Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2256: Chasing the Venomous Head Insect King

Chapter 2256: Hunting down the poisonous hundred-headed insect king
  The poisonous hundred-headed insect king looks intimidating and huge, but in fact the most troublesome thing is the poison on it.

As long as you are immune to the poison, this poisonous hundred-headed insect king is actually not difficult to defeat at all!
  Although Tang Yi is not immune to the poisonous poison of the Hundred-Headed Insect King, he can quickly detoxify it?

This is no different than being immune to a poison.

It just consumes some holy points!
  Therefore, Tang Yi carried Red Moon Apophis and ended up in a melee with a hundred giants of the poisonous Hundred-Headed Insect King.

Not only did they not fall into a disadvantage, but they also gained the upper hand.

He directly pressed down on the big heads of hundreds of poisonous hundred-headed insect kings and beat them.

This poisonous hundred-headed insect king probably didn't expect Tang Yi to be so ferocious!

Unexpectedly, Tang Yi was actually immune to its poison!
  After beating it for a while, the poisonous hundred-headed insect king couldn't bear it anymore and went crazy.


A certain head made a deep sound, and suddenly all the heads stood up straight.



They are spitting green threads towards the sky!

In an instant, endless green threads fell from the sky and turned into a large net, covering the entire square.

With such a scale, such a quantity, and such a coverage, Tang Yi could not avoid it!

"Space-time barrier!"

No surprise, Tang Yi summoned a time and space barrier to block the green silk net above his head.

Although these green silk nets are special and highly poisonous, they are not energy of time and space.

Therefore, after falling down, it was completely absorbed by the time and space barrier cast by Tang Yi.

There was no way to avoid the green silk net that filled the sky, but Tang Yi did not avoid it, nor did he need to block the green silk net that filled the sky. He only needed to block the green silk net that was covering him above his head. It's enough to ensure your own safety.

Of course, as the green silk net fell, the entire square was filled with poison, and it reached an extremely strong level.

Breathing some in is a huge risk of death.

Fortunately, Tang Yi kept swallowing detoxification pills and was not poisoned.

"It's fierce, isn't it? I want to see if it's you or me!"

Tang Yi also launched a fierce attack. After resisting the poisonous hundred-headed insect king's green silk net, he immediately gritted his teeth, waved his right hand continuously, and continuously superimposed the Sky Slash, blasting towards the poisonous hundred-headed insect king.

Tang Yi didn't have much time, but here, he spent a lot of time with this poisonous hundred-headed insect king.

In addition, he was extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed when he was suppressed by the poisonous hundred-headed insect king in the cave passage, so Tang Yi was very unhappy with this poisonous hundred-headed insect king.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Sky Slash was cast one after another.

All the Sky Slashes were superimposed, and suddenly formed an extremely huge, extremely terrifying, and extremely intimidating giant Sky Slash.

In an instant, the giant white sword light roared, carrying an unparalleled momentum, tearing apart the space and flying towards the poisonous hundred-headed insect king.

The poisonous hundred-headed insect king saw such a sword light roaring towards him, and his body suddenly trembled. Then, hundreds of heads turned into centipedes, and he retreated in panic.


Yes, the poisonous hundred-headed insect king is scared!

Seeing such a terrifying sword light, even the poisonous Hundred-Headed Insect King, who is the top holy beast, is afraid.


Is it okay to be afraid?
  Can you escape if you want to?

Of course not!
  The giant sword light in front of him was formed by the superposition of one hundred and eight Sky Slashes performed by Tang Yi.

The power is unimaginable. There is a huge sharp force on it, a huge sword power, and an unimaginable terrifying power.

How could such a blow be so easy to escape by running away?
  Of course it's impossible.

The giant sword light roared.


It passed directly through the body of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king, and countless green blood spattered.

This blow did not hit its big fleshy ball body.

But it passed through those hundreds of heads and cut off hundreds of heads of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king at once, causing hundreds of heads of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king to be separated from the body of the big meat ball!
  It stands to reason that since the head has been cut off, this poisonous hundred-headed insect king should be dead.

But this is not the case!
  Suffering this fatal blow from Tang Yi, the poisonous hundred-headed insect king's head was separated from the body of the big meat ball. However, the separated head was still able to move!

And the big independent meat ball was covered with green blood. It looked dripping with green blood and was extremely ferocious, but it was still able to move!
  "You were cut in half and you can still move?"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was a little confused.

However, he was only slightly stunned and then recovered.

The reason why they recovered so quickly was because these hundreds of heads and the big meat ball were escaping to the other side of the square as if they were defeated.

It seems like you want to crash into the rock wall and then escape through the rock wall?

This poisonous hundred-headed insect king can enter the ground.

If he really went underground, it would be difficult for Tang Yi to chase him.

So Tang Yi was shocked when he saw this scene.

After wasting so much time and consuming so many detoxification pills, how could Tang Yi let the poisonous Hundred-Headed Insect King escape?

If the poisonous hundred-headed insect king really escapes, wouldn't everything Tang Yi did before be in vain?

Therefore, when he saw the poisonous hundred-headed insect king trying to escape through the rock wall, Tang Yi immediately pursued him with Red Moon Apophis.

However, when Tang Yi chased the hundreds of heads of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king, these hundreds of heads had already begun to impact the rock wall, and through some method, half of the remaining body had already penetrated into the rock wall. middle.

"I want to escape! There is no way!"

Tang Yi did not hesitate and immediately launched an attack.

At this moment, the effect of using Sky Slash is not very good, because there is a thick rock wall blocking it.

So Tang Yi did not choose to continue using Sky Slash, but chose the more destructive Earth Splitting Wave Sword!
  The attack wave caused by the Earth Splitting Wave Sword can destroy the terrain and is also very powerful. When used here, the effect is excellent.

In this way, Tang Yi raised the Red Moon Apophis and then hit the ground heavily.

"Earth-shattering Wave Sword!"


As soon as the blow hit the ground, the shock wave vibrated, and everything in its path was turned into powder.

Although those rock walls were thick and made of special materials, they collapsed immediately upon impact!

The heads of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king that had penetrated into the rock wall were immediately affected.

"Puff puff!"

One after another heads were turned into powder under Tang Yi's bombardment.

With this blow, Tang Yi killed at least half of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king's head!

However, Tang Yi was not satisfied with this.

Because what he has to do is to kill the poisonous hundred-headed insect king, not just destroy his head!

So, after one blow, he attacked again.

(End of this chapter)

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