Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2214 A big turtle appeared in the lake

Chapter 2214 A big turtle appeared in the lake
  The seven-headed sacred beast used seven different methods to escape.

I have to say that their reaction is really fast and their life-saving methods are really strong.

If it were an ordinary person, if they encountered them and tried to save their lives, they would probably be helpless to get hold of these seven sacred beasts.

But what a pity!
  They met Tang Yi!
  When they met Tang Yi, no matter how fast they were, they were still too late.

Of the seven monster beasts, only the faster Purple Flame Sacred Tiger and Giant Thunder Sacred Eagle, as well as the Nine-tailed Sacred Scorpion, escaped through the escape route.

The other four monster beasts were all affected.

Not long after the colorful sacred deer jumped into the sky, it was swept away by the energy of Tang Yi's "Man and Sword Unity". Countless sharp edges cut into its body, turning it into powder in an instant.

The Fire Spirit Bird wanted to turn into flames and rush into the sky. However, not long after it flew out, it was suddenly hit by terrifying energy and the flames disappeared.

The silk channel of the Ice Crystal Silkworm was swept away and collapsed in an instant. The Ice Crystal Holy Silkworm's body instantly turned into powder.

Before the Nugget Holy Rat could reach the ground or enter the underground, it was instantly wiped out.

Although the four monster beasts had reacted quickly and used life-saving measures, they still fell in an instant, like fireworks, fleeting.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Supreme BOSS Colorful Sacred Deer and gaining 500 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Supreme BOSS Fire Spirit Bird and gaining 500 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Supreme BOSS Ice Crystal Silkworm and gaining 500 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Supreme BOSS Nugget Saint Rat and gaining 500 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the best special material, colorful antlers."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the best special material, Fire Spirit Sacred Feather."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the best special material, ice crystal silk."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the best special material, the golden tooth."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for winning 150 billion Holy Spirit Pills."



They were horrified to see four of their kind die in an instant, and the other three monsters that escaped.

Although they felt the danger and knew that Tang Yi's attack was very strong, they did not expect it to be so strong.

"Human, do you know that if you are an enemy of us and our king, you are an enemy of the entire Mengyue Forest?"

After escaping to a safe place and avoiding the impact, the Purple Flame Holy Tiger roared loudly at Tang Yi.

Originally, the Purple Flame Holy Tiger was extremely powerful, but this roar made it faintly tremble.

Moreover, the voice is still full of fear of Tang Yi?

It seems that you are afraid of Tang Yi?
  How calm and indifferent was the Purple Flame Holy Tiger when he first appeared?
  Even if his mood fluctuated, it was only because Tang Yi had slandered the Mengyue Beast King that he was angry.

But what about now?

Although the words spoken by the current Purple Flame Holy Tiger are still threatening, one can already feel various fears from its expression and tone.

Yes, it is starting to be afraid of Tang Yi!
  Not only is the Purple Flame Sacred Tiger afraid of Tang Yi, but the other two monsters that survived by chance are also afraid of Tang Yi!
  After all, the blow Tang Yi just performed was too terrifying and terrible.

It's too powerful.

Four of their companions were killed in an instant. How could they not be afraid of the remaining ones who were lucky enough to survive?

"So what if you are an enemy of the entire Mengyue Forest? Mengyue Forest is just a random place in the entire Shengwu Continent. You guys really take yourselves seriously." Tang Yi said disdainfully. Mengyue Forest was not taken seriously at all.

In addition, Tang Yi didn't want to talk nonsense with these monsters. After killing four nine-star holy beasts with one blow, he rushed towards the three nine-star holy beasts that were lucky enough to survive.

In the first moment, Tang Yi followed the black channel trajectory created by the Nine-tailed Saint Scorpion and caught up with the Nine-tailed Saint Scorpion that had just emerged from the black channel.

However, the nine-tailed holy scorpion had just passed through the black passage, and before he had time to react what was going on, Tang Yi was beheaded by the Red Moon Apophis.    "Sky Slash!"


White light flashed, and a head and a headless corpse fell from mid-air.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the supreme BOSS Nine-tailed Saint Scorpion and gaining 500 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the best special material, the Nine-Tailed Thousand Poison Needle."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for winning 30 billion Holy Spirit Pills."


After killing the Nine-tailed Sacred Scorpion with one blow, Tang Yi didn't stop at all. He turned around and rushed towards the Giant Thunder Sacred Eagle on the other side.

The scene where Tang Yi killed the Nine-tailed Sacred Scorpion and showed off his power was still echoing in the mind of the Giant Thunder Sacred Eagle, making the Giant Thunder Sacred Eagle terrified. When he saw Tang Yi approaching quickly, the Giant Thunder Sacred Eagle was shocked. The eagle suddenly turned pale with fright, flapped its wings quickly, used all its strength to suck milk, used the ultimate life-saving means, and ran away crazily.

I saw that the lightning it turned into increased its speed several times in an instant, and fled towards the sky at an unimaginable speed.


To no avail!

It's fast, Tang Yi's speed is even faster than it!
  Tang Yi caught up with the giant thunder eagle before it had escaped far.


Tang Yi waved the Red Moon Apophis and slashed at the ball of thunder light transformed into the giant thunder eagle. In an instant, the thunder light was split into two.

The next moment, the giant thunder eagle's body split into two halves fell into the sky.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Supreme BOSS Giant Thunder Eagle and gaining 500 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the best special material, the lightning gem."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for winning 30 billion Holy Spirit Pills."


After killing the Giant Thunder Holy Eagle, Tang Yi turned around again and rushed towards the Purple Flame Holy Tiger.

"Humans, do you really want to kill them all like this? Aren't you afraid that our king will cause trouble for you?"

Seeing Tang Yi rushing toward him, the Purple Flame Holy Tiger was horrified, but it knew that it was impossible to escape from Tang Yi's hands.

So, it simply didn't run away.

"Gua Nao. When you turn into a tiger skin, your king will go down to find you!" Tang Yi said coldly.

While he was speaking, he had already brought Red Moon Apophis to the Purple Flame Holy Tiger.

However, just when Tang Yi raised the red moon Apophis, it was about to fall to kill the Purple Flame Holy Tiger.


I saw rough waves on the lake and countless tumbling waters.

At this moment, it seemed as if something was coming out of the lake, causing the entire golden lake to surge.

After a moment, a huge figure emerged from the lake.

This figure was extremely huge, and almost the entire lake surface that was dozens of miles wide was occupied by this figure.

This shows how huge it is.

And this figure.
  What is it if not a big turtle!
  "Human, do you think too little of me?"

The big turtle stared at Tang Yi and uttered human words.

(End of this chapter)

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