Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2229 Revealing the Mystery

Chapter 2229 Revealing the Mystery
  "Is this... is this true? Or are we in the wrong place?"

A member of the redemption team said with disbelief on his face when he saw the huge pothole in front of him.

"You can't go wrong. Although it's my first time to come to Mengyue Lake, I have looked at the map countless times. Even with my eyes closed, I know where to go, so I can't go wrong. , this is the Lake of Dream Moon. But for some reason, it disappeared artificially."

A strong man from the Mengyue Empire royal family said.

"Oh my God, this is the lair of the Dream Moon Beast King, and there are countless high-level monsters nearby. Now that the Dream Moon Lake is gone, these monsters..."

"I heard that Mengyue Beast King has ten generals under his command. Those ten generals are all at the top holy level. They are the most powerful monsters in Mengyue Forest besides Mengyue Beast King. And they are also in Mengyue Forest. The Moon Lake is inhabited. Now that the Dream Moon Lake has become like this, and these ten monster beasts have disappeared, isn’t it true?”

"It is said that there is a golden lakeside in the center of Mengyue Lake. Now it seems that the golden lakeside in the center of Mengyue Lake should also disappear."

"Is that person really that powerful? He can actually make a lake hundreds of miles away disappear? Isn't this too scary?"

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I probably wouldn’t have believed what I saw.”


Everyone was amazed.

Luo Chun, the captain of the redemption team, also exclaimed: "His Royal Highness the Third Prince's guess is indeed correct. That person's purpose is indeed not just to hunt monsters. His purpose may really be the king of Mengyue Forest, Mengyue Beast King. Moreover, He should also have fought against the Mengyue Beast King. Otherwise, Mengyue Lake would not be like this."

"should be."

Xia Hongyu nodded and said, "I just don't know who will win this battle."

"I think..." Luo Chun hesitated.

"What do Captain Luo Chun think?" Xia Hongyu asked.

"I think Mengyue Beast King should have lost this life-and-death duel," Luo Chun said.

"Oh? Why?"

Xia Hongyu said doubtfully.

"Your Highness, Third Prince, look over there."

Luo Chun pointed into the distance and said.

Where Luo Chun pointed, there was a large piece of hard shell as big as a hill.

This hard shell was very huge, mottled brown and gray, and looked very broken. It was stuck upside down on the ground not far away.

Seeing such a huge hard shell, everyone moved and came to the hard shell.

After looking at the hard shell slightly, Xia Hongyu said: "It is said that the Mengyue Beast King is a tortoise monster that has survived for tens of thousands of years. Its back shell is mottled brown-gray with a silvery light. And the hard shell in front of him The shell is very similar to the back shell of the Mengyue Beast King, and it also looks so broken... Could this broken shell be..."

"I think that's it! This is definitely the back shell of the Meng Yue Beast King!" Luo Chun said resolutely: "This broken shell is exactly the same as the back shell of the Meng Yue Beast King, both in color and appearance. It should be the Meng Yue Beast King. There is no doubt that this piece of back shell is the size of a small mountain, but it should be only a very small part. Maybe less than one millionth of the back shell of the Dream Moon Beast King. I just saw this piece of back shell, so Then I felt that the mysterious weirdo should have won."


Xia Hongyu continued: "As far as I know, the Mengyue Beast King is called the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle. It is a powerful dragon turtle. Its back shell is very hard. Even the patron saint of our Mengyue royal family, the Holy God of Wind and Rain, , it is also difficult to break through. But now...and now, its back shell has actually shattered. And it has also broken into such a small piece. It seems that the Mengyue Beast King did not gain the upper hand and has even fallen."

Having said this, Xia Hongyu stepped forward and looked at the turtle shell carefully, and reached out to touch the spider web-like lines on the turtle shell. When he saw that the lines on the inside of the shell were deeper than those on the outside, Xia Hongyu sighed slightly. Startled.

Then, he said: "This shell looks very shattered, and it seems to be broken from the inside. Look here!"

It has to be said that Xia Hongyu is very experienced and has very strong observation skills. After just a few glances, he immediately saw that the turtle shell was starting to break from the inside.

Luo Chun also stepped forward to examine it carefully, and like Xia Hongyu, he reached out and touched the spider web cracks on the turtle shell slightly, looked at the inside and outside of the remaining shell, and said after a moment: "Yes, it did start to crack from the inside. But, isn’t this too strange? If the Mengyue Beast King was attacked and the back shell was broken, shouldn’t it be broken from the outside? How could it be broken from the inside?”

Xia Hongyu said: "I once read an introduction to the Meng Yue Beast King in a certain book. It is said that the Meng Yue Beast King has a very powerful life-saving skill called Spirit Protection. When encountering danger and being invincible, the Meng Yue Beast King will It can perform this life-saving beast skill. Once this beast skill is used, the back shell of Mengyue Beast King will burst instantly and turn into a powerful impact, causing fatal damage to the enemy who attacks it. The back shell in front of me may be It’s the remains left after the Mengyue Beast King used ‘Soul Protection Break’.”


"The back shell exploded?"

Hearing Xia Hongyu's words, Luo Chun said in surprise: "In other words, the Mengyue Beast King blew himself up!"

"It should be so!"

Xia Hongyu said in a deep voice: "It seems that the mysterious weirdo is indeed very powerful. He actually forced the Dream Moon Beast King to explode his back shell to save his life. However, I don't know whether the Dream Moon Beast King survived after using his life-saving skills. And whether that mysterious weirdo survived?"

"This shell seems to have flown here from the depths of Mengyue Lake. How about we take a look further? In this way, who wins and who loses will be revealed soon."

Luo Chun suggested.

Originally, Luo Chun was very hesitant and worried about going deep into the Dream Moon Lake.

After all, it was so dangerous here, and if someone didn't do anything right, her life would be in danger, so it was impossible for her not to worry.

But now, after all the fog has been solved, Luo Chun is more curious about the outcome of this grand war than worried and hesitant.

I am curious to know who won this great battle.

Hearing Luo Chun's suggestion, Xia Hongyu turned around and looked at Luo Chun in surprise, then smiled and said: "That's exactly what I meant! I also want to go to the location of Golden Lake to see what it has become. .”

With that said, the group of people marched again.

However, before they advanced far, they discovered the corpses of several monster beasts...

(End of this chapter)

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