Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2219 The Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle blew itself up?

Chapter 2219 The Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle blew itself up?

What surprised Tang Yi the most was.

Because he changed his position to attack, the palm-sized crack suddenly disappeared from the position where he first attacked.

The position of the first attack was restored to the original position!
  This scene made Tang Yi puzzled!

But the next moment, Tang Yi suddenly came over.

been played!

He must have been tricked by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle!

This is all intentional by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle!
  The Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle deliberately asked him to create a slap-sized crack, deliberately making him feel that his defense was broken and that there was hope of breaking through the turtle's shell.

In fact, such an attack cannot break the turtle shell at all.

This palm-sized crack was most likely deliberately created by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle!

The purpose is to confuse and tease Tang Yi!
  Thinking of all these, Tang Yi felt very angry.

When had he been played by a monster?

But now, he was tricked by a turtle!

Tricked by a turtle.

This is really embarrassing!

"Stinky turtle, let me beat you up! Isn't the turtle shell hard? I want to see how hard it is!"

As he spoke, Tang Yi flicked his right hand, put away the Ice and Fire Divine Bow, and replaced it with Red Moon Apophis.

Holding the Red Moon Apophis, Tang Yi rushed directly towards the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

At the moment of rushing out, Tang Yi kept activating the state.

"The additional skill of the Holy Ring of Power, Power Domain!"

A 100-meter field covered Tang Yi's body, causing Tang Yi's power to instantly increase.

"The Halo of the Ruler of Dignity!"


A colorful halo appeared under Tang Yi's feet.

"Red Moon Apophis' additional skill, Sword Domain!"

Another area extending to several thousand meters was arranged around Tang Yi.

"The Watching Three-piece Set of Tianmei Purple Star Ring has additional skills, the power of Tianmei!"

In an instant, Tang Yi's attack power increased again, and his entire momentum skyrocketed with the attack.

"Special part, the additional skill of the ancient power king's hand is magical transformation."

Tang Yi's arms suddenly swelled, and his entire strength increased countless times in an instant.

As his strength increased, Tang Yi's momentum increased again, becoming unparalleled and terrifying.

But this is not over yet!
  Tang Yi quickly entered the system store, where he purchased a third-level holy level violent pill that can only be used by the top holy gods at this stage!
  [Level 50000 Holy Level Violent Pill]: After use, the player's strength will be increased by 50000 times, all attributes will be increased by 50000 times, and physical strength will be increased by times.

Duration: 30 seconds.

Tip: After the duration ends, the player will return to their original state.

Price: 50000000 holy points.


The price of the third-level holy level violent pill is as high as 50 million holy points!
  This is a very high price!

If it were before, Tang Yi couldn't afford it.

But things are different now.

Now, for Tang Yi, who has trillions of holy values, a mere fifty million holy values ​​are nothing.

Moreover, as long as it can increase its strength, as long as it can kill the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, spending 50 million holy points is nothing. Don't talk about 50 million holy values, even if it is 500 million, 5 billion, or 50 billion holy values, Tang Yi's eyes will not blink!
  After spending 50 million Holy Points to purchase the third-level Holy Level Violent Pill, Tang Yi used the third-level Holy Level Violent Pill.

In an instant, Tang Yi's body flashed with red light, and his whole aura increased again.

In this way, after using various states, Tang Yi held the Red Moon Apophis and slashed directly at the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

"Sky Slash!"

"Sky Slash!"

"Sky Slash!"


Tang Yi executed one hundred and eight slashes in a row, and one hundred and eight white sword lights roared towards the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

These one hundred and eight white sword lights were unleashed by Tang Yi quickly at the same time, with almost no gaps.

So when these one hundred and eight white sword lights flew out, they almost fit together, fused together, and turned into a larger sword light.

Originally, the sky-cutting sword light used by Tang Yi was only a thousand meters long, but after being superimposed together, it suddenly expanded tenfold, reaching 10,000 meters!
  Become incredibly huge!
  Although it was nothing compared to the huge Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, to Tang Yi, it was very huge.

Just like that, such a huge sword light crashed down and hit the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

Before the white sword light fell, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle was still there, hiding in the turtle shell and unable to escape.

However, when the white sword light fell, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle suddenly lost his composure.

He seemed to feel the power of this white sword light, and seemed to know that the white sword light was a fatal threat to him. From inside the turtle shell, the furious voice of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle came out: "Human, do you really want to Kill them all like this?!"

The voice was filled with a hint of panic and endless anger.

It seemed that he was angry that Tang Yi dared to be so cruel to it!


Hearing the voice of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, Tang Yi sneered: "Now you know you are afraid? It's too late!"

"Human, don't underestimate me. Since you really want to kill them all, then even if I die, I will pull you along!"

From inside the turtle shell, the decisive voice of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle came out.

The next moment, the shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle suddenly lit up, bursting out with an unparalleled golden light!

This light is getting brighter and brighter, shining more and more, like a golden sun.

The aura on his body became more and more violent, as if it was like a slag bucket that was about to explode and could detonate at any time.

Feeling the breath of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, Tang Yi secretly said: "Not good!"

Then, he quickly fled into the distance.

But it's too late.

When the golden light on the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's shell surged to a certain level, shining to its limit, the violent aura on it also reached its peak...


The shell of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle exploded, and the huge turtle shell was torn apart and turned into countless pieces.

The Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle exploded!
  At the same time, an extremely terrifying, violent, and powerful destructive force was also centered on the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, sweeping towards the surrounding areas!

In an instant, the lake surged, the land cracked, and countless flowers, plants, and trees turned into powder in an instant.

Wherever the destructive force passed, the ground was cut away hundreds of meters, sinking deeply into it, leaving a mess.

Moreover, this destructive power spread extremely quickly, affecting the white sword light inspired by Tang Yi in just the blink of an eye.

And in an instant, the white sword light was submerged, and all the sharpness and power of the white sword light were shattered.

Although Tang Yi escaped extremely fast, the destructive power spread even faster.

After drowning the giant white sword light, this destructive force chased behind Tang Yi in an instant, making Tang Yi unable to escape and avoid, and in the next moment, it drowned Tang Yi!

(End of this chapter)

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