Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2250 Catacombs

Chapter 2250 Catacombs
  Tang Yi didn't gain much this time. In terms of weapons and equipment, he only got an unknown level of Dragon King's Wings.

There are no items like martial arts.

The best special material is the tail of the supreme golden eight-winged flying dragon king that was just obtained.

The rest is holy value.

Entering through the Yangchang Trail and fighting all the way to the top of the Sacred Mountain, Tang Yi gained a total of almost 500 billion holy points.

This can be considered a good harvest.

And besides that...

This time, Tang Yi gained a lot from the Mayan Gem, the mission item of Road to Empire!
  The finest Mayan gems, 160,000.

Twelve thousand super-premium Mayan gems!


The number of super-high-quality Mayan gems Tang Yi obtained increased from thirty-five to twelve thousand!

And the reason why he got so much was thanks to the top holy beast he just killed, the Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King.

That is to say, the huge energy of the Supreme Golden Eight-Winged Flying Dragon King gave Tang Yi more than 10,000 super-grade Mayan gems!
  With these more than 10,000 super-high-quality Mayan gems, the number one spot on the Road to Empire this time will be even more certain.

After Weiwei checked the harvest, Tang Yi left the sacred mountain and returned the same way.

This line of work was very rewarding, but it was not what Tang Yi wanted.

What Tang Yi wanted was something related to spiritual power, but it was none of these.

Although the Mayan gem is a mission item on the Road to Empire, Tang Yi also needs it very much.

But Mayan gems can be obtained at any time, and they are very easy. They are not something Tang Yi urgently needs.

Therefore, after returning to the original road, Tang Yi went to the second road.

The second road is also a small road compared to the third main road.

That road is relatively rugged and steep, with rugged rocks and extremely difficult to walk on.

It took a lot of effort for Tang Yi to enter this road.

However, because Tang Yi was strong enough, he still passed through the rugged and steep place very quickly.

What Tang Yi didn't expect was that the place this rugged road led to was not a forest, a swamp, or a sacred mountain.


But a huge cave!

That's right, the crypt.

After passing the rugged and steep mountain road, what appeared in front of Tang Yi was a huge cave with an entrance at least dozens of meters wide.

And it seems that the place this cave leads to is not on the ground, but underneath!

In other words, this cave is a huge underground cave!

Seeing such a cave, Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then entered the cave.

Because the cave was extremely dark, Tang Yi waved his right hand and summoned the False Flame for illumination.

Using strange fire for lighting is simply an incomparable luxury.

However, Tang Yi didn't care about so much. With the light of the False Flame, he was able to see clearly the things in the cave, and he immediately walked into the cave.

Entering the cave, Tang Yi kept observing the scene inside the cave while advancing.

Just as Tang Yi thought, this was a cave leading underground. As Tang Yi moved forward, he could feel that he was moving downwards.

However, because the cave was too dark and deep, even if Tang Yi used false flames to illuminate, he still couldn't illuminate the distant places.

So I don't know where this cave leads, let alone how deep it is.

"It is said that the spiritual consciousness fruit grows on trees. This leads to the underground. I guess it is not deep in the Empire Road, and there should be no spiritual consciousness fruit below. However, since it is here, I have to go down and take a look. look."

Thinking of this, Tang Yi speeded up and quickly moved towards the depths of the cave.

But when Tang Yi advanced two or three thousand meters, he suddenly noticed something strange.

Tang Yi felt that something was lurking not far in front of him. After sensing something strange, Tang Yi frowned, then waved his right hand and took out the Ice and Fire Divine Bow.

After taking out the divine bow, Tang Yi immediately opened it and aimed at the place where he felt the strange aura.

The hand loosened.

"call out!"

Red and blue energy arrows roared out and shot towards that location.

next moment.


The cave shook, and countless gravel and dust were scattered.

After being attacked by Tang Yi, a black shadow flew out from the place where the strange aura came from, and pounced towards Tang Yi.

This black shadow was dripping with blood due to Tang Yi's attack, but even so, it was still extremely fierce.

Facing this dark shadow, Tang Yi glanced briefly, then drew his bow again and shot an arrow.

"call out!"

The red and blue energy arrows hit the black shadow accurately.

In an instant, the black shadow turned into an ice sculpture.

And there are signs of melting.

It seems that it will soon turn into a pool of blood under the tyranny of the two energies of ice and fire.

Before it turned into blood, Tang Yi saw the appearance of this black shadow clearly.

This black figure has rough and uneven skin, a pair of huge green eyes, two fangs on its mouth, and a faint green light can be seen at the corner of its mouth.

Tang Yi used the Sky Eye Technique to throw him up, and immediately got the information about this black shadow.

Name: Poisonous Lizard King
  Level: 192 (two-star holy god)
  Description: A terrifying monster from ancient times that lived in caves. It was good at lurking and had strong hunting skills. And his whole body is covered with poison. In the darkness, his combat ability is increased by at least 30%.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


"A monster from the underground?"

And at the moment when Tang Yi checked the monster's attributes, the poisonous lizard king was attacked by Tang Yi's Ice and Fire Divine Bow, and his body turned into blood in the ice.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the two-star sacred beast Poisonous Lizard King and gaining 20 billion holy points."


A reminder came to Tang Yi's mind.

Tang Yi could imagine monsters appearing underground.

After all, there were so many monsters appearing on the first road, so there was no reason why not a single monster appeared on the second road leading to the underground.

But what Tang Yi didn't expect was that the monster underground was actually a lizard!
  And I didn’t expect it to be so easy to kill.

Tang Yi just shot an ordinary arrow and killed it without even using additional skills. This shows how weak the defense of this poisonous lizard king is.

This was something Tang Yi didn't expect.

Originally, he thought that the monsters here would be protected by a layer of golden energy just like the sacred mountain.

I didn't expect it didn't.

"If the monsters behind are all of this level, it would be too disappointing."

Tang Yi said lightly, then stretched out his hand to collect the top-quality Mayan gems exploded by the monster, then moved forward again.

(End of this chapter)

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