Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2217 The full output of the Ice and Fire 2 Divine Bow

Chapter 2217 The full output of the Ice and Fire Divine Bow


The water column blasted onto Tang Yi's body, sending Tang Yi flying hundreds of meters in an instant. Countless water powers swept towards Tang Yi, and all kinds of terrifying forces continued to swarm towards Tang Yi.

However, part of these powers were resisted by the layer of golden light on Tang Yi's body.

The other part was resisted by Tang Yi's own defense power, the defense power of various equipment, and the special effects of various equipment.

Apart from the terrifying impact, Tang Yi did not suffer any substantial damage.

Because Tang Yi was wearing various equipment and was bombarded by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, the special effects of the equipment on Tang Yi were activated one after another, and several special effects were automatically activated in an instant.

One is the ice guardian special effect of Hanyue Pants.

Cold Moon Guard: If attacked, it can activate a powerful shield to protect itself. The defense power is equivalent to 200% of the player's defense power.

This special effect activated a protective shield on Tang Yi's body.

However, because Tang Yi was covered in golden light, the shield was almost invisible.

The other one is the tide-resisting special effect of Neptune's leggings.

Resist Tide: If attacked, a powerful tidal wave can be created to push the enemy away.

This special effect automatically triggered a powerful tidal wave on Tang Yi's body.

However, this tide did not cause any harm to the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle. The Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle did not do anything. Just the water curtain blocked the tide.

There is also a special effect, which is the special effect of the Shadow of the Devil on the Shadow of the Devil Bracers.

Shadow of the Demon: When defending, there is a certain chance of summoning the Shadow of the Demon to counterattack the enemy. The strength of the Shadow of the Demon is equivalent to 35% of the player's strength.

When Tang Yi was attacked just now, a black shadow did appear, but this shadow also did not cause any harm to the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

The black shadow hit the water curtain and immediately disappeared automatically, as if it had no effect.

Of course.

Although the special effects of counterattack had no effect, the special effects of defense allowed Tang Yi to perfectly resist the attack of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle!

The water column of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle looks very powerful. If Tang Yi had not used the additional skill 'Divine Power' of the Holy Earth Spirit Armor at the last moment, and if these defensive special effects had not been stimulated, if Tang Yi's original defense power had not been If it is not strong enough, the consequences may be disastrous.

It is because of these various factors, because of these various special effects, defenses, and additional skills that Tang Yi was able to perfectly withstand the attack of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle without suffering any damage to himself.

Of course, although Tang Yi was not harmed at all, he was still extremely embarrassed at the moment.

In addition to being blasted away by the powerful force of the water column, his whole body was also drenched with chills, his body was wet, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Tang Yi was very unhappy about being sprayed all over by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle. He first summoned the False Yanyan Fire to evaporate the water stains on his body, and then with a flick of his right hand, he replaced the long-range attack weapon. , the divine bow of ice and fire.

After replacing this long bow with a strange shape, Tang Yi slightly raised the Ice and Fire Divine Bow, raised it into the air, and shouted loudly: "Build the Ice and Fire Divine Realm!"


At this moment, two rays of light, one red and one basket, surged out from the Ice and Fire Divine Bow.

These two rays of light alternate with each other, complement each other, and live together, just like two Tai Chi yin and yang fish, constantly swimming back and forth.

After the two rays of ice and fire surged out from the divine bow, the two red and blue lights flew to the sky alternately and disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, it fell from the sky again and hit the ground silently. Then the red and blue light passed through the ground like water ripples, sweeping and spreading in all directions.

The entire land and even the lake surface turned red and blue.

At this time, the temperature in the air became extremely weird. It was freezing cold at one moment and extremely hot at the other.

Moreover, an extremely rich ice-attribute power and an extremely rich fire-attribute power filled the air.

In addition, countless ice and fire attributes within a radius of hundreds of miles are converging in this direction, making the ice and fire attributes here more and more intense.

The temperature in the air became more and more biting and hot.

Construct the Ice and Fire God's Domain: By continuously absorbing the power of ice and fire, we will build an area with ice and fire attributes as the core. This area will expand as the number of ice and fire attributes increases.

At this time, Tang Yi raised his hand slightly, raised the Ice and Fire Divine Bow above his head, and shouted: "Fire and Ice Domain!"


Once again, a red and blue light flew high into the sky, and the next second, it fell to the ground.

After the second red and blue light fell on the ground, the red and blue light on the ground, and the power of ice and fire attributes suddenly became more intense, as if it had been strengthened, improved by an unknown amount. times.

At this moment, the power of ice and fire attributes was even more raging, the power of ice attributes was even colder, and the power of fire attributes was even more fiery.

After performing the 'Construct the Divine Realm of Ice and Fire' and the 'Fire and Ice Realm', Tang Yi bent down and braced his horse, holding the long bow with his left hand, pulling the bow string with his right hand, and pulled it suddenly.

"Wrath of Ice and Fire!"

"It's freezing!"

Tang Yi moved his right hand and pulled the bowstring continuously, and two red and blue energy arrows roared towards the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

Wrath of Ice and Fire: Shoots an arrow of ice and fire, causing damage equal to 150000 times the player's strength to the target. After hitting the target, it will freeze the target 100% and burn the target 100%. It will also generate damage within 5000 meters centered on the target. An area of ​​ice and fire. Enemy units within the area will receive additional ice and fire damage equivalent to 5000 times the player's strength per second.

Frozen ground: The player shoots an ice rocket. Within 50000 meters of the area hit by the ice rocket, a field of ice will be generated. Hostile targets in the field of ice will have their defense weakened by 1500 times and become frost resistant. Weakened by 80%, has a 20% chance of freezing, and suffers additional freezing damage equivalent to 1000 times the player's strength every second.


The previous energy arrow was the Wrath of Ice and Fire. The energy arrow of the Wrath of Ice and Fire was relatively thin, and its arrowheads were the same as those of ordinary arrows. The difference was that the left side of the entire arrow was red and the right side was blue. It was clearly red. Two colors blue.

Then an energy arrow hit the ice and the ground.

The energy arrows of Ice and Frozen Earth are completely different from the energy arrows of Wrath of Ice and Fire, although they are both red and blue, clearly distinct.

However, the arrowhead of Ice and Heaven and Earth is an oval.

Yes, the arrow is a red and blue oval with no tip.

The arrow body is also thicker, and it is different from the Wrath of Ice and Fire at first glance. It is easy to distinguish between the two arrows which one is the Wrath of Ice and Fire, and which one is the Ice Sky and Frozen Earth.

At this moment, two such energy arrows flew towards the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle at the same time.

Moreover, it accurately bombarded the water curtain released by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

All of a sudden...

(End of this chapter)

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