Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2230 Will all the mengyue beast kings fall in the battle?

Chapter 2230 Have all the ten generals of Mengyue Beast King fallen?

There were three corpses in front of me.

Seeing the corpses of these three monster beasts, Xia Hongyu and the Redemption Team's eyes widened in shock.

"these are……"

"These are the corpses of the ten generals under the Mengyue Beast King!"

"Look over there, the one with the two golden horns on his head is the Golden Horned Holy Wolf!"

"The one over there with mottled patterns on its body is the Black Gold Saint Leopard!"

"The breasts on these arms are the holy apes with long arms."

"Be good! The ten generals of the Mengyue Beast King are all at the nine-star holy god level, but now, they all died tragically here."

"Did that person do it? How strong is he?"


Everyone was surprised.

At the same time, a strong man from the Mengyue Royal Family looked at the remains of the three nine-star holy beasts, his eyes lit up, and he said to Xia Hongyu: "Your Highness, these three monsters are all nine-star holy beasts. If We brought them back. It is definitely a great thing for His Highness!! This not only proves His Highness’s strength, but also adds a strong mark to His Highness’s glorious deeds. This will be a great blessing to His Highness the Third Prince in the future. Boarding is definitely beneficial.”

Hearing the words of this powerful man from the Mengyue Royal Family, His Highness the Third Prince was extremely moved.

However, he was not blinded by the benefits, but very rationally asked Luo Chun, the captain of the redemption team: "Captain Luo Chun, you don't need the corpses of these monsters, right? If you don't need them, then I will bring them Let’s go. Of course, although we took away the corpse of the monster, since it was discovered by us together, I will compensate you to a certain extent.”

"What did His Highness the Third Prince say? If it weren't for you, how could our redemption team have entered here, and how could we have found the corpses of these nine-star holy beasts. Therefore, the third prince can take away the corpses of the three nine-star holy beasts." That's it." Luo Chunqian said.

Although the three holy-level monsters also made her very excited, she also knew what should be taken and what should not be taken, and she also knew the reason why it was a crime to possess a jade.

With the strength of their redemption team, there was no way they could save the bodies of the three nine-star holy beasts.

Therefore, even if they were given the bodies of these three nine-star holy beasts, their redemption team could not afford them.

It is better to give it to the third prince directly, so as to gain a good impression, win the favor of the third prince, and make the relationship between the two parties more harmonious.

This will definitely be of great benefit to the future Redemption Team.

"One yard for another, although the bodies of these three nine-star holy beasts cannot be given to you, the compensation that should be given must still be given. Moreover, our Mengyue royal family can also afford these."

Xia Hongyu said.

"Then I would like to thank His Highness the Third Prince."

Luo Chun no longer insisted and accepted it calmly.

Afterwards, the strong men from the Mengyue royal family packed up all the corpses of the three nine-star holy beasts. After finishing packing, Xia Hongyu waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's look forward."

The group of people continued to move forward. This time they went very far.

However, they walked a long way, and this time they didn't encounter anything along the way.

After traveling for tens of kilometers, they finally stopped.

The reason why they stopped was because they had arrived at the core of the Dream Moon Lake, the Golden Lake.

However, the golden lakeside in front of them has disappeared.

Of course, although it disappeared, there are still some traces left on the shore of the Golden Lake. In the big pit, there are large areas of gold stained on the soil, making it look golden.

"Here, I guess this is where the Golden Lake was originally, right?"

Seeing the golden soil in the big pit, Luo Chun said.

Xia Hongyu nodded and said: "Based on the distance and the scene in front of me, the land dyed golden in the big pit in front of me should be the original location of the Golden Lake. However, because of the war and the depletion of the lake, this Just disappeared."

While Xia Hongyu was talking, someone shouted in surprise: "Your Highness, look over there."

Hearing this, Xia Hongyu and everyone looked in the direction pointed by the man's finger.

Suddenly he saw several more corpses lying on the ground not far away.

Several people jumped up and came to the side of these corpses.

There are seven corpses in total, a deer-like monster with a body of seven colors, a scorpion-like monster with nine tails, a large fiery red bird, a large insect with a body made of crystal blocks, and a pair of A big tiger with purple wings, a big bird with a lightning bolt tattooed on its forehead, and a mouse with sharp fangs.

Seeing these seven-headed monsters, everyone's eyes widened again with surprise on their faces.

"This, this, this...are these seven monsters the generals under the Meng Yue Beast King? Oh my god, we have met the three generals under the Meng Yue Beast King before, and now we have met another seven generals. ...Doesn’t that mean that all the ten generals of Mengyue Beast King have fallen?”

"That deer-like monster with a colorful body over there, could it be one of the ten generals under Mengyue Beast King, the colorful sacred deer known as the most powerful one?"

"That scorpion-like monster with nine tails should be the most poisonous monster known as the Mengyue Forest, the nine-tailed holy scorpion. Countless strong men have died in its hands. Unexpectedly, it has also fallen now. Moreover, all nine tails were severed, and his death was so miserable."

"This big fiery red bird should be the Fire Spirit Bird, the fire-controlling bird of Mengyue Forest. It is said that it can control flames and is extremely powerful."

"This large crystal-shaped insect here should be the legendary Ice Crystal Holy Silkworm. It is said that it has very powerful control. Once encountered, it cannot escape even if it wants to. However, now... it has turned into countless The crystal block fell apart..."

"This rat-like monster here with a pair of sharp fangs must be the Holy Nugget Rat, right? Its pair of golden sharp teeth is unique and easy to identify."

"It is said that the leader of the ten generals of the Dream Moon Beast King is the Purple Flame Holy Tiger. The Purple Flame Holy Tiger can not only possess a pair of purple fire wings, but can even control flames. It is the strongest among the ten generals of the Dream Moon Beast King. existence. And this tiger-like monster with a pair of purple wings in front of me should undoubtedly be the Purple Flame Holy Tiger."

"My dear, all ten of Mengyue Beast King's generals have fallen. These are ten nine-star holy god-level monsters! When they are gathered together, the power they can unleash is not as simple as one plus one. These ten monsters The nine-star holy god-level monsters are moving together, and even the royal family of the Mengyue Empire may not be able to stop them. Unexpectedly, they have fallen here now."

(End of this chapter)

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