Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2207 Easy challenge

Chapter 2207 Easy challenge

Tang Yi waved his right hand and formed a space-time barrier in front of him.

And this time and space barrier immediately completely blocked the golden rays of the Golden Horned Holy Wolf and the frontal attack of the Golden Horned Holy Wolf.

The golden-horned holy wolf that was forced to rush had to give up the attack and quickly retreated.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi dwarfed again, just in time to avoid the sneak attack of the Black Gold Saint Leopard behind him.

And after escaping the sneak attack, Tang Yi suddenly turned around and punched out with an uppercut, hitting the Xuanjin Saint Leopard's stomach.

He directly stepped into the Xuanjin Saint Leopard's belly, and with great force, the Xuanjin Saint Leopard was blasted into the air.

After Tang Yi finished doing this, the long-armed holy ape's hammer-like arms came right at him.

Tang Yi didn't hesitate and punched him directly.

One punch versus two punches.

Meat fist versus hammer!
  Judging from his size and power, Tang Yi could not be the opponent of the Gibbon Sacred Ape.



There was a roar, and the strong body of the long-armed holy ape flew backwards and flew out!

With another roar, the Gibbon Holy Ape fell to the ground like a sandbag, splashing dust all over the ground.

And this time.


There was another roar.

At this moment, the Xuanjin Saint Leopard, which had just been knocked into the sky by Tang Yi, suddenly landed on the ground.

Two flew upside down and fell to the ground, and one retreated helplessly.

The attacks of the three nine-star holy beasts were easily resolved by Tang Yi.


The golden-horned holy wolf roared wildly and started all over again. The pair of golden-horned rays of light moved together, and golden rays shot out one after another.

His figure also pounced towards Tang Yi as before.

The Xuanjin Saint Leopard suddenly shook and transformed into nine golden phantoms.

After the transformation, nine golden phantoms moved together and rushed towards Tang Yi at the same time.

Extremely fast!

The most important thing is that the movements of these nine phantoms are exactly the same, the speed is exactly the same, and even the look and breath are exactly the same, it is completely impossible to distinguish the true from the false.

Nine phantoms rushed towards Tang Yi at the same time, each one was extremely fierce and each one was extremely imposing.

It looks very scary.

On the other side, the Gibbon Sacred Ape also trembled, and sixteen thick arms suddenly grew out of its body.

These sixteen arms are exactly the same as the original two arms of the long-armed holy ape.

In other words, it now has eighteen arms!

At this moment, the long-armed holy ape rushed towards Tang Yi, its eighteen arms shaking like an octopus, looking extremely terrifying.

The three nine-star holy beasts attacked Tang Yi with a stronger posture.

However, Tang Yi was dismissive of this.


With a slight smile, Tang Yi did not adapt to the situation this time, but took the initiative. Facing the attack of the three nine-star holy beasts, he was not afraid.

The moment he rushed out, Tang Yi flicked his right hand and took out Red Moon Apophis from the system backpack.

With the red giant sword shining with red light in his hand, Tang Yi instantly transformed into the God of War, condensing an unparalleled and amazing momentum. In a few leaps, Tang Yi fearlessly rushed to the location of the three nine-star holy beasts.

In an instant, lightning flashes, golden light shot out randomly, black-gold light and shadow swayed continuously, eighteen hammer-like arms danced wildly, smashing gravel on the ground, and the scene was chaotic.

Tang Yi fought with the three holy beasts.

In such a chaotic situation, Tang Yi, who was ranked first and third, seemed to be extremely comfortable.

I saw his figure shuttled among the three monster beasts. No matter how sharp the attacks of the three nine-star holy beasts were, no matter how powerful the methods used by the three nine-star holy beasts, they could not hurt him at all.

Not only that!

Surrounded by three monster beasts, Tang Yi could easily fight back.

"You guys also want to hurt me? Ha!"

Tang Yi sneered, watching the moon and moving through the body to the extreme, his body seemed to be walking through the moon, and he suddenly came to the side of the golden-horned holy wolf.

At this moment, the golden-horned holy wolf was still condensing the holy light, and through the golden horn, it continued to shoot light towards Tang Yi.

Because Tang Yi was so fast, the Golden Horn Holy Wolf had no idea when it had lost its target.

Little did he know that its target had already arrived in front of it.

Tang Yi came with his sword, and when the Golden Horned Holy Wolf didn't react at all, he struck directly at the Golden Horned Holy Wolf with his sword.

"Sky Slash!"


The white sword light whizzed, igniting directly in front of the golden-horned holy wolf.

This blow gave the Golden Horned Holy Wolf no time to react or dodge.

Too close, too fast.

However, it is a nine-star holy beast-level monster, and it is the most ferocious beast in Mengyue Forest. Although the golden-horned holy wolf is facing a crisis, it does not panic at all.

The hairs all over its body exploded for the first time, and its body erupted with a burst of dazzling golden light.

This burst of golden light completely enveloped the Golden-horned Holy Wolf, making the Golden-horned Holy Wolf's body glow with golden light, like a sun.

Because the light was so strong and overwhelming, the golden-horned holy wolf was almost invisible, and only a vague black outline could be seen.

This seems... to be the defense method of the Golden Horned Holy Wolf?
  At this time, Tang Yi's Sky Slash finally came over, and the sword light suddenly hit the golden-horned holy wolf that turned into a 'sun'.


There was a loud noise, the sky collapsed, the earth trembled, the soil cracked, and countless energies swept around like a torrent.

At this time, a figure was seen flying upside down under the bombardment of the sword light, falling to the ground a hundred meters away, directly making a big hole in the ground.

And what kind of beast is this figure if it's not a golden-horned holy wolf?

Although its reaction was extremely fast and it had used the most suitable method at the time to deal with Tang Yi's attack in the shortest time, it still suffered a lot of damage due to the power of Tang Yi's attack. harm.

Not only was his figure blown away, his body was also severely injured.

After blasting away the golden-horned holy wolf with one blow, Tang Yi turned aside fiercely, and then his body shook continuously, swaying from side to side. In an instant, he quickly dodged the attack of the nine-ray black gold holy leopard phantom.

At this time, the eighteen hammer-like arms of the long-armed holy ape smashed towards Tang Yi at the same time.

The Gibbon Sacred Ape has a very clear mind. It knows that Tang Yi is very fast. If his arms are spread out and the attack is spread out, he may not be able to hit Tang Yi at all.

Therefore, its eighteen arms did not bombard Tang Yi one by one, but bombarded Tang Yi at the same time.

Eighteen arms can cover a large area and attack at the same time, immediately locking all Tang Yi's movements.

From the perspective of the Gibbon Saint Ape, the human being in front of him had just avoided the phantom attack of the Nine-Path Black Gold Saint Leopard, and was blocked by him again. No matter how fast he was, there was absolutely no way he could dodge its attack this time.

However, what the Gibbon Sacred Ape didn't expect was that it still overestimated itself and underestimated Tang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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