Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2264 Going back on one’s word

Chapter 2264 Going back on one’s word (thank you Brother Xu Yingpeng for the reward)
  The three warriors from the Tianshui Kingdom only had a brief discussion and immediately agreed to the plan to hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gemstones, completely ignoring the opinions of Ji Hongru from the Purple Gold Kingdom.

This immediately made Ji Hongru very dissatisfied.

I saw Ji Hongru said to the three of them: "Three of you, are you going too far? I found the super-high-quality Mayan gem. I should have a say in how to deal with it, right? Why did you make the decision so casually? ?
  Moreover, why is the scroll Tang Yi gave me not worthy of trust? Haven’t you seen the strength of this scroll? It withstood the attacks of hundreds of kingdom warriors! Can’t you see its defensive power? ? Why are you so unsure of this scroll?
  You think this scroll will not last until the end of the Road to Empire. On the contrary, I think this scroll will definitely allow me to last until the end of Road to Empire. After all, that was given by Tang Yi, and Tang Yi also said that as long as I use this scroll, I will be able to save my life. I believe in Tang Yi very much! Therefore, I don’t agree with your plan, and I will not hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems! "

Ji Hongru usually wouldn't talk so much. Only when he was really too angry and dissatisfied would he talk so much to these people.

After hearing Ji Hongru's words, the three warriors from the Tianshui Kingdom didn't buy it at all.

Sun Xiaofu immediately said: "What's the point of disagreeing? I am the leader of this team, and my decision is the decision of this team. Since you have joined our team, you should obey our decision."

Zhongli Junte said: "Hongru, this is the team's decision. Although you contributed this scroll and you discovered the super-premium Mayan gem, but since you have joined the team, you are a member of our team. You You have to obey the team’s decision.”

"Even if Sun Xiaofu is not the captain, you have to obey the majority, right? Now the three of us have decided to hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems, what's the point of not agreeing?" Xiang An Kazuya said.

"That is to say, no matter how much I object, it will have no effect, right? No matter what, you have to hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems, right? Ha!"

Ji Hongru smiled coldly and said: "It seems that you have convinced me. If the super-high-quality Mayan gems can be brought back, is it also your contribution? Will it also be counted on your Tianshui Kingdom? I really see through you! "

Ji Hongru was extremely disappointed with these three warriors from the Tianshui Kingdom.

After being exposed by Ji Hongru, Sun Xiaofu and three other warriors from the Tianshui Kingdom looked extremely ugly, but they could not fall out because after all, the Zijin Kingdom and the Tianshui Kingdom were friendly countries.

If something breaks out, it won't be easy to explain when we get back.

Therefore, although the three people did not refute anything.

Feeling that the offensive of more than a hundred warriors from other countries above his head was getting stronger, although the shield was strong and showed no signs of being broken, Sun Xiaofu still said decisively: "No matter what, we have decided to hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems." , even if you object again, it will not help."

After saying that, Sun Xiaofu raised his head and shouted loudly towards the warriors from other countries in the air: "We are willing to hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems!"

Hearing this, the movements of the more than a hundred warriors in mid-air stopped.

The green-clothed warrior suddenly smiled and said: "That's right. Those who know the current affairs are heroes, why do you need to be so extreme? Moreover, the super-high-quality Mayan gems, is this something that you kingdoms can obtain?"

"You promised before that as long as we hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems, you would let us go. This is true!" Sun Xiaofu confirmed.

"Of course it's true. Can we still lie to you?"

The warrior in green said.

"Okay, then we will hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems to you. I hope you will keep your word."

Sun Xiaofu said.

With that said, Sun Xiaofu asked Ji Hongru to remove the life-saving scroll.

Ji Hongru was unwilling, but Sun Xiaofu forcibly snatched the life-saving scroll from Ji Hongru's hand and tore it into pieces. In an instant, the life-saving scroll turned into a white light and disappeared.

The light mask surrounding Sun Xiaofu and the four others also disappeared together with the life-saving scroll.

Seeing the light mask disappear, the young man in green in the air smiled, his smile was extremely bright. He looked at Sun Xiaofu and others as if they were looking at fools.

Yes, you are looking at a fool.

If Sun Xiaofu and others do not remove the mask, there is really nothing they can do against Sun Xiaofu and others!
  This mask is just like a turtle shell, it can't be blasted at all!
  Moreover, they have been attacking for a long time, and there is no sign of any damage. If they continue to attack, even if they continue to attack for a day, until the end of the road to the empire, they will not be able to destroy it at all.

In other words, as long as Sun Xiaofu and others hide in the mask and continue to persevere until the end of the road to the empire, there is nothing they can do to defeat Sun Xiaofu and others. Sun Xiaofu and others can also bring the super-best Mayan gems with them. go back!

But what a pity!
  These idiots actually came out on their own.

What is this if not a fool?
  Feeling the gaze of the young man in Tsing Yi, Sun Xiaofu had a bad premonition, and suddenly said with a gloomy face: "You said that as long as we hand over the super-premium Maya gem, you will let us go. Now, I will give the super-premium Maya gem I leave the gem to you, please ask your people to retreat."

As he spoke, Sun Xiaofu raised the super-high-quality Mayan gemstone in his hand, and the dazzling golden gemstone emitted bright light in mid-air.

"Why are you warriors from the Mengyue Empire so naive! Haha! Do you think you can survive by handing over the top-quality Mayan gems? You are so naive. To tell you the truth, our Beitian Empire will participate in the Imperial Road this time. Not only do we have to compete for resources, but we also need to hunt warriors from other countries. By hunting warriors from other countries, we can also get certain points. In other words, we want the resources, and we also want your lives. Do you understand? So, Do you think we will let you go? Hahahaha!"

The young man in green laughed even louder.

The hundreds of warriors from the Beitian Empire also burst into laughter.


"You went back on your word!"

Sun Xiaofu's face was pale and his body was shaking slightly.

He didn't expect that these warriors were so dishonest!
  I and others are willing to hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems to them, but they still refuse to let me and others go!

Zhong Lijun and Xiang Anhe also looked pale at this moment.

They're angry, they're regretful.

But are these useful?


On the side, Ji Hongru sneered. He had already guessed this result, so he was not angry at all, let alone afraid. The worst he could do was die. What was he afraid of?
  When Sun Xiaofu and others decided to hand over the super-high-quality Mayan gems, he had already made preparations, so Ji Hongru said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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