Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2231 Even the Mengyue Beast King fell?

Chapter 2231 Even the Mengyue Beast King fell?
  Seeing the corpses of the seven nine-star sacred beasts, Xia Hongyu's eyes lit up again, his eyes full of fire.

The strong man from the Mengyue royal family said again: "Your Highness, Third Prince, if the bodies of these seven nine-star holy beasts are brought back by us, then your prestige, Third Prince, will probably be raised to an unimaginable height! This time you come out , you not only proved yourself, you even exceeded your expectations!”

On the side, Luo Chun was also very discerning and took the initiative to say: "His Royal Highness the Third Prince, please take these seven monsters away. Since the strong man dumped these corpses here casually, I think they are not needed. In that case , His Highness the Third Prince will take them away, there should be no problem. And our redemption team does not need the corpses of these nine-star holy beasts, so we will not compete with His Highness the Third Prince."


The third prince Xia Hongyu nodded, without any courtesy, and directly ordered the powerful men of the Mengyue royal family to collect the bodies of the seven nine-star holy beasts.

After putting away the body, Xia Hongyu said to Luo Chun: "Captain Luo Chun, please don't worry, I will definitely give you generous compensation after I return."

"Then Luo Chun would like to thank His Highness the Third Prince for being here."

Luo Chun cupped his hands and thanked him.

And at this moment, someone discovered something and exclaimed: "Quick, look over there!"

Everyone turned their heads and immediately saw the broken turtle shell they had seen before appearing not far away.

And there are a lot of these broken turtle shells, pieces here and there, scattered everywhere.

Seeing these turtle shell fragments, the eyes of Xia Hongyu and the powerful men from Mengyue Royal Family lit up.

A strong man from the Mengyue Royal Family came forward directly and collected these turtle shell fragments and put them into storage items.

They also collected the first turtle shell fragment they saw before.

After all, these turtle shell fragments are the back shells of the top holy beast, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle. The material is so hard that even the powerful Holy Emperor cannot break it. It is a top grade material.

To Tang Yi, maybe these turtle shell fragments were nothing at all. Tang Yi didn't even want to take a look.

But for Xia Hongyu and others and the redemption team who came here at this moment, it was a treasure level.

Not to mention the people who come here, even if they are placed outside, these things are of treasure level, the kind that can make people fight for their scalps.

The kind that can make people greedy.

Therefore, these things were collected by them.

Of course, not only the turtle shell fragments were picked up, but also the corpses of Saint Emperor-level monsters encountered along the way, as well as various treasures and medicinal herbs.

The Mengyue Royal Family has gained a lot, and the Redemption Team has also gained a lot.

Although the Redemption Team gave up the body of the Nine-Star Holy Beast and the turtle shell of the Dream Moon Beast King, they still gained a lot along the way, and it was to an unprecedented extent.

They had never acquired so many treasures, never had they acquired so many things of value.

What they gained this time was much more than what they had accumulated in a lifetime.

Therefore, even if the Mengyue Royal Family took away the body of the Nine-Star Holy Beast, even if they took away the turtle shell of the Mengyue Beast King, they would not have any complaints.

Seeing so many turtle shell fragments, Xia Hongyu immediately said: "If my guess is correct, this is where the strong man fought with the Mengyue Beast King. Look at the traces of the battle around it, tsk tsk, too much." It's terrible. I really can't imagine what kind of battles have gone on here." Luo Chun nodded and said, "That man is really terrible. Before I came here, I didn't believe that anyone could challenge Meng Yue. The Beast King's, but now, I think that man really defeated the Mengyue Beast King. Otherwise, why would the ten generals under the Mengyue Beast King die tragically? Otherwise, why would the Mengyue Beast King's back shell break and disappear? It was because that man defeated the Meng Yue Beast King that all the generals under the Meng Yue Beast King were killed, so even the Meng Yue Beast King disappeared without a trace. At this moment, I feel that even if the Meng Yue Beast King is not dead, he has suffered extremely serious injuries Because the injury was too serious, the Dream Moon Beast King escaped or hid. That’s why we came here without seeing the Dream Moon Beast King or being attacked by the Dream Moon Beast King.”

"Well, that should be the case! The Dream Moon Beast King is most likely defeated."

Xia Hongyu nodded in agreement, and at the moment he nodded, his eyes couldn't help but glance at what seemed to be a pool of blood-red water in the distance.

Seeing this pool of blood-red water, Xia Hongyu was stunned for a moment, then moved and immediately came to the side of the red water.

The water in the blood-red pool is not big, only about ten square meters. The water in the pool is red and blood-red, just like blood. It seems to be blood. However, there is a glowing light on it, which looks very extraordinary. Even if it is blood, it should be different blood. .

After arriving at the blood-red pool, Xia Hongyu froze on the spot when he saw such a pool of blood. His eyes widened with an expression full of disbelief.

Seeing Xia Hongyu's movements, others followed Xia Hongyu to the edge of the red pool.

After everyone arrived, they were immediately confused and wondered why Xia Hongyu had such an expression.

However, when they felt the breath of the blood-red pool water, felt the strong vitality and a familiar aura permeating the blood-red pool water, everyone suddenly showed the same look as Xia Hongyu.

"This is……"

"This is the breath of the Mengyue Beast King!"

"This pool of blood is the blood of the Mengyue Beast King!"

"My dear! Is this true?"

"Oh my God! What did I see? I actually saw the blood of the Dream Moon Beast King, and felt the breath of the Dream Moon Beast King! I felt the breath of the number one murderer in the Dream Moon Forest! This is really incredible."

"Everyone, look around...except for this pool of blood, the surroundings seem to be..."

"There is meat all around! This is the flesh and blood of the Dream Moon Beast King! Oh my God!"

"The flesh and blood of the Dream Moon Beast King is here, which means..."

"That means the Dream Moon Beast King died here!!"

"His Royal Highness the Third Prince had speculated before that the Meng Yue Beast King might have fallen, and I was somewhat prepared. However, when I actually saw the flesh and blood of the Meng Yue Beast King and learned that the Meng Yue Beast King had fallen, I was still shocked."

"It seems that we have encountered a historic event today. The mighty Mengyue Beast King, the master of Mengyue Forest, has actually fallen! If this is revealed, I am afraid it will make the entire Mengyue Empire boil."

"I'm afraid no one will believe this kind of news, right?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, even I would definitely not believe it. Even I would be the same, let alone others."


(End of this chapter)

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