Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2215 Mengyue Beast King, Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle

Chapter 2215 Mengyue Beast King, Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle
  "Human, do you think too little of me?"

The big turtle stared at Tang Yi and uttered human words.


Seeing this big turtle, the Purple Flame Holy Tiger felt as if he had seen a savior, his tiger face was full of joy.

However, the next second, Ziyan Holy Tiger's expression changed drastically.

Because Tang Yi ignored the big turtle and did not stop the movement in his hand, even if the big turtle appeared, Tang Yi still raised the Red Moon Apophis in his hand and suddenly slashed towards the Purple Flame Sacred Tiger.

"Sky Slash!"


The white sword light roared out and hit the Purple Flame Holy Tiger.

Seeing the white sword light, the Purple Flame Holy Tiger's pupils shrank, his eyes became more frightened, and the mighty tiger body trembled.

From the white sword light, the Purple Flame Holy Tiger had already felt the breath of death.

I saw it shouting towards the big turtle in terror: "King, save me!"

The voice was shrill and extremely frightening.

"Human, you dare!"

The big turtle also reacted very quickly. The moment the Purple Flame Holy Tiger asked for help, it opened its mouth and spit out suddenly.


A crystal clear blue water bullet flew out of its mouth and shot straight towards Tang Yi.

After all, the Purple Flame Sacred Tiger is its general. No matter what, it cannot let a human kill the Purple Flame Sacred Tiger under its own eyes, so rescue is a must.

But can the big turtle be saved if he wants to?
  The answer is of course no.

Although the big turtle reacted very quickly and launched an attack immediately, wanting to attack Tang Yi and interrupt Tang Yi's attack, it was still too late.

The moment the blue water bomb flew over, Tang Yi's Red Moon Apophis landed on the neck of the Purple Flame Sacred Tiger.


Blood spurted out, and the head of the Purple Flame Holy Tiger was separated from the body.

The Purple Flame Holy Tiger, a nine-star holy beast, was like a vegetable. It was easily killed by Tang Yi without any ability to fight back.

After all, this blow was carried out by Tang Yi with all his strength and he did not hold back.

If the Purple Flame Holy Tiger could survive such an attack, then Tang Yi would be too inferior.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Supreme BOSS Purple Flame Holy Tiger and gaining 500 billion holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the best special material, Purple Flame Tiger Skin."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for winning 50 billion Holy Spirit Pills."


A reminder came in Tang Yi's mind, announcing the death of the Purple Flame Holy Tiger.

With the fall of the Purple Flame Sacred Tiger, the ten generals of the Mengyue Beast King were all wiped out.

Moreover, they were all killed by Tang Yi.

After doing all this, Tang Yi quickly raised his hand.


A space-time barrier was cast by Tang Yi and appeared in front of him.

At this time, blue water bombs spit out by the big turtle came with a bang.

The aura of this water bomb is very powerful, and the fluorescence on it is inciting, full of unparalleled terrifying power, and it is extraordinary at first glance.

But unfortunately.

It came with a bang, hit Tang Yi's time and space barrier, and was immediately absorbed by the time and space barrier. Except for the power of time and space, which cannot resist the time and space barrier, all other forces can be resisted as long as they do not exceed Tang Yi's strength by too much!

In this way, the big turtle's attempt to attack Tang Yi and prevent Tang Yi from killing the Purple Flame Holy Tiger was easily resolved by Tang Yi.

Killing the Purple Flame Sacred Tiger, raising his hand to use the space-time barrier to resist the attack of the giant turtle, Tang Yi's set of actions were completed in one go.

This set of actions not only successfully killed the Purple Flame Holy Tiger, but also withstood the attack of the big turtle, making the attack of the big turtle return in vain. I have to say, it is really beautiful.

Seeing this scene, the big turtle's face was gloomy, and his eyes looking at Tang Yi became more solemn.

Taking advantage of this gap, Tang Yi threw a Heavenly Eye Technique towards the big turtle.

In fact, Tang Yi has already guessed the identity of the big turtle, but whether it is specific or not, he has to use the Sky Eye Technique to find out.

Name: Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle (ancient level BOSS)

Level: Level 200 (top holy beast)
  Description: The King of Mengyue Forest, known as the Beast King of Mengyue by the world, has lived in Mengyue Forest for 50,000 years.

Attributes: On par with players.

Abilities: On par with players.

Skills: On par with players.

Special bonus: Can summon the monsters in the entire Mengyue Forest.

Judgment: Evenly matched (the player’s strength is not far different from that of the opponent, and the outcome is difficult to determine)



"The Dream Moon Beast King, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, is indeed you!"

Seeing the attributes of the big turtle, Tang Yi suddenly realized what he was thinking. The big turtle in front of him was indeed the Mengyue Beast King!

What surprised Tang Yi the most was that the Mengyue Beast King, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, was indeed the top Holy God-level BOSS!

In other words, if Tang Yi kills the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, he can obtain the blood of the top holy beast!

By obtaining the blood of the top holy beast, Tang Yi has met the two conditions for a breakthrough, and will be one step closer to breaking through the bottleneck!
  This made Tang Yi extremely excited.

Although there have been speculations before, it has been speculated that Mengyue Beast King may be the top holy beast.

But after all, he didn't actually see it, so Tang Yi was still not sure.

But now after seeing the level of the Mengyue Beast King, and seeing that the Mengyue Beast King was really the top holy beast, Tang Yi was convinced.

Of course, excitement was excitement, and Tang Yi did not underestimate the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle just because of his excitement.

After all, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle is the top holy beast, and its strength must be unparalleled.

Moreover, the descriptions and evaluations of its attributes, abilities, skills are all at the level of 'equal' and 'on par'. It is expected that the strength of this Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle will definitely not be inferior to that of Tang Yi.

Just when Tang Yi was checking the information about the Sky Eye Technique and constantly looking at the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle spoke.

I saw it saying towards Tang Yi: "Human, do you really want to be my enemy?"

"Being your enemy? Do you think too highly of yourself?"

Tang Yi said disdainfully.

"Huh? What do you mean?" the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle said in a deep voice.

"You are just my stepping stone, and you still want to be my enemy? Don't you think highly of yourself?" Tang Yi said sarcastically.

"You use me as a stepping stone?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle was slightly startled, and then said in a cold tone: "Let me tell you, how can there be human beings who come to trouble me for no reason? Human beings suddenly came to Mengyue Forest and slaughtered all the beasts in Mengyue Forest. I always thought that I had some deep grudge against you, so you are desperate to find me. Trouble, I didn’t expect it to be the case. It turns out that there is no grudge against me, nor against Mengyue Forest, but just because our Mengyue Forest is just your pedal, a stepping stone for your growth? That’s why you will You are so cruel to us, that’s why! I understand!”

After saying that, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle exuded endless murderous intent.

It seems that he hates Tang Yi very much and wants to kill Tang Yi, and his desire to kill him has reached an extremely strong level.

(End of this chapter)

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