Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2239 Is that Tang Yi? I remember you

Chapter 2239 Is that Tang Yi? I remember you
  After a moment, the waiter returned to Xia Hongyu and handed several books into the hands of the third prince Xia Hongyu.

The third prince Xia Hongyu took the booklet and hurriedly opened it to check it.

After checking slightly, Xia Hongyu said in surprise: "Is he a warrior from the Zijin Kingdom?"

After saying something in surprise, Xia Hongyu immediately turned his head and asked the waiter: "Who is that young warrior in gray robes?"

"Reporting to His Highness the Third Prince, you currently have three books of information in your hands. The third one from the top is the information of the young warrior wearing gray robes."

The waiter replied respectfully.

Hearing this, Xia Hongyu immediately took out the third book of information and started to read it. While reading, he read: "Tang Yi, a member of the Zijin Kingdom, suddenly rose up a year ago, entered the Xifu with first place, and then participated in Tianxing. College, he also entered Tianxing Academy with first place, and then represented Tianxing Academy in the martial arts competition of Tianwu County and won the first place. In the same year, he represented Tianwu County in the County and Country Competition and single-handedly helped Tianwu County. Won the first place. In the same year, he represented the Kamikaze Principality in the Battle of the Principality, and single-handedly won the first place in the Battle of the Principality for the Kamikaze Principality..."


Seeing this, Xia Hongyu took a breath.

On the side, hearing the deeds that Xia Hongyu was thinking about, the powerful men of the Mengyue royal family also took a breath of cold air.

Obviously, they were all shocked by Tang Yi's deeds.

It's not that Xia Hongyu and the powerful men in the Mengyue royal family have never seen geniuses, on the contrary, they have seen countless geniuses.

However, I have never seen anyone as talented as Tang Yi!

In just over a year, he has grown from a useless waste to an unimaginable level.

What kind of genius is this?
  Growing all the way, winning all the first prizes in all competitions. What a terrifying record is this?

Xia Hongyu has seen many geniuses, but he has never seen anyone like this monster.

It's so exaggerated and so terrible.

However, this is only the beginning.

Xia Hongyu continued to read: "Personal record, in a certain month last year, Tang Yi single-handedly wiped out the Langtian Mercenary Group with tens of thousands of members, and destroyed the entire station of the Langtian Mercenary Group."

"On a certain month last year, Tang Yi single-handedly destroyed the Heaven-Devouring Clan, which numbered tens of thousands of people, as well as the Heaven-Devouring Bandits who were linked to it."

"A certain month last year..."

"In a certain month this year, the Feng Yu Heavenly Thief led thousands of warships and millions of Heavenly Thieves to attack the Kamikaze Principality, but was completely wiped out by Tang Yi on his own."

"A certain month this year, Tang Yi participated in the Battle of the Principality. He discovered the ancient temple in the secret realm of the Battle of the Principality, and single-handedly killed many high-level monsters in the ancient temple. It is said that in this battle, Tang Yi In total, we killed thousands of Saint-level monsters, no less than a hundred Saint-Emperor-level monsters, and several Holy God-level monsters!"




Seeing these exaggerated achievements, Xia Hongyu and the powerful Mengyue royal family beside him took a breath again.

Everyone looked shocked.

And there was a bit of fright in the shock.

Yes, they were scared.

I was shocked by Tang Yi's performance.

These achievements are too terrible and astonishing. What is the concept of resisting tens of thousands of people by oneself?
  What is the concept of single-handedly destroying a group of pirates with thousands or tens of thousands of warships?
  What is the concept of killing thousands of Saint-level monsters, hundreds of Saint-Emperor-level monsters, and even several Holy God-level monsters by oneself?
  Simply inhuman and horrific.

After seeing this information, Xia Hongyu and others couldn't believe that it was true or that this could be done by one person.

However, they felt relieved again when they thought about the day Tang Yi killed a Holy Emperor Beast with one punch.

"It seems that this warrior Tang Yi from the Purple Gold Kingdom is very extraordinary."

"I couldn't believe it was the same person when I saw him coming to participate in the Road to Empire before. Now that I see these information, I believe it."

"He came to participate in the Imperial Road, probably to win the Grand Slam, right? He won the first place in the martial arts competition, he also got the first place in the county competition, and he still got the first place in the battle of the principalities. What's missing now is the Road to Empire? If he gets the first place in Road to Empire, he will be a well-deserved Grand Slam."    "If I hadn't seen this information, I really couldn't believe that someone could actually do it. After growing to this point in more than a year, he was able to continuously win the top honor from the county to the kingdom!"

"This time he comes to participate in the Road to Empire, I am afraid that the top spot must be him. There should be no suspense about this. After all, a strong man with Holy God-level strength who can kill Holy God-level monsters, if he still gets If you don’t get the first place, then who can get the first place?”


Everyone was talking about it.

"Third brother, what are you doing? There seems to be something wrong with your expression. What happened?"

And just as Xia Hongyu and others were looking at Tang Yi's information and sighing with emotion, a young man wearing luxurious robes came to where the third prince was.

This person is the second brother of the third prince, the second prince of the Mengyue royal family, Xia Hongwen.

"Oh, it's nothing."

Xia Hongyu put away Tang Yi's information and pretended that nothing happened.

On the side, Xia Hongyu's supporters, who were originally filled with emotion and surprise, also put away all their expressions and became serious.

"Huh? What is that in your hand?"

Although Xia Hongyu put away the information when Xia Hongwen arrived, Xia Hongwen still saw it at a glance.

"Nothing, just some information about the kingdom's warriors."

Xia Hongyu explained.

As he said that, he deliberately opened the booklet of another player from the Purple Gold Kingdom to show it to Xia Hongwen.

Seeing that the booklet in Xia Hongyu's hand was indeed the information about the kingdom's warriors, Xia Hongwen put away his doubts and said with a smile: "Purple Gold Kingdom? Is the third brother optimistic about the Purple Gold Kingdom this year?"

"Yes. I think this Kingdom team has great potential."

Xia Hongyu nodded and admitted directly.

"Oh? Then you can place two more bets later! In fact, I came here to call you to seal the lottery. The road to the empire is about to start, and the lottery has already started over there. Father asked us to go over and pick a team as the winner. Luck."

Second Prince Xia Hongwen said.

"Okay, second brother, you go first, I will be there shortly."

Xia Hongyu said.

"Then hurry up." Xia Hongwen urged, then turned and left.

After Xia Hongwen left, Xia Hongyu said to the strong men who came out of Mengyue Forest with him: "We have to keep this matter secret. We must not let others know before Tang Yi's identity is completely exposed."


Everyone bowed their hands.

After giving the instructions, Xia Hongyu turned his head and looked at Mengyue Square.

At this moment, there was no one in Mengyue Square.

All the kingdom teams have entered the Empire Gate and entered the Empire Road through the Empire Gate.

Including Tang Yi, he also entered the gate of the empire.

However, the gate to the empire is not completely closed at this moment.

Looking at the still shining Empire Gate, Xia Hongyu murmured: "Tang Yi, right? I remember you!"

After murmuring a few words, Xia Hongyu moved towards the location of Emperor Mengyue.

(End of this chapter)

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