Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2261 Then it seems that I have to take care of it

Chapter 2261 Then it seems that I have to take care of it.
  On the other side, Mu Zhenghao was so surprised to see Tang Yi that he forgot for a moment that he was surrounded by warriors from the Beitian Empire.

At the same time, he also forgot that he was fighting with the warriors of the Beitian Empire.

Immediately, the warriors from the Beitian Empire found an opportunity, took the opportunity to get close to him, and stabbed Mu Zhenghao with a sword.

The power of this sword was extremely terrifying. The warriors of the Beitian Empire gathered their strength. Once it hit Mu Zhenghao, no matter how strong Mu Zhenghao's defense was, he would not be able to escape the danger of falling.

And because the sword was so close, Mu Zhenghao had no way to avoid it, and he had no time to react. He was about to be pierced by the sword.


Tang Yi is here.

The other party killed someone in front of Tang Yi?
  Isn't this a joke?
  How could Tang Yi let him succeed?
  Just when the sword was about to fall and hit Mu Zhenghao, Tang Yi quickly came to Mu Zhenghao at an astonishing speed, and then...

Then Tang Yi stretched out a finger and pressed it against the sword of the warrior from the Beitian Empire!
  Yes, one finger held the sword.

No matter how hard this warrior from the Beitian Empire tried, he couldn't make an inch forward.

Moreover, after Tang Yi blocked the sword with one finger, he opened his mouth and showed a bright smile towards the warrior from the Northern Empire.


"How can this be!"

The warrior from the Beitian Empire was stunned on the spot for a moment.

He looked at his sword, and then at Tang Yi, who had a bright smile on his face, with a look of disbelief on his face.

On the side, the warriors of the Beitian Empire, who were still fighting fiercely, saw this scene and immediately retreated slightly, stopped their movements, and looked at Tang Yi in disbelief.

Not far away, the same was true for Yuan Yangcheng, the leader of the sixteen-man team from the Beitian Empire who was watching the battle.

Seeing Tang Yi blocking the menacing sword with one finger, his eyes widened.

As if it was too exaggerated, he even rubbed his eyes to see if he had seen it wrong or if he was hallucinating.

However, the facts told him that he was not mistaken, nor was he hallucinating.

"What's going on? When did this person appear? How did he do it? Even me, it's hard to resist that sword! If you want to block it with one finger, how is it possible?"

Yuan Yangcheng was very puzzled.

In addition to the shocked warriors from the Beitian Empire, the few remaining warriors from Qiu Yiming's side were also very surprised.

They looked at Tang Yi with the same disbelief.

In short, Tang Yi's appearance immediately became the focus of the audience, and the entire audience was shocked.

Mu Zhenghao was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said gratefully to Tang Yi, "Thank you!"

Seeing Tang Yi, Mu Zhenghao was pleasantly surprised and felt more confident.

The Beitian Empire and the sixteen-man team in front of them were simply scum, and they were completely ignored by Mu Zhenghao at this time.

With Tang Yi here, Mu Zhenghao is no longer afraid of this team from the Beitian Empire!

"Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to join the others first?"

Tang Yi asked.

"I lost my way and couldn't find them. So I temporarily joined a team. Then I met the team from the Beitian Empire in front of me and was surrounded by them." Mu Zhenghao explained.

"I see."

Tang Yi nodded and said suddenly.

The warrior from the Northern Empire whose long sword was held by Tang Yi saw Tang Yi and Mu Zhenghao chatting to themselves and ignored him completely. He was furious: "Hey, this is not the time for you to chat, right? Isn't it? Don’t I have any deterrence in your eyes?” This warrior from the Beitian Empire had an OS in his mind: You are chatting openly and openly in front of me, do I not want to lose face?
  Isn’t the sword in my hand shameless?
  Is this long sword vegetarian?

Isn't that too disrespectful?
  Thinking of this, the warrior from the Beitian Empire prepared to draw his sword back and attack again.

He was bound to teach the young man in front of him who looked down upon him a painful lesson!

However, before the warrior from the Beitian Empire could withdraw his sword, Tang Yi glanced at him coldly and said impatiently: "Quack."

After the words fell, the sword-drawing hand of this warrior from the Northern Empire suddenly stopped in mid-air, and his whole body seemed to be immobilized.

next second.


It turned into a pile of fly ash and scattered into the air.

This scene made everyone present feel horrified and frightened.

Whether it was Qiu Yiming's side or Yuan Yangcheng's side of the Beitian Empire, the bodies of the warriors all trembled suddenly.

"You, who are you..."

Yuan Yangcheng looked at Tang Yi and asked with some fear.

That move just now really scared him.

It's so scary and amazing.

You must know that the warrior who just turned into ashes is at the level of a two-star saint.

The strength cannot be said to be very strong, but it is definitely not bad.

Even if he, Yuan Yangcheng, faced off against him, it would be impossible to defeat him in a short time.

But just now...

The mysterious man in front of him just glanced at him and turned him into ashes in an instant. This was simply terrifying.

So, can Yuan Yangcheng not be afraid?

The warriors of the Beitian Empire also gave up surrounding Qiu Yiming and others, and retreated in fear to Yuan Yangcheng's side, looking at Tang Yi with vigilance and fear.

Tang Yi ignored them and asked Mu Zhenghao: "Just now you said you joined a temporary team?"

"Yes, that's right."

Mu Zhenghao nodded, pointed at Qiu Yiming and the other three, and replied: "They are my temporary teammates. There were originally nine of them including me, but they were killed by the warriors of the Beitian Empire."

"Killed by people from the Beitian Empire? Are those people from the Beitian Empire?"

Tang Yi asked again.

Mu Zhenghao nodded again and replied: "Yes, they are the warriors of the Beitian Empire! Tang Yi, you must take this breath for me! Originally, the road to the empire allowed the robbery of Mayan gems. This is the road to the empire. There is nothing wrong with the rules of the jungle, survival of the fittest, and survival of the fittest, but their goal is not the Mayan gems! It is our warriors from the Mengyue Empire! Not only do they want to rob the Mayan gems, but they also want to take action against our warriors from the Mengyue Empire and put us It is simply abominable to hunt the warriors of the Mengyue Empire as prey! And according to them, this is one of the tasks of their Beitian Empire! It is simply abominable that we, the warriors of the Mengyue Empire, are not treated as human beings!"

Mu Zhenghao became angrier and more excited as he talked.

At this moment, he was like a primary school student, constantly complaining to Tang Yi.

It was as if Tang Yi was his elder.

"Oh? There is such a thing, so it seems I have to take care of it."

Tang Yi said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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