Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2218 Hiding in the turtle shell

Chapter 2218 Hiding in the turtle shell

After two different energy arrows hit the water curtain, countless ice and fire powers exploded. The water curtain released by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle suddenly shook, and then shattered like glass.

At this time, Tang Yi moved his right hand again and jerked the Ice and Fire Divine Bow.


Energy arrows roared out one after another, and in an instant, dozens of energy arrows flew towards the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

And among these dozens of energy arrows, there are "ice and ice" and "ice and fire".

In short, Tang Yi used these two additional skills in turn.

After using the Ice Sky and Frozen Earth, he used the Wrath of Ice and Fire. The two additional skills were mixed with each other and blasted towards the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

At this moment, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle no longer has a water curtain to defend itself.

The water curtain that had been cast before had been directly blown away by Tang Yi with one strike of Ice and Ice and one strike of Ice and Fire Wrath.

Of course, even if the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle has a water curtain to defend it at this moment, it will not help.

Tang Yi could destroy the water curtain with two strikes. This water curtain was nothing in front of dozens of energy arrows.

Even if there were two more, they would still be blasted away.

So it doesn't matter whether there is a water curtain or not.

However, although there is no water curtain for defense, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle still has many methods.

Especially defensive means!
  Facing dozens of energy arrows from Tang Yi, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle shrank its head and retracted its head directly into the huge turtle shell.

Immediately afterwards, the huge turtle shell was completely sealed and became airtight.

"Boom boom boom!"

Dozens of Tang Yi's energy arrows came with a bang, and they all hit the giant turtle shell. In an instant, countless powers of ice and fire swept across.

Countless ice and snow, as well as countless flames, also appeared on the turtle shell.


Tang Yi's dozens of energy arrows failed to damage the turtle's shell.

Even if the power of countless ice and fire swept through the turtle shell, it could not affect the turtle shell in the slightest.

After Tang Yi's dozens of seconds, the energy arrow burst ended, the ice, snow and flames disappeared, the turtle shell flashed with light, and everything returned to its original state.

If it weren't for the scorch marks left in the air and the faint trace of frost, it would be as if the turtle shell hadn't been attacked at all, and it wouldn't look strange at all.


Seeing this scene, Tang Yi showed a surprised look.

The next second, he suddenly said: "After all, it is a turtle, so it is inevitable to have strong defense. Very good, let us see how powerful your turtle shell is."

As he spoke, Tang Yi continued to draw the Ice and Fire Divine Bow with his right hand.


Energy arrows roared out.

This time, Tang Yi didn't use 'Icy Sky and Frozen Earth' either.

After all, 'Icy Sky and Frozen Earth' is a range-type skill, and the damage is not too high, while the single-target damage of Wrath of Ice and Fire is much higher.

Therefore, the skills Tang Yi used this time were all the fury of ice and fire.

The wrath of ice and fire was shot out by Tang Yi!
  In just one breath, Tang Yi pulled the Ice and Fire Divine Bow countless times in succession, and shot out how many wraths of ice and fire.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of red and blue energy arrows erupted on the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle. The power of ice and fire vibrated continuously. The rumbling sounds were continuous, resounding throughout the entire Golden Lake and the entire Mengyue Lake. .

Due to Tang Yi's control, all the anger of ice and fire was shot at a certain point on the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

Suddenly, countless terrifying powers of ice and fire were tilted towards this point on the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

Tang Yi wanted to break the noodles. Tang Yi's idea was quite good, but unfortunately, he underestimated the defensive power of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's shell.

No matter how many energy arrows Tang Yi shot, no matter how powerful these energy arrows were, no matter whether these energy arrows hit the same point, they still failed to cause any damage to the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

The shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle is like a fortress, indestructible.

"It's useless, human, you can't possibly break my treasure shell."

The voice of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle came out from the turtle shell, and his voice was full of pride.

"Really? Let's wait and see! I want to see how strong your defense is, this big turtle!"

Tang Yi refused to accept it and pulled the bow string again.

"Arrow of Destruction!"


A black arrow roared out.

[Arrow of Destruction]: A high-grade Holy Heaven-level archery skill (you must use a bow weapon to perform this martial skill). Shoot an arrow towards the enemy, which can directly cause 10000 times the real damage to the enemy, and has a special destructive effect.

Destruction special effect: All damage caused to enemy units is real damage, regardless of defense.

Duration: 10 seconds.

  After activating a black energy arrow, Tang Yi did not stop moving.

As before, his right hand continued to pull the bowstring, and black energy arrows roared one after another.

Moreover, just like before, Tang Yi controlled all these black energy arrows to hit the same point on the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle!
  "Boom boom boom!"

The black light flashed, the power of destruction rolled, and black energy arrows hit the same point on the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, causing a violent noise.

But this time, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle was no longer as unresponsive as before.

On the contrary, the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle shook violently.

As if in pain.

And there were slight cracks in the places where it was bombarded.

A crack the size of a palm appeared on the turtle shell.

Of course, this size is just a drop in the ocean compared to the huge Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, and is completely insignificant.

But seeing this scene, Tang Yi curled his lips and showed joy on his face.

After all, for Tang Yi, the most important thing is to break the defense. Even if there is a crack as big as a palm, the defense is broken, and as long as the defense can be broken, everything will be much easier.

However, Tang Yi seemed to be happy too early.

Tang Yi thought that the defense was broken. As long as he continued to attack, he would be able to smash the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

But what he didn't expect was.

In the subsequent attacks, no matter how many more 'arrows of destruction' Tang Yi shot, this slap-sized crack remained unchanged.

Not only did it not expand, it didn't even change at all.

All the 'Arrows of Destruction' struck it, as if they were lost in the sea, without any response.

"It's impossible, right? It's obviously broken? How come there's no change at all? Logically speaking, this crack should be getting bigger and bigger!"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was extremely confused.

He tried to attack other parts of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's shell, but just like before, the first round of attacks blasted a palm-sized crack in that position.

However, the subsequent attacks had no effect.

Not only did they not achieve greater results, the slap-sized crack did not even change.

(End of this chapter)

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