Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2251 The super-premium Mayan gem was directly revealed

Chapter 2251 The super-premium Mayan gem was directly revealed
  Tang Yigang said that if the monsters in the cave were all of the level of the Poisonous Lizard King, it would be very disappointing.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, this cave that did not lead to where, in order not to disappoint Tang Yi, an extremely difficult monster was sent out.

Tang Yi killed the Poisonous Lizard Queen and moved forward for about three or four thousand meters. Suddenly, a huge monster lay across the center, blocking Tang Yi's way.

Tang Yi used the Sky Eye Technique to get information about this monster beast.

Name: Poisonous Earth Dragon King
  Level: 199 (Nine-Star Holy God)
  Description: A terrifying monster from ancient times, living in caves. Its body is covered with poison, its defense is strong, and it is good at dragon breath and impact.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


This monster beast is not very strong in terms of attributes.

But it caused huge trouble to Tang Yi.

The reason is that this monster's defense is very powerful!
  It is more powerful than the top holy beasts encountered before.

Tang Yi used Sky Slash countless times, but failed to break through the monster's defense.

Even the combination of man and sword won't work.

Moreover, this monster beast is not protected by golden energy and relies entirely on its own defense.

Relying on its own defense, it can achieve this point, which shows how powerful this monster's defense is.

If the defense is so strong because of the protection of golden energy, it would be easy to handle. Tang Yi can completely use Mayan gems to absorb golden energy.

But it's not.

Tang Yi couldn't use the Mayan gems at all.

Of course, in fact, just because the defense is strong, it doesn't matter. This is not too troublesome, and Tang Yi can still find a way to solve it.

The key is that this poisonous earth dragon king is covered with poison.

Every time Tang Yi attacks, he will be contaminated with poison.

And this poison not only reduces Tang Yi's vitality, but is also full of various negative states.

Paralysis, weakness, bleeding, stiffness, etc.

After being poisoned, not only Tang Yi's vitality will slowly decrease.

And the movement, attack power and various attributes will be greatly weakened.

The whole person's condition became extremely bad.

This forced Tang Yi to go to the system store to buy detoxifying pills to remove the toxin after being poisoned.

But just after the poison was lifted, he was infected again after fighting the poisonous Earth Dragon King.

No matter how careful Tang Yi is, he will still get infected.

This was true even if Tang Yi was dozens of meters away from the Poisonous Earth Dragon King and used the Ice and Fire Divine Bow to attack.

It seems that this poison will spread like a plague whenever the Poisonous Earth Dragon King comes near.

Helpless, Tang Yi could only attack and buy detoxifying pills to detoxify, and then attack again, back and forth.

This is a very troublesome place!
  It also cost Tang Yi a lot of holy points.

Fortunately, the detoxification pill does not require much holy value, otherwise, Tang Yi would be even more uncomfortable.

Before that, Tang Yi had underestimated and been disappointed with the monsters in the cave.

However, he didn't expect that just the second monster would cause trouble to Tang Yi.

"It seems that if you show some real strength now, you won't be able to deal with this monster. If that's the case, then I'll do as you wish."

Tang Yi thought.

At the same time, Tang Yi quickly bought a third-level holy level violent pill in the system store and took it. [Level 50000 Holy Level Violent Pill]: After use, the player's strength will be increased by 50000 times, all attributes will be increased by 50000 times, and physical strength will be increased by times.

Duration: 30 seconds.

Tip: After the duration ends, the player will return to their original state.

Price: 50000000 holy points.


In an instant, Tang Yi's power surged, and his aura was like that of a demon.

After swallowing the third level Holy Level Violent Pill, Tang Yi held onto Red Moon Apophis and launched another attack.

But this time, no matter how strong the defense of the poisonous earth dragon king in front of him was, it would be of no avail.

After the improvement of the third level holy violent pill, Tang Yi's attack was extremely powerful. As soon as the red moon Apophis came out, the white sword light passed by, and the poisonous earth dragon king with extremely powerful defense was split into two halves in an instant.

Tang Yi carried Red Moon Apophis to the Poisonous Earth Dragon King and collected the Mayan gem with a move of his right hand.

And this time the Mayan gem exploded by the Poisonous Earth Dragon King was actually not the best Mayan gem, but...

Super top quality Mayan gems!
  That's right!

Super top quality Mayan gems!
  What exploded from the body of the poisonous Earth Dragon King was the super-premium Mayan gem!
  The super-premium Mayan gem actually exploded directly!
  This is incredible.

You know, when you killed the nine-star sacred beast before, all the gems that exploded were top-grade Mayan gems. If you want to get super-grade Mayan gems, you have to use top-grade Mayan gems to absorb the golden energy of the monster.

Only in this way can you advance to the super-premium Mayan gemstone.

But now, this poisonous earth dragon king actually exploded the super-grade Mayan gem.

This surprised Tang Yi extremely.

However, this moment also made Tang Yi think of a possibility.

"In other words, all the nine-star holy beasts here have super-high-quality Mayan gems in their bodies? The poisonous earth dragon king just now has such a strong defense because of the energy support of the super-high-quality Mayan gems?"

Tang Yi suddenly said: "That's it! No wonder, no wonder the defense of this poisonous earth dragon king is so much stronger than the nine-star holy beast in the sacred mountain. It turns out that it is because their bodies are filled with super-high-grade Mayan gems. It has the energy protection of the best Mayan gems.”

Tang Yi figured out the key points in an instant, and suddenly became enlightened.

After thinking about it, Tang Yi continued to move forward.

Twenty minutes later, Tang Yi encountered the third monster in the cave.

Name: The three-headed venomous crocodile king.

Level: 199 (Nine-Star Holy God)
  Description: A terrifying monster from ancient times that lived in caves. It was covered in poison, had strong defense, fast attack speed, and powerful bite.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


It was a monster that looked like a crocodile, but it had three heads.

Tang Yi encountered three poisonous divine crocodile kings. Since its body was filled with super-grade Mayan gems, he fought fiercely with it for six or seven minutes and swallowed the third-level holy level violent pill before killing it.

After killing the three poisonous crocodile kings, Tang Yi actually obtained three super-premium Mayan gems at once!
  Yes, the three-headed poisonous crocodile king suddenly exploded three super-high-quality Mayan gems!

This once again surprised Tang Yi.

He originally thought that there was at most one Mayan gem in the monster's body.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't.

This three-headed venomous crocodile king actually has three.

(End of this chapter)

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