Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2208 The combined means of three 3-star holy beasts

Chapter 2208 The combined means of the three nine-headed holy beasts
  The Gibbon Saint completely overestimated himself and underestimated Tang Yi.

The moment the eighteen giant arms of the Gibbon Sacred Ape blasted towards Tang Yi, Tang Yi shouted loudly: "Get up!"

The next moment, I saw the additional skill Feng Zhan of Tang Yi's high-grade holy-level equipment Feng Feather Boots suddenly activated.

Tang Yi opened his hands, and his arms seemed to transform into the wings of a phoenix, burning with blazing flames.

At the same time, Tang Yi's speed increased a hundred times and became extremely fast!
  The additional skill of Phoenix Feather Boots is Feng Zhan: When performing movement skills, there is a chance that the movement speed will be increased by 200 times.

The moment the eighteen giant arms came over him, Tang Yi relied on his sudden increase in super speed to quickly dodge and avoid the bombardment of the eighteen giant arms and get out of the attack range.

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate!"

After getting out of the attack range and dodging the blow of the Gibbon Sacred Ape, Tang Yi did not stop immediately. Instead, he tipped his toes and quickly withdrew and rushed back with the help of the reaction force.

And he raised the Red Moon Apophis in his hand, and suddenly slashed towards the back of the Gibbon Sacred Ape.


"Holy level swordsmanship!"


Blood spurted out, and Tang Yi's sword struck directly on the back of the Gibbon Sacred Ape, leaving a very long wound on the Gibbon Sacred Ape's back.

Of course, as a nine-star holy god level BOSS, it is simply impossible to kill him with one sword.

After all, the nine-star holy god-level monster boss is not just a cat or a dog, so how can it be so easy to kill.

Being able to break through the Gibbon Sacred Ape's defense and leave a wound on the Gibbon Sacred Ape's back with one blow is already very good.


Tang Yi's blow just now didn't use any martial arts, it was just a simple holy-level swordsmanship. Although there was a bonus to the power, the bonus was not much, and the power was extremely limited.

Therefore, it is a matter of course that the Holy Ape cannot be killed.


"Human, you deserve to die!"

Although the Gibbon Sacred Ape had behaved very much like a human being, it still couldn't help but let out the instinctive roar of a beast just after it was hit by Tang Yi. This shows how angry it was at this moment.

"Haha, you are the one who deserves to die. If you don't eat the toast, you will have to drink wine as a penalty. I asked you to tell me the location of the Mengyue Beast King, but you didn't tell me. Then I can only kill you and then go find it myself."

Tang Yi said calmly.

"Want to kill us? It depends on whether you have the ability! Human, I admit that you are very strong, but unfortunately, this is the Mengyue Forest, the territory of our Mengyue monsters! No matter how strong you are, it will not help."

The Gibbon Holy Ape said, turning his head to look at the Golden Horned Holy Wolf and the Black Gold Holy Leopard.



Feeling the gaze of the Gibbon Sacred Ape, the Golden Horn Sacred Wolf and Black Gold Sacred Leopard roared in response.

The next moment, the three nine-star holy god-level monsters all took action.

However, they did not rush towards Tang Yi or attack Tang Yi, but rushed towards each other.

Three nine-star holy god-level monsters seem to be gathering?

That’s right, it’s a gathering!
  I saw these three nine-star holy god-level monsters gathering together, and then the next second...

The next second, these three nine-star holy god-level monsters actually hugged each other?

That's right!

Hug each other!
  The Golden-horned Holy Wolf and the Black-Gold Holy Leopard stood upright in an incomprehensible posture, hugging each other with the Gibbon Holy Ape!
  Three nine-star holy god-level monsters hugged each other tightly...

The scene in front of me is both weird and shameful. It looks extremely inconsistent and a bit eye-catching.

If this was three people hugging each other, forget it, there would be nothing strange about it.

But there are not three people in front of me! Rather, it is a three-headed monster!
  At such a tense moment, and while they were still fighting Tang Yi, the three monster beasts gathered together, hugged each other tightly, and made such strange actions. Isn't this strange and weird?

It's just so weird and bizarre.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was also extremely stunned.

However, the next second, what shocked Tang Yi even more.

After the three monster beasts hugged each other tightly, the holy gibbon looked up to the sky and shouted: "Fusion!"


A mysterious and ethereal voice sounded in the air.

The next moment, the nearby Mengyue Lake lit up in vain, bursting out with azure light.

Waves of mysterious energy surged out from the lake at this moment, converging towards the location of the three nine-star holy god-level monsters.


Countless energy poured in, instantly wrapping the three-headed nine-star holy beast into an oval-shaped energy ball.

At the same time, each of the three nine-star holy beasts also burst out with dazzling light.

The Gibbon erupted with brown light.

The Black Gold Saint Leopard emitted a two-color light of yellow and white.

And the golden-horned holy wolf burst out with blood-red light!
  Three-headed monsters, three kinds of light!
  In an instant, the location of the three nine-star holy beasts was filled with light and colorful colors.

And due to the large amount of energy gushing out of the lake, the energy ball enveloping the three nine-star holy beasts became larger and larger, becoming more and more terrifying. In just a moment, it expanded to a size of more than ten meters, like a small mountain.

At this time, the figure of the three-headed nine-star holy beast was completely enveloped.

It is completely invisible to the naked eye.

All that can be seen is the huge energy ball in front of him.

And...the bursts of colorful light, which are brown, yellow and white, and blood red.

However, after dozens of breaths passed, these bursts of colorful light were suddenly no longer visible!
  The several rays of light seemed to have merged into one color.

All that can be seen at this time is the bloody light!


The energy ball at this moment can only be seen in blood red color.

The energy ball also changed from its original milky white color to a bright blood red color! !

It turned into a blood-red energy ball.

After a while, the energy ball became even more blood-red and even bigger!

The blood-red color was too rich and had reached the level of purple, which looked very strange.

The diameter of the energy ball also reached one hundred meters, and it looked extremely huge.

However, the energy ball is still continuing to expand, and his eyes are still getting darker.

This is still going on, with no sign of stopping.

And just when Tang Yi was thinking about whether to attack the energy ball or whether to interrupt the three nine-star holy beasts, the Mengyue Lake finally stopped gushing out energy.

The huge energy ball finally stopped expanding and no longer expanded or changed color.

And this time.


From the energy ball, an earth-shaking roar came.

(End of this chapter)

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