Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2263 The ‘life-saving scroll’ that is not believed

Chapter 2263 The ‘life-saving scroll’ that is not believed

"I just met Mu Zhenghao. In other words, the person who appears here and uses the life-saving scroll is Ji Hongru. The life-saving scroll is an item that is only used when encountering danger. If Ji Hongru uses it now, then It means they are in danger.”

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi flew in the direction of the breath.

Although time was tight, Tang Yida had to quickly enter the depths of the Imperial Road and find the Spiritual Consciousness Fruit. Otherwise, if the Imperial Road ended, he would have no chance.

But... time is running out. Tang Yi has promised King Zijin to help the warriors from the same country. Now that the warriors from the same country are in danger, how can he just sit idly by and ignore it.

Therefore, the moment he felt the breath, Tang Yi flew in the direction of the breath.

Soon, Tang Yi flew to the place where the breath came from.

And just as Tang Yi guessed, Ji Hongru was indeed in danger.

Not only Ji Hongru, but the three warriors from the Tianshui Kingdom were also there.

At this time, they were forced into a corner, and a milky white light shield covered them.

And the surroundings were densely packed with people.

At a glance, there are at least dozens of kingdom teams!

It looked like there were no less than a hundred people.

Tang Yi looked very unfamiliar to these kingdom teams. Thinking about it, these teams should not be the kingdom teams of the Mengyue Empire.

Maybe they are the kingdom team of the Beitian Empire like those they met before.

From a distance, Tang Yi could already hear the voices of these people talking.

"I see you are toasting and not eating as punishment! Hurry up and hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gem! As long as you hand it over, we can leave you a way out, otherwise... ha!"

A warrior wearing a green robe seemed to be the leader of more than a hundred people around him. He stood up and spoke to Ji Hongru and others, his tone full of threats.

Sun Xiaofu of Tianshui Kingdom was not afraid and responded directly: "Dream! We discovered this, why should we give it to you!"

Zhongli Jun from the Tianshui Kingdom also said: "Yes, we can't give it to you! Want the best Mayan gems? Don't you want to find them yourself?"

"The super-high-quality Mayan gems belong to us, don't even think about it." Xiang An Kazuya said.

The three people from the Tianshui Kingdom choked back one after another, showing no sign of weakness at all.

Only Ji Hongru on the side looked gloomy and did not speak.


The young warrior in green robes smiled coldly and said, "You asked for this. You think we can't do anything to you by hiding in this white cover, right? I think you are too confident."

As he spoke, the young man in green waved his hand and ordered: "Come on!"

In an instant, hundreds of warriors attacked the milky white light shield.

"Boom, boom, boom!" One martial skill after another hit the milky white mask, causing the mask to shake.

However, the mask only shook but did not break.

Looking at the frightening attack and the waves of shaking light shields, Sun Xiaofu asked Ji Hongru on the side: "Brother Hongru, can your scroll defense really block their attacks? There will be no problem. Right? There are hundreds of them."

Zhong Lijun also said worriedly: "Yes, there are hundreds of them? They can't be guarded, right? If they can't be guarded, then we will be miserable. Not only the super-grade Mayan gem cannot be guarded, but even life will be being threatened."

Xiang Anhe was also discouraged and suggested: "How about we give them the super-high-quality Mayan gems."

"Impossible! We worked hard to find this, why should we give it to them? Moreover, it is a super-high-quality Mayan gem. We can't find it even after searching the road to the empire. It's also because we are lucky enough. , I just picked up such one. If we bring such a top-grade Mayan gem back, then our kingdom will definitely get a good result! This top-grade Mayan gem cannot be handed over under any circumstances."

Sun Xiaofu immediately refused.

"But if we don't hand it over, what should we do? There are hundreds of them! Look at these dense attacks. Although I admit that Brother Hongru's scroll is very powerful, no matter how powerful it is, it can withstand the attacks of hundreds of people. ?Even if you can, how long can you resist?"

Xiang Anhe said without confidence.

"Then we have to see how powerful Brother Hongru's scroll is. If Brother Hongru's scroll can help us persist until the end of the road to the empire, then we can keep the super-best Mayan gems. ?" Sun Xiaofu said.

"That's the truth, but the question is... can Brother Hongru's scroll last for so long?" Xiang Anhe said again.

"Then you have to ask Brother Hongru." Sun Xiaofu said.

Suddenly, the three people's eyes turned to Ji Hongru.

Ji Hongru, who felt everyone's gaze and said nothing, had to speak at this moment: "I don't know whether I can persist. This is the life-saving thing Tang Yi gave me. Only Tang Yi knows the specific strength. But according to Tang Yi, as long as I use this scroll, it will definitely save my life, so it should be extremely powerful."


"It turned out to be the scroll that the loser gave you. Why didn't you tell me earlier! This is going to be bad."

Upon hearing that it was the scroll given to Ji Hongru by Tang Yi, Sun Xiaofu's expression immediately changed.

Xiang Anhe and Zhong Lijun also changed their expressions.

It's not that they don't believe in this scroll, but that they really don't believe in Tang Yi!

Tang Yi's deeds are quite impressive, and he does have some abilities.

But no matter how capable he is, he can't deal with hundreds of warriors from the kingdom, right?

So, how strong can the scroll he took out be?
  When they heard that the scroll was given by Tang Yi, Sun Xiaofu and the others panicked.

After thinking quickly, Sun Xiaofu said to the other two warriors from the Tianshui Kingdom: "Things have changed. I didn't expect that this scroll was given by that loser Tang Yi. If this scroll was given by their senior officials in Zijin, , maybe a little more reliable, and I still have some confidence. But if it is given by Tang Yi, then our plan will change. Let’s do this, we will hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems in exchange for a few A human life. Although the super-high-quality Mayan gem is precious and can help our kingdom achieve good results, no matter how precious it is, it must be taken back with life. We are completely unable to save this super-high-quality Mayan gem now, so, I have no choice but to hand it over.”

Zhong Lijun nodded and agreed: "Then hand it over. As long as we hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems, I guess they won't do anything to us."

Xiang Anhe also agreed: "They just said that as long as we hand over the gem, they will not make things difficult for us, so let's hand it over. Life is more important than a gem. Only by keeping it alive can we find it. More Mayan gems aren’t they?”

(End of this chapter)

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