Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2262 The breath of the life-saving scroll

Chapter 2262 The breath of the life-saving scroll

"Oh? There is such a thing, so it seems I have to take care of it."

Tang Yi said calmly.

From the beginning to the end, Tang Yi ignored the people from the Beitian Empire. From the beginning to the end, he only talked to Mu Zhenghao.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant. There are fifteen of us here. No matter how strong you are, can you still challenge fifteen of us?"

Although they were very afraid of Tang Yi's strength, there were still warriors from the Beitian Empire who were dissatisfied with Tang Yi's attitude and felt that Tang Yi was too arrogant.

However, Tang Yi glanced at this man coldly again.

Only to be ignored by Tang Yi.

This person instantly turned into ashes.

Before anyone could even react, a person disappeared from the scene again.

Seeing this scene, how could the warriors of the Beitian Empire remain calm?
  Suddenly he spread out his body in great fear and fled towards the distance.

Even Yuan Yangcheng, the leader of this sixteen-member team, couldn't stand it anymore.

He didn't just run away, he even waved his right hand and took out something, which seemed to be a life-saving item, and squeezed it suddenly!
  The next moment, his figure suddenly turned into a line of smoke and gradually disappeared.


Can Tang Yi let these people escape?
  Tang Yidu said he would take care of it.

Will he let these people escape?

Of course not!
  Targeting the warriors of the Mengyue Empire, right?
  Hunting the warriors of the Mengyue Empire, right?
  This time Tang Yi wants them to have a taste of being hunted by Mengyue Empire warriors!
  "Tang Yi, they ran away, won't you chase them?"

Seeing the people from the Beitian Empire running away, but Tang Yi was unmoved and just watched quietly, Mu Zhenghao asked in confusion.


Hearing this, Tang Yi smiled and said nothing.

And just when Mu Zhenghao was even more puzzled and didn't understand why Tang Yi was like this, he saw in the distance that the warriors of the Beitian Empire turned into a ball of blood mist!
  Even Yuan Yangcheng, who disappeared into a streak of blue smoke, was forced to appear, although he also turned into a ball of blood mist.

The sixteen-member team of the Beitian Empire was all killed in Tang Yi's hands.

Seeing this scene, Mu Zhenghao opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a long time, not knowing what to say.

While he was surprised, he was secretly grateful. Fortunately, he and Tang Yi came from the same kingdom, otherwise...

With an enemy like Tang Yi here, this is simply a nightmare.

On the side, Qiu Yiming and the three people who survived by chance opened their eyes wide. The three of them looked at Tang Yi in disbelief, completely stunned by Tang Yi's methods.

This, is this a warrior of the kingdom?
  Is this a player participating in Road to Empire?

Is this the top expert in the empire?

Qiu Yiming and the other two were all dumbfounded. They never expected that such a person would appear on the road to the empire!

Sixteen warriors from the Beitian Empire, each of whom was strong in strength, were actually killed before they could even breathe.

And it's so easy, it looks completely effortless, which is simply terrifying.

Tang Yi ignored the dumbfounded Qiu Yiming and the others and said to Mu Zhenghao: "Brother Mu, I still have something to do, so I have to leave. There is still one day left before the road to the empire. You should be careful. By the way, have you used the life-saving scroll I gave you?"


Mu Zhenghao said: "I was hesitating whether to use it just now, and then Tang Yi came. So I didn't use it."

"That's fine if you don't have it. This scroll can save your life. I believe it's more than enough for you to cope with the next day. In addition, there is one more thing to say. I have almost collected the Mayan gems. Brother Mu, you Today you just need to do what you can, and there is no need to work too hard for the Mayan gems. Well, that’s all I have to say, time is running out, I have to go.”

Tang Yi said.

"Tang Yi, you are doing it for the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit! Then go ahead. I can do it myself."

Mu Zhenghao said.

"Take care." Tang Yi cupped his hands, and then left quickly, disappearing from the sight of Mu Zhenghao and others. He came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

"He...he is a warrior from your kingdom?"

It wasn't until Tang Yi's figure disappeared that Qiu Yiming cautiously approached Mu Zhenghao and asked.


Mu Zhenghao nodded and said: "Tang Yi is indeed a warrior of our Zijin Kingdom and the glory of our Zijin Kingdom."

Speaking of Tang Yi, Mu Zhenghao was extremely proud.

"Is it called Tang Yi? He...he is too powerful!"

Qiu Yiming sighed.

"It is indeed powerful, and... what he just showed is just a drop in the ocean, insignificant."

Mu Zhenghao said.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Zhenghao boasted about Tang Yi's deeds to Qiu Yiming.

Tang Yi's deeds such as repelling the Feng Yu Tianthief, entering the Eternal Holy Land, exploring the Eternal Shrine, killing various powerful men, etc., made the world go crazy.

Qiu Yiming was stunned for a while.

In fact, Mu Zhenghao also heard about it through hearsay.

Before this, he had never seen Tang Yi display his power.

Just now, it was the first time he saw Tang Yi take action.

In fact, Mu Zhenghao was really scared just now.

Of course, who can't pretend to be a show-off?

I’ve never seen a pig, but I’ve always eaten pork, right?

Mu Zhenghao had heard a lot about the legend of Tang Yi, so when he started bragging about it, he felt like a fish in water, bluffing Qiu Yiming and others.

Since Qiu Yiming and others had seen Tang Yi's strength, they believed in Mu Zhenghao's words without any doubt at all.

No matter how outrageous Mu Zhenghao's boast was, they still thought it was true...

It has to be said that Tang Yi's power has just penetrated into the bones of Qiu Yiming and others, making them deeply afraid.

the other side.

After separating from Mu Zhenghao and others, Tang Yi quickly moved forward again, heading towards the depths of the third main road of the Imperial Road.

But under Tang Yi's unremitting efforts, his speed was so fast that he moved hundreds of miles in just the blink of an eye.

Although we have not yet entered the depths of the Imperial Road, at this speed, it is not a problem to enter the depths of the Imperial Road in one day.

Of course, that's not fast enough.

Because there must be a BOSS deep in the Imperial Road.

Beating the BOSS takes time, and Tang Yi has to get deeper into the empire faster.

In this way, you will have more time to fight the BOSS, and you will have more time to explore and find the spiritual fruit.

However, just when Tang Yi accelerated again and wanted to enter the depths of the Empire Road at a faster speed, a familiar breath suddenly came from not far away.

That was the aura that activated the life-saving scroll.

The items redeemed by the system have their own unique aura, so Tang Yi can easily recognize them.

As for the life-saving scroll, Tang Yi only gave it to two warriors from the Zijin Kingdom.

One is Mu Zhenghao, whom he met before, and the other is Ji Hongru, another warrior from the Zijin Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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