Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2238 Is he a warrior of the kingdom?

Chapter 2238 Is he a warrior of the kingdom?
  "Are there other kingdom teams from other empires participating in the Imperial Road?"

Since the team from the Purple Gold Kingdom was at the back and could not enter the Empire Gate as quickly as they did, Tang Yi took advantage of the gap to ask Ji Hongru who was standing aside while queuing up.

"Really? This news was just announced ten days ago. Maybe Zhesheng forgot to mention it yesterday. It's not surprising that you don't know about it, Tang Yi."

Ji Hongru on the side replied.

"It turns out it was just announced. No wonder I didn't know about it."

Tang Yi nodded.

"With teams from other empires participating, our situation will be more dangerous, and the probability of obtaining resources will also become lower." Mu Zhenghao said worriedly.

"Yes. I don't know if we can come back alive this time." Ji Hongru also said worriedly.

Seeing that the two of them were so worried and had no confidence at all, Tang Yi immediately comforted him: "Don't worry, with me here, you can definitely come back. Although I am acting alone this time, when I find the item I want, I will definitely come back." I will help you. But before I join you, you can go and act with the Tianshui Kingdom team according to the plan."

Tang Yi thought for a while and then said: "Let's do this. I will give each of you a life-saving item. It can save your life when you encounter danger."

Tang Yi said, and quickly bought two life-saving scrolls in the system store.

[Life-saving Scroll]: Life-saving items
  After use, it can activate a life-saving shield for the user. The shield can be immune to all attacks below the Holy God level, and weakens attacks by 30% against powerful ones at the Holy God level.

Moreover, after withstanding a blow, it can be teleported to an uninhabited location a hundred kilometers away.

Price: 1000000 holy points.


Tang Yi bought two life-saving scrolls with one million holy points each, and then handed them to Ji Hongru and Mu Zhenghao, who were both warriors of the Purple Gold Kingdom.

After getting Tang Yi's life-saving scroll, the two of them were flattered and didn't know what to do.

Mu Zhenghao even declined: "Tang Yi, this is not possible. This thing looks very good at first glance. It must be very precious. How can we have the nerve to accept such a precious thing. No, no, Tang Yi, take it back."

With that said, Mu Zhenghao pushed it back to Tang Yi.

Seeing Mu Zhenghao pushing it back, Ji Hongru couldn't keep it any longer and quickly pushed the scroll to Tang Yi.

"Why not?"

Tang Yi stuffed two more scrolls into their hands and said: "This thing may be precious to you, but to me, it is not worth mentioning at all. If you give it to you, just take it, don't hesitate." Hesitant. Besides, we are warriors from the same kingdom after all, and now we are participating in the Imperial Road together. It is right to give you life-saving items. And the Royal Lord also said when he came, let me take care of you. , I can’t just do nothing, right? Okay, don’t be polite to me, just take it.”



Seeing that Tang Yi had said this, the two of them couldn't put it off and immediately accepted the scroll given by Tang Yi.

Seeing the two people accepting the scroll, Tang Yi warned: "Remember, before you join me, your priority is to save your life. You must not act impulsively for resources. Life is more precious than resources. In addition, resources matter I will be responsible. This time on the road to the empire, I will definitely give the royal lord a satisfactory answer. So, you don’t have to work too hard. In addition, if the warriors of the Tianshui Kingdom mess up their orders and make risky decisions, you will completely You can leave the team without following their orders, do you understand?"


The two nodded.

While they were talking, the three of them had already lined up in front of the Empire Gate and were about to enter the Empire Gate. At this time, on the high platform, His Royal Highness Xia Hongyu, the third prince of the Mengyue royal family, casually glanced at Tang Yi, who was queuing up in front of the gate of the empire, waiting to enter.

Seeing Tang Yi, the third prince Xia Hongyu's eyes widened with an incredible expression.

Not only Xia Hongyu, but the strong men around Xia Hongyu also stared with disbelief on their faces.

After Xia Hongyu and the powerful men from Mengyue Royal Family searched Mengyue Forest for several days, because they wanted to participate in the Imperial Road, they interrupted the Mengyue Forest trip in advance and returned to Mengyue Palace.

Today, he also came to Mengyue Square to participate in the grand opening ceremony of the Road to Empire.

After all, the Road to the Empire is a grand event for the empire, and it is impossible for him, the third prince, not to participate.

However, Xia Hongyu and these powerful men from the Mengyue Royal Family who came back from Mengyue Forest had no idea that when they came to participate in the starting ceremony of the Road to Empire today, they would actually see the mysterious young man who had been killing people in Mengyue Forest a few days ago! !
  This mysterious young man actually came to participate in the Road to Empire?

Is he a warrior of the kingdom?
  How can this be?

Xia Hongyu and the powerful Mengyue royal family who came back from Mengyue Forest had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Third...His Royal Highness the Third Prince, am I right? Is that person over that person over there the one we met in Mengyue Forest who can kill the Holy Emperor Beast with one blow?"

A powerful Mengyue royal family next to Xia Hongyu asked in shock.

"Did you see it too? I saw it too!"

"The appearance, figure, and body shape are all the same, and even the aura they exude is exactly the same. The warrior from the kingdom over there should be the one we met in Mengyue Forest!"

"When I first met that person, I tried to detect his strength, but I couldn't detect anything. As for the warrior of the kingdom in front of me, I also couldn't detect his strength! Thinking about it, this person should be The same person we met back then!”

"Oh my God, how is this possible? That person can kill a Holy Emperor Beast with one punch. How can he be a warrior of the Kingdom? This is too unbelievable."

"More than just killing a Saint Emperor Beast with one punch? That person is most likely the initiator of the massacre of the monsters in the Mengyue Forest, and it is very possible that he killed the Mengyue Beast King!"

"A powerful warrior who has the potential to kill the Mengyue Beast King is actually a warrior from the kingdom? This is incredible."



Before Xia Hongyu could speak, the powerful men from the Mengyue Royal Family who had followed him back from the Mengyue Forest immediately started talking, and everyone looked in disbelief.

Xia Hongyu frowned slightly at this moment, looking directly at the young man in the distance.

However, no matter how he looked at it, he was sure that he was right.

The young man in the distance is the one he said he met in Mengyue Forest.

Turning his head slightly, Xia Hongyu said to a waiter: "Go, give me the information on the penultimate kingdom over there, and the young warrior wearing gray robes over there. I want his information too."

"Yes, His Highness the Third Prince."

Hearing this, the waiter retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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