Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2257 The poisonous headworm king explodes

Chapter 2257 The poisonous hundred-headed insect king explodes
  The second blow of the Earth-shattering Wave Sword crashed to the ground again, and a shock wave came out.

"Puff puff!"

The remaining head of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king also turned into powder.

Since these heads have been severely damaged, their defense is extremely weak and they are extremely easy to kill.

Tang Yi doesn't need to use too powerful skills, he only needs to use his average strength to annihilate them.

Just like this moment, his two earth-shattering wave swords destroyed hundreds of heads!
  But at this time, the poisonous hundred-headed insect king is still not dead!

And that big meatball body escaped!
  Because Tang Yi was chasing those heads just now and didn't pay attention to the big meat ball's body, the big meat ball's body had completely penetrated into the rock wall and escaped!
  Tang Yi had previously felt that this big meat ball was so huge that even if he ran away, he wouldn't be able to escape very fast!
  But who knew that its movements would be the fastest!

He actually took advantage of Tang Yi to chase those heads and got into the rock wall to escape!
  At this moment, the poisonous hundred-headed insect king's big meat ball body has penetrated into the rock wall, and on the other side of the rock wall is the ground, which is endless soil.

Should we pursue or not?
  Tang Yi was in trouble.

After thinking for a moment, he finally gritted his teeth!


There is no reminder in my mind now, which means that the poisonous hundred-headed insect king is not dead.

If you want to kill the poisonous hundred-headed insect king, you probably have to destroy this big meat ball body.

After wasting so much time and so much holy value to buy detoxification pills, and now gaining nothing, how could Tang Yi be willing to do so!

Moreover, he had just wiped out hundreds of heads of the poisonous Hundred-Headed Insect King, and he had already progressed to this point.

Giving up rashly is a waste of expression and energy.

So Tang Yi didn't stop doing anything and decided to hunt down the only remaining big meat ball body of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king!

Although this meat ball body has penetrated into the rock wall through some secret method, broke through the rock wall, and entered the mud layer underground!
  But Tang Yi can still feel the breath of this meat ball!
  Tang Yi could definitely follow the breath and find the meat ball's body in the mud!

Just do it!

Tang Yi passed directly through the broken rock wall and entered the mud layer, then felt the breath of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king, and chased towards the poisonous hundred-headed insect king.

It was extremely inconvenient to move in the underground mud layer, but fortunately Tang Yi was strong enough and was able to forcefully break through the mud layer and walk through the mud layer with his powerful strength.

The oxygen under the mud layer was thin, but Tang Yi wouldn't breathe for a while, so there was no problem at all.

However, there is no problem in walking through the mud layer, but since Wangyue's walking through the body is not a burrowing method, and the poisonous hundred-headed insect king has the secret method of burrowing into the ground, although Tang Yi chased the poisonous hundred-headed insect King, but the distance between the two sides is still getting farther and farther.

And as the distance increased, the aura that Tang Yi could feel gradually became weaker!

He was about to lose his sense of the poisonous Hundred-Headed Insect King before his eyes.

If Tang Yi loses his sense of the poisonous Hundred-Headed Insect King, then his pursuit will be in vain.

"This can't go down!"

Tang Yi also thought of this, so he quickly thought of a solution in his mind.

And opened the system's special item column, looking for items that could solve the current situation.

Soon, Tang Yi found it.

[Diyou Dan]: Special elixir.

Attributes: After taking it, it can transform into a special spirit body, able to ignore terrain blockades and travel freely.

(The effect of this elixir is not immune to damage, nor does it affect the user's attack. In addition to gaining the ability to ignore terrain and travel freely, no other effects will occur.)
  Duration: 10 minutes.

Price: 100 billion holy value.


One piece worth 10 billion saints, the price is not high.

But the situation was urgent at this moment, and Tang Yi couldn't care so much anymore. Moreover, this is the only item that Tang Yi can find in the system store, so it is impossible not to buy it.

Just the words "ignore terrain blockades and travel freely" made Tang Yi want to buy it unconditionally.

Tang Yi quickly spent 10 billion holy points to buy the Diyou Pill in the system store. Tang Yi quickly swallowed it without any hesitation.

The next moment, Tang Yi's body quickly faded and gradually turned transparent.

And the moment Tang Yi became transparent, the mud layer that originally hindered Tang Yi's actions seemed to no longer exist, making Tang Yi completely unable to feel it.

At this moment, when Tang Yi used his body skills again, it was as if he was in a deserted place, no longer affected by anything.

Tang Yi's movement was as fast as it was on the ground, and it was just as fast in the mud underground.

Just like this, with the help of the Earthly Nether Pill, Tang Yi's speed increased instantly!

The poisonous Hundred-Headed Insect King, who was originally unable to catch up no matter how hard he chased, is now gradually getting closer!

No more drifting apart!
  Moreover, the speed of zooming in is extremely fast!

In just a moment, Tang Yi chased after the poisonous Hundred-Headed Insect King!

I'm afraid the Poisonous Hundred-Headed Insect King never dreamed that Tang Yi would still chase after him after he had already burrowed into the mud and ran so far away!

He chased so fast!

Of course, no matter whether the poisonous hundred-headed insect king expected it or not, there was only one end to meet it!
  That is the fall!
  Tang Yi ignored the barrier of the mud layer, quickly rushed to the poisonous hundred-headed insect king, and then stabbed straight towards the poisonous hundred-headed insect king!


Tang Yi suddenly stabbed the poisonous hundred-headed insect king, and stabbed him hundreds of times!

Each time is more fierce than the last time, and each time is more fierce than the last time!
  The originally poisonous hundred-headed insect king's big fleshy ball body was no longer perfect and its defenses had been broken.

At this moment, the defense of the big meat ball's body was extremely weak. Any attack by Tang Yi could cause huge damage to it.

When the defense of the huge meat ball's body was reduced and Tang Yi's attacks became more violent, the poisonous hundred-headed insect king's damaged body of the big meat ball, which was already riddled with holes, was suddenly hit hard again.

After Tang Yi stabbed the six hundredth sword, the big meat ball body of the poisonous hundred-headed insect king finally couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed suddenly.


Countless green liquids flowed out of the body of this meat ball!

At the same time, there are actually countless... super-premium Mayan gems that emit golden light!

Yes, it exploded, big explosion!

Countless top-quality Mayan gems exploded from the body of the big meat ball. They were so densely packed that I don’t know how many there were!

at the same time!

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the top holy beast, the poisonous hundred-headed insect king, and gaining 3000 billion holy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the super special material, Poisonous Heart."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the super special material, poisonous spider silk."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining unknown level equipment, Centipede King Boots."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the spiritual power level promotion scroll (holy level) x3."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for winning 100 billion Holy Spirit Pills."


A reminder sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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