacred Ape's attitude changed, his tone was sinister, and he began to threaten.

Faced with the threat of the Gibbon Sacred Ape, Tang Yi remained unmoved, still assuming a superior posture, still looking down on the three monsters in front of him and saying: "I live impatiently, I don't know. All I know is that if you don’t reveal the whereabouts of the Mengyue Beast King, then I will make you live impatiently!”




Hearing Tang Yi's words, the three monster beasts were furious at the same time.

An invisible flame burned brightly behind the Gibbon Sacred Ape.

The golden-horned holy wolf was filled with killing intent.

The black gold holy leopard has already stirred up gusts of wind, and it is eager to try.

However, it seemed that because of some fear of Tang Yi, even though the three monster beasts were full of anger, they did not take action immediately.

However, Tang Yi ignored their gestures and still said forcefully: "I will give you three seconds to take me to see your king. If not, I will let you become the descendants of low-level monsters." Dinner on the plate!”

(End of this chapter)

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